Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2463: Ancient Turtle

In the heaven and earth inside the mountain and river tripod, a dragon yuan floats and sinks in the vast void, and nine dragon shadows are walking upstream of the dragon yuan, which is the nine-way emperor dragon pattern.

Each imperial dragon pattern revealed a powerful aura that could crush the sky and the void. Even if it was sealed by the Daoist Chaos Grand Meng Dao, the aura that came out still made Gu Fei's heart palpitating.

Even Shanhe Ding couldn't completely isolate the breath of that Emperor Jilongyuan.


The void was shaking, and the void around Huangji Longyuan was rippling like water waves. If it weren't for the power of mountains and rivers to seal the square void, the place where Huangji Longyuan was located would definitely be broken.

Such a powerful Long Yuan is unbearable even for the heavens and the earth, and the emancipation of the dragon is enough to smash the void and turn a region into chaos.


In the mountain and river tripod, that wretched little old man was laughing, Huangji Longyuan, this is a complete dragon yuan left by the ancient Ancestral Dragon.

Gu Fei was also jealous when he saw that Long Yuan. You must know that this Long Yuan was stronger than the immortal divinity contained in the Immortal God of the ancestor he had obtained in the Demon Cave of Sunset that day.

You know, the ancient Ancestral Dragon is an innate beast bred from heaven and earth. It is extremely powerful. It used to be the overlord of the world.

However, the immortal body in the Falling Sun Devil's Cave was murdered by the Falling Demon Ancestor before he was born. Compared with the Emperor Longyuan, the original power of the God Ancestor is much inferior.

No wonder this guy doesn't like the origins of the ancestors, and this makes him cheaper.

Gu Fei knew that the original power of the **** ancestor wanted to be completely refined and absorbed by himself, and he didn't know how long it would take. Although he was jealous, he didn't have any thoughts about Huangji Longyuan.

Moreover, this time, he got seven quasi-immortality medicines. Seven quasi-immortality medicines were equivalent to one undead medicine. Such a gain was not small.

"Haha, brat, you're lucky, I'm in a good mood, I will give you this shrine."

The little old man smiled and said that he is a **** in the mountain and river tripod. If it is a supreme-level existence, since the Emperor Longyuan can be taken away, he can naturally also take away this shrine.

However, Gu Fei knew that this shrine was not so easy to take away, because the ancient ancestor dragon must have left his own exclusive mark in this shrine.

Of course, if Shanheding was willing to make a move, it would be another matter.

"Hehe, thank you so much."

Gu Fei was a little depressed. He knew that there was such a good thing. Then what Shanheding did before had become unnecessary.

In fact, what Gu Fei didn’t know was that even if Shanhe Ding had the ability to erase the mark belonging to the ancient ancestor dragon in the shrine, he would not be able to get the magic weapon in the Tibetan military pavilion, and even more difficult to obtain the **** in the medicine field medicine.

The seal under the Zulong cloth is not that simple.

Shanhe Ding did not hesitate, and immediately started to act. Soon, an ancient tripod rose from the palace and floated above the sky.

A powerful aura that frightened the heavens spread from the ancient tripod, the strongest sealing power erupted, and a series of chaotic sacred lines rushed out of the mountain and river tripod, and then imprinted into the palace. in.

At this moment, a golden light emerged from the center of the shrine, and among the golden light, a dragon shadow was looming.

That was the mark of the ancient Ancestral Dragon, extremely powerful, the dragon-shaped Dao pattern revealed a powerful imperial power, and Gu Fei couldn't help changing his color.

There was no suspense in the next thing, Shanheding showed his might, sealed the ancestral mark with the power of Chaos and Hongmeng, and then wiped it out.

After the Zulong brand was obliterated by the power of the mountain and river, Gu Fei sensitively sensed that the aura of the entire shrine had become a little different.


At this moment, the whole underwater shrine actually moved, which shocked Gu Fei to the extreme.


Even Shanhe Ding was a little surprised, the wretched little old man walked out of Shanhe Ding, and then seriously felt something.

At this time, an extremely powerful breath of life revived under the divine palace, as if an ancient savage beast was awakening from a deep sleep.

"Good guy, it's the stone turtle..."

The little old man transformed from the gods in the mountain and river tripod said in shock.

Gu Fei heard this and felt incredible. The ancient Ancestral Dragon’s shrine was built on a huge stone turtle, but he never expected that the stone turtle was not a dead object, but a head. An extremely powerful creature.

At this time, the stone tortoise was undergoing amazing changes. The stone skin outside the stone tortoise was cracking and then fell off, and two huge eyes appeared on the dim seabed.


The stone tortoise revived, rising to the sky and roaring, terrifying fluctuations swept out in all directions, and the deep seabed suddenly became chaotic, directly affecting the sea.

Above the sea, huge waves were set off, and a powerful and terrifying breath came from the depths of the seabed. The sky over the sea suddenly changed color, and the sun and the moon were dark.


There were waves of thunder in the depths of the sky, which was a sign that the power of scourge was about to come.

In the depths of the seabed, the giant tortoise carrying the dragon palace seemed to have sensed the existence of the power of scourge, and it was the first time that he sealed his cultivation.

In the shrine, Gu Fei was shocked to the extreme. This giant tortoise is definitely the longest living giant tortoise in the world. You know, the age of the ancient ancestor dragon is very far away.

"Ancient turtle."

Gu Fei sensed the monstrous breath of life and had to move his face. This kind of life has been flexible for endless years. It is absolutely super antique and terrifying.

He had already guessed that it was Shanhe Ding who wiped out the mark of the avenue belonging to the ancestral dragon in the Dragon Palace, and then the ancient turtle was able to recover.

At this time, the ancient tortoise carried the shrine and rose towards the sea. Soon, above the sea, a shrine broke through the water.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, he directly opened Inner Heaven and Earth, and took the shrine and the ancient turtle into Inner Heaven and Earth.

The ancient turtle did not resist, letting Gu Fei take it into the inner world.

A huge divine tortoise, carrying a divine palace, appeared in Gu Fei's divine soil. This shocking scene shocked all the creatures in the divine soil.

"this is……"

People from the Meng clan rushed over, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw a huge turtle carrying a shrine crawling in the mountains.

Soon, the three emperors of the undead clan also came, and such a scene shocked the three undead emperors to the extreme.

The figures of other powerful creatures were also looming in the distance, all staring nervously at the behemoth crawling in the mountains.

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