Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2464: Xeon Sea Beast

The ancient tortoise appeared in Gu Fei's inner world, the whole sacred soil shook, and countless creatures were shocked, all shocked to the extreme.

"what is that……"

The old patriarch of the Meng clan stood on top of a mountain and watched this scene dumbfounded. The tortoise crawling in the mountains in front of him was much larger than those mountains.

Moreover, above the tortoise, there is a shrine, a shrine filled with spiritual energy and divine light circulating.

"I felt the breath of Master..."

Meng Long stood behind the old patriarch of the Meng clan. He was an introductory disciple received by Gu Zhong, his eldest disciple, and his disciple.

On the top of the mountain stood a dozen important figures of the Meng clan.

"It's the Lord..."

In the other direction, above the sky, a black cloud appeared, condensed from the evil spirit full of death aura, and three figures were looming in the black cloud.

The bodies of these three figures all exudes a palpable breath of death, these are the three undead emperors under Gu Fei.

The three undead emperors can be said to be the first creatures to follow Gu Fei. In this divine soil, the three undead emperors are constantly practicing, and their cultivation bases are extremely powerful.

At this time, Gu Fei held the mountain and river tripod in his hand, rushed out of the shrine carried by the ancient tortoise, and landed on a mountain.

The three undead emperors rushed over and bowed to ancient flying.

"See the Lord."

The three undead emperors did not dare to neglect, and directly bowed down to Gu Fei.

"Well, get up."

Gu Fei waved his hand, and then said.

"Thank you, Lord."

The three undead emperors stood up as they said.


The ancient tortoise was still crawling forward slowly, wherever it passed, the sky and the earth were shaking. This tortoise was really too huge, and one claw was as huge as a mountain.

This ancient tortoise crawled directly towards the depths of this divine soil.

At this time, the people of the Meng clan also rushed over and bowed to the ancient flying.

"Master, did you catch this giant tortoise."

Meng Long said to Gu Fei with great respect that the person he admired most was Gu Fei.

"you could put it that way."

Gu Fei nodded and said that it was he who took the initiative to collect the ancient turtle into the inner world, but he also knew that if this ancient tortoise resisted, it would not be a thing to collect it into the inner world. Easy thing.

"Master Patriarch is really amazing. I don't know when Master Zu will have such a cultivation level."

Meng Long said with a look of admiration.

"Cultivation hard, you will also have the opportunity to become the strongest in this world."

Gu Fei reached out and touched Meng Long's head and said.

"Well, you all leave, do whatever you want."

Gu Fei said to everyone.

"It's the Lord."

Everyone hurriedly responded, and then all retreated. Even Meng Long left with the old patriarch of the Meng clan.

Gu Fei dismissed the crowd, soared into the sky, and flew into the depths of this divine soil. Here is the divine soil in the divine soil, the spiritual energy is so strong that it is almost liquefied.

Several sacred springs of life are dotted in the mountains, where auspicious clouds are lingering, aura is looming, and the figures of fairy birds and beasts loom in the mountains.

However, in the area near the Divine Spring of Life, there are countless elixir growing. Here, elixir can be seen everywhere, even magical medicine.

The land nourished by the spiritual energy of the spring of life is most suitable for the growth of elixir and magical medicine.

In the outside world, only the place where the spiritual energy converges can there be elixir growth. If you want to find the elixir, you have to enter the mountain to find the land of the immortals.

And Gu Fei, the depths of Inner Heaven and Earth, within a radius of thousands of miles, is a land of fairy spirits, and the area where the few springs of life are located is a rare treasure in the world.

If there is no accident, after endless years, innate creatures may be born here.

Gu Fei patrolled the depths of the sacred soil. He saw the Zulong Immortal Medicine haunting the Shenquan, bathing in the water of the Shenquan of Life, and saw the seven quasi-immortal medicines lingering in the heavens and the earth.

In the end, the ancient divine tortoise came to the largest divine spring of life in this divine soil and stopped, then remained motionless and fell asleep.

However, Gu Fei could feel that the spirit of the heavens and the earth around the ancient tortoise was gradually being absorbed by the ancient tortoise, but this process was very slow.

The ancient tortoise was sealed by the ancient Ancestral Dragon Town for endless years, even if it did not die, it also hurt its vitality, and needed to swallow the essence of heaven and earth to gradually restore the damaged vitality.

"It's time to go back."

Standing on the mountain peak, Gu Fei looked towards the sky, his eyes became very deep, and then he directly opened the inner world and walked out.

At this time, the sea was turbulent, the sky and the earth were dim, black clouds fell from the sky, and dazzling lightning flashes continuously among the black clouds.

A storm is coming.

Gu Fei appeared above this sea area, frowning when he saw this scene, and then, he was about to leave and return to Luoxingzhou.

However, at this moment, a huge tentacle was silent, broke through the sea surface without warning, and rushed out, winding towards Gu Fei in the sky.


Gu Fei was taken aback, and then stepped directly on the Bahuang Steps, instantly disappearing in place, avoiding the past.


The huge tentacles passed across the sky, smashing the void, and directly crushing the place where Gu Fei was originally, and the Chaos Qi was beaten out.

"What a strong body."

When Gu Fei saw this, he was also secretly surprised. It turned out that the giant beast in the depths of the sea was shooting. This giant beast was extremely powerful and could not be compared with ordinary sea beasts.


Another tentacle broke through the water and drew towards Gu Fei, like a huge whip like a mountain, wherever it passed, there was a sharp piercing sound in the void.

"I'm afraid you won't make it."

Gu Fei yelled, the power of chaos in his body was mighty, he did not evade this time, directly blasted at the drawn tentacles with a punch, and the powerful force made the entire void shake.


With a loud noise, Gu Fei hit the tentacles with a punch, and the tentacles as large as mountains were blasted away by him.


A deep roar came out from the deep sea, and the sea shook violently, setting off a monstrous wave, and a powerful and fierce aura came up from the deep sea.

"I want to see what this guy is."

Gu Fei was whispering. He stared at the sea below. The sea beast was quickly approaching the sea, and huge tentacles stretched out from the sea.

A huge black shadow appeared under the sea, and the giant beast was about to emerge from the sea.

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