Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2465: Let's fight!

The sea churned, the big waves rolled up to the sky, and the giant beast of the deep sea was finally about to appear, even Gu Fei was a little nervous.

You know, this sea beast is different. Even the seal of the Sea Dragon Palace dared to attack. This powerful existence of absolute quasi-superior level, such an existence, in the human world, is almost invincible.

However, before the power of the Heavenly Scourge in the human world disappears, even if it is as strong as the Quasi-Supreme, he must use secret methods to seal his own cultivation base and dare not challenge the power of the Scourge.

In this way, even if this sea beast had a quasi-extreme level of cultivation base, Gu Fei didn't care, this sea beast was definitely a good opponent.


A strong breath came out from the sea, and above the sea, huge tentacles as large as mountains stretched out from the sea, and the beast finally appeared.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, only to see a huge head exposed on the sea, that was the head of an octopus.

However, under the octopus's head, there was a human body, and a giant beast with a human octopus head stood up from the sea.


The giant beast snarled up to the sky, and the sound shattered the dark clouds in the sky. It opened its mouth and sucked, and the endless lightning was directly swallowed into its body.

Gu Fei only felt tight on his body, and he was also enveloped by that powerful swallowing force, and his back could not help but flew towards the huge mouth.

"Hmph, you want to swallow me, do you have this ability."

Gu Fei said in a deep voice, and then stroked his hands in front of him, a wave of power immediately spread from his hands, and countless runes loomed in the void.

The swallowing power that came out of the octopus monster's mouth was immediately resolved by Gu Fei. With Gu Fei as the center, within a radius of a thousand feet, the wind was calm.

"Human Race, call out that shrine, I can let you leave."

A voice rang in Gu Fei's heart, and the octopus monster was transmitting to Gu Fei.

"I can leave at any time, can you stop it."

Gu Fei said blankly, he rose directly into the sky, and came to the high sky, looking at the octopus monster below indifferently and indifferently.

"act recklessly."

The octopus monster was furious, and eight tentacles rushed out of the sky at once and drew towards Gu Fei. Each tentacles was bigger than a mountain. Above the tentacles, there were runes circulating.

This octopus monster used the power of the Great Dao as soon as it shot.

Of course, this kind of power has not broken through the boundaries of the world. Although it is infinitely close to the holy order, it is not the power of the real holy order.

If the human world didn't have the power of Heaven's Scourge, Gu Fei would naturally turn around and leave when encountering such a powerful opponent. You must know that Quasi-Supreme was extremely powerful, and he could not deal with it.

And it takes time to use the sacred artifacts of the Extreme Dao. When the sacred artifacts of the Extreme Dao recovered, he didn't know how many times he had died.


When the eight tentacles were drawn, Gu Fei's body shook, and the void shook, and a cloud of chaotic light rushed out of him, and those eight huge tentacles directly drew the chaotic light outside him. Above the hood.

The power of chaos erupted, and the huge tentacles were directly shaken away by Gu Fei's bodyguard god.


Gu Fei killed directly, took one step, and instantly appeared above the octopus monster's head, and then stepped down, powerful force fell from his right foot, and the entire void under his foot Collapsing.

This is a martial arts combat technique with eight moves, eight moves and eight moves.

The octopus monster was taken aback. It didn't seem to think that this little human race would be so powerful, but when it discovered it, it was a bit late.

At this time, a tentacle of the octopus monster turned into a big hand, slapped upwards, and greeted Gu Fei's right foot.


A loud noise, a palm as big as a mountain, resisted Gu Fei's right leg, and two powerful forces collided.

This is a weird scene. The big hand formed by the octopus monster's tentacles hits more than the mountains, blocking the sky, and Gu Fei's whole person is too small compared to this big hand.

However, it was such a small human race, but it resisted this huge hand.

"There is still some ability."

Gu Fei said that he took the second step. The terrifying power was generated under his feet, and then burst out. The endless runes under his feet were looming and intertwined, as if a chaotic sun appeared on his. Under the feet, the strong power directly shattered the void.

Eight kill steps, eight steps and eight kills, the power of the second step is at least twice as powerful as the first step, while the power of the third step is several times stronger than the second step, and the power will be doubled.

When Gu Fei took the second step, the big hands formed by the octopus monster's tentacles suddenly exploded, and the flesh and blood flew across the sky, like a **** rain in the air.

At this level of cultivation, every drop of blood contains powerful power, and the quasi-supreme flesh and blood is already comparable to a magical medicine to some extent.


The octopus monster roared and shook the sky, and a series of spatial cracks burst out in the surrounding void, spreading towards the distance, like a series of black lightning.

"Human, you angered me."

The octopus monster staggered back a few steps, and the big hand that was exploded by Gu Fei's foot was quickly repairing, and all the bones and flesh that flew away flew back.

The big hand reorganized instantly, as if he had never been injured.

"What if you anger you."

Gu Fei was a little funny. Could this big guy stay on the bottom of the sea for a long time and become stupid? Since he is an enemy, he will meet life and death, and why he has to talk so much nonsense.

"Do you still want to say that the consequences are serious."

Gu Fei continued.


The octopus monster was furious, and among the two huge eyes, there was a fierce and fierce light, and the fierce aura was mighty, and **** rays appeared around it.

"Whatever you do, hit if you want, and I will leave if you don't."

Gu Fei looked at the octopus monster and said impatiently.

"go to hell."

The octopus monster was angry, a powerful force erupted from its body, its body was rapidly shrinking, and then rushed towards Gu Fei.

"Hey, that's interesting."

Gu Fei smiled, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow, his long hair went without wind, and then he directly greeted the octopus monster that was rushing.


The two fists slammed into each other fiercely, and the powerful force exploded, the vast void instantly collapsed, and the two figures quickly crossed.

Quasi-Sovereign's physical body was extremely powerful, and it was able to compete with Gu Fei's chaotic immortal martial arts, which surprised Gu Fei a little.

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