Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2466: Wu Ti Wushuang

The existence of the quasi-superior level is different from the general holy rank powerhouse, this kind of existence has already touched that level, it can be said that it has surpassed the shackles of the holy rank.

The body of this octopus monster is undoubtedly extremely powerful, able to contend with Gu Fei's chaotic and immortal martial arts, with great power in every gesture.

However, what Gu Fei didn't know was that at this moment, the octopus monster was much more shocked than him. It was unimaginable for the octopus monster to be so powerful.

The quasi-sovereign-level body is definitely the most powerful body in the human world, and even the existence of the holy-sovereign level can't bear one's own punch.

However, this little human race is not only not a holy lord, even a great saint, but the physical body is so strong that it is against the sky.

The octopus monster even sensed the faint breath of immortality from Gu Fei's body. Such a breath can only appear on the Supreme.

"Is this guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

The octopus monster became more frightened as it fought. It witnessed this human race entering the Sea Dragon Palace and then took it away. It also sensed the extreme aura erupting in the Sea Dragon Palace.

In fact, when Gu Fei appeared in this sea area, this octopus monster had already sensed the existence of Gu Fei and Shanhe Ding.

The reason why this octopus monster has not shot, has been watching coldly, but wants to see if this human race can break the seal of the underwater dragon palace.

The octopus monsters who thought they were in his control, never thought that the Sea Dragon Palace, which he had guarded for endless years, would be taken away by this human race.

It couldn't figure out why this little human race had such an ability to take away the underwater dragon palace. You know, in those endless years, creatures much stronger than this human race found here, and all Returning without success, it is impossible to break the Dragon Palace seal.


The dull collision sound continued, and the figures of Gu Fei and the octopus monster moved quickly over the sea, and the sea surface continued to burst into space cracks like black lightning.

The self-healing power of space is very strong, and the shattered void will be repaired by the power of the laws of heaven and earth in an instant.

"How can your physical body be so strong."

As the octopus monster shot, he said in a deep voice, Gu Fei's physique was beyond common sense, which made it difficult to understand.

"What does it matter to you."

Gu Fei separated a punch from the octopus monster, and then said, while speaking, his right leg swept out and kicked towards the octopus monster.

However, the eight tentacles of this octopus monster all turned into arms, and the eight arms danced together, which gave Gu Fei a feeling that his fists were hard to beat.


After a long battle, Gu Fei was punched on his left shoulder by the octopus monster, and his whole body flew away involuntarily, and there was a pain in his shoulder.

"it is good."

Gu Fei stabilized his figure, his eyes shot fiercely at the octopus monster who had come to the attack, and he hadn't felt pain for a long time.

This octopus monster is definitely a rare opponent.

Of course, Gu Fei also knew that if it weren't for the power of the Scourge, which sealed this octopus monster with a quasi-superior level cultivation base, he could not be the opponent of this octopus monster.

No matter how Gu Fei was against the sky, the gulf between Saint Emperor and Quasi-Supreme was absolutely insurmountable, even if Gu Fei mastered the Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao.

But now, neither he nor the octopus monster can use the cultivation base above the holy rank, and can only suppress their own cultivation base to the limit state allowed by the human world.

In this way, Gu Fei had the confidence to fight the octopus monster.


The aura on Gu Fei's body suddenly soared, and a chaotic divine light emerged from his body. The next moment, he turned into three heads and six arms.

"You have eight hands, I have six arms, let's see who is stronger."

Gu Fei roared and rushed up, fighting with the octopus monster, fierce.

Fighting with six arms and eight hands, the whole world was shaking, and the void collapsed and shattered where the two figures passed, turning into holes in space.

The power of the two powerhouses is too strong, they don't use the power of the holy rank, but the confrontation between the physical bodies easily penetrates the void of heaven and earth.

"Three heads and six arms, this is..."

The octopus monster was shocked. It lived for endless years. It was enlightened in the ancient times, and its knowledge is extraordinary. This kind of magic seems to be a kind of magical magic bred in the world.

At this time, Gu Fei used three heads and six arms to double his combat power, and immediately reversed his disadvantages, forcing the octopus monster to constantly retreat.

"Return this punch to you."

Gu Fei was incomparably powerful. After his fists shook the octopus monster's attack, another fist instantly blasted onto the octopus monster's chest, and a sound of bones breaking instantly came out of the octopus monster's body.


The octopus vomited blood and flew away.

"What are you?"

Gu Fei stepped forward, and there were Dao patterns appearing under his feet, and the distance between him and the octopus monster shrank in an instant, as if walking through the void, reaching the limit.

Just one step forward, he forced him to the front of the octopus monster. This was not the eight-step extreme speed, but the great skill he obtained from the great desolate **** ape, shrinking a thousand mountains footwork.

This kind of great technique can show extreme speed. If you cultivate this great technique to the highest level, you can leave thousands of mountains behind with just one step.


Gu Fei didn't hesitate, six fists blasted out with all their strength, six strong punches broke out, and the void in front of his fists broke apart in the first time.

Without any suspense, this kind of supreme power, even as strong as the octopus monster, couldn't help but move, and then quickly backed away, not daring to confront it head-on.

The octopus monster was knocked into the air again, vomiting blood.

"Impossible, how could I lose."

It was difficult for the octopus monster to accept the fact that he was actually defeated by a small human race, which made it depressed to vomit three mouthfuls of blood.


The octopus monster tried its best to stabilize its figure, and then yelled at the sky, nine blood-colored Dao patterns appeared on its body, it was going to fight Gu Fei desperately.

However, at this moment, the six big hands directly grabbed from six directions, sealing the whole world, and each big hand revealed terrifying power fluctuations.

The octopus monster, who was about to fight Gu Fei desperately, was caught by six big hands, and the whole bones didn't know how many broke in an instant, and the strength that had just gathered was directly broken up.

"This is the ancient magic ape's great technique..."

It finally recognized the secret technique that Gu Fei had displayed. Although it was unwilling to do so, it could hardly change anything. It never expected that it would defeat so thoroughly.


The octopus monster roared, and a ray of blood rushed out from its head, directly shattered into the void and escaped into the chaos.

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