Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2467: Wild island

Gu Fei used the great technique derived from the Great Desolate God Ape to show the power of the unparalleled martial arts and defeated the extremely powerful octopus monster.

However, the octopus monster caught by Gu Fei with the star picker and moon hand directly shattered the heavenly spirit, broke through the void, and the soul escaped into the chaos for the first time.

"Human, I will definitely come back to find you."

At the moment the octopus monster's soul disappeared into the chaos, a voice rang in Gu Fei's heart.

Gu Fei couldn't help but move his face when he heard the words, because he knew that the seals placed by the ancient supreme would soon collapse. When the time comes, the power of the condemnation disappears, and this octopus monster has no scruples and can return as the quasi supreme.


Gu Fei shook his head. At this time, the corpse of the octopus monster showed its original shape. A huge scarlet octopus was floating in the air, and each of the eight tentacles was larger than the mountain.

Even though he had died, the Qi and blood in his body were still extremely strong, and the power of the source had not dissipated.

Naturally, Gu Fei would not miss such a corpse with powerful strength inside. He took out the Shanhe Cauldron and collected the corpse of the octopus monster into the Shanhe Cauldron.

Quasi-Supreme's flesh and blood is definitely a great medicine in the world. It is no worse than the superb magic medicine. It is extremely precious and can be used to refine medicine.

You know, not everyone can get Quasi-Supreme's essence and blood, this kind of existence is extremely powerful, and every drop of essence and blood contains huge essence.

"Well, it's time to go back."

Although he had provoked a great enemy, Gu Fei's harvest was not small, seven quasi-immortality medicines, a dragon palace built by ancient ancestor dragon, and a quasi-supreme body.

Any of these three things can cause a sensation in the Tenglong Ancestral Cultivation World, and any one of them can make everyone jealous.

Especially the seven quasi-immortality medicines and the ancient ancestor dragon's shrine, these two things, even saints will break their heads, let alone ordinary monks.

Gu Fei directly showed the eight-step extreme speed. Every step he took would disappear instantly, but when he reappeared, he would be thousands of miles away.

At such a speed, I am afraid that even the ancient Golden-winged Roc can't catch him.

After Gu Fei left the sea area where the Dragon Palace was originally located, he walked all the way east. He walked all the way, but found that there were few islands in this sea area, and the view was full of vast seas.

Until he walked 100,000 miles away, he finally sensed the existence of the breath of life.

It is an island, a huge island, lush and full of life, and not far from the coast is the original old forest.

When Gu Fei stepped on this island, a huge roar came out of the primitive old forest.

This beast roar sounded, and countless big birds flew out of the primitive old forest. There was a great chaos in the mountain forest, and many fierce beasts fled in all directions.


At this time, the depths of the primitive old forest shook, and a whirlpool appeared in the depths of the primitive old forest. The countless large birds that flew out of the primitive old forest were immediately swallowed by a powerful swallowing force into the whirlpool.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this scene, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He vaguely saw a large mouth behind the whirlpool, swallowing countless big birds.

There was an extremely powerful savage beast eating, swallowing countless big birds in one bite, not even leaving a single feather.

Gu Fei stood on a mountain next to the coast. Although he saw this scene, he did not see what the brutal beast that devoured countless big birds was.

While Gu Fei was pondering, there was a sudden sound of water on the sea, and he saw silver bone spurs rising from the sea, and a silver monster was approaching the coast.

Soon, the big silver guy walked out of the sea.

I saw that this was a lizard whose whole body was covered with a thick layer of silver scale armor. However, unlike ordinary lizards, there was a row of thick bone spurs on the back of this lizard.

Gu Fei counted. There were 18 bone spurs on the back of the lizard. The bone spurs near the head and tail were shorter than the middle bone spurs.

After this big guy crawled out of the sea, he went directly into the primitive old forest. Wherever he went, the trees continued to fall, and even the towering old tree was directly broken when hit by the big guy's claws.

There was chaos in the mountains again.

"How come there are so many such powerful savage beasts on this island."

Gu Fei couldn't help muttering to himself as he watched the big lizard sold in the primitive old forest.

Of course, this savage beast poses no threat to him. You must know that even the octopus monster is not his opponent, let alone these savage beasts.

However, for ordinary monks, these brutal beasts are definitely a nightmare existence.

Just as Gu Fei was about to go deep into the island, and when he looked over it, a loud eagle sounded from the distance, and a golden shadow flashed across the distance and sank into the depths of the island.

"Could it be that the legendary Golden-winged Roc bird is still entrenched here."

When Gu Fei saw the golden figure disappearing in the depths of the island, his face couldn't help becoming a little dignified. The Golden Winged Roc Bird was an extremely powerful and fierce bird in ancient times.

Above the heavens, there is still the existence of the Golden Winged Roc clan, but among the Golden Winged Roc clan in the heavens, there are no pure-blooded Golden Winged Roc.

Gu Fei vaguely felt that there might be some secrets hidden in this island.


He rose directly from the top of the mountain and stepped into the sky toward the depths of the island. He only took a few steps and disappeared at the end of the sky.

Gu Fei walked all the way and saw what he saw was all wild scenes. There were huge wild beasts roaring and shook the world; there were also powerful wild beasts fighting, and the entire mountain forest was shaking.

Above the sky, there are fierce birds haunting from time to time.

In the mountains, wild beasts were rampant, and the fierce birds in the sky raged. Entering such an island made Gu Fei feel as if he had returned to the Primordial Land.


Just as Gu Fei flew over a lake, a huge roar came out from the lake, and then a huge figure burst out of the water and pounced towards Gu Fei.

"act recklessly."

Gu Fei didn't evade, he stepped directly down, and an incomparably powerful force was immediately born under his right foot.


He stepped on the head of the savage beast that rushed up from below, and collapsed the head of the savage beast directly.

An extremely powerful savage beast was directly trampled to death by Gu Fei. The huge corpse fell from the sky into the lake, and the blood stained the lake red.

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