Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2468: Ancient Mythical Beast Teng Serpent

On an incomparably huge island, wild beasts were rampant and ferocious birds raged, like a reappearance of the ancient prehistoric world, which shocked Gu Fei.

After he stomped a giant beast to death, he stopped. The body of the giant beast fell into the big lake below, and the lake was stained red with blood.

It was a Tengjiao. This creature belonged to the class of flood dragons, but unlike ordinary flood dragons, Tengjiao had two divine wings on its back, which could rise into the air and wander between heaven and earth.

This big lake is the territory of Tengjiao. Seeing that there are creatures daring to fly over his head, Tengjiao couldn't help being furious, and wanted to swallow Gu Feisheng in one bite.

But it is a pity that this Tengjiao could not swallow Gu Feisheng, but was smashed by Gu Fei's foot and died.

"This smell..."

Just when Gu Fei wanted to leave here, he suddenly smelled a very light scent in the void. It was a kind of medicinal fragrance. Even the very light medicinal fragrance made Gu Fei feel refreshed. a feeling of.

Gu Fei discovered that there was a small island in the big lake below, and that medicinal fragrance was spread from the small island in the middle of the lake.

"Unexpectedly, there is a rare magic medicine growing here."

Gu Fei was a little surprised. It is not surprising that there is a magic medicine in the wild island, because the island is full of vitality, and the concentration of aura is much stronger than that of ordinary places.

Moreover, Gu Fei sensed that there were strong spiritual energy fluctuations in several places on this island.


Gu Fei descended from the sky and landed on an island in the middle of the lake.

"this is……"

When he saw the magical medicine, Gu Fei was taken aback, because the magical medicine actually took root in the eye of the fire in the middle of the small island in the lake.

It was a fire eye with a radius of only about ten feet. Inside the fire eye was tumbling lava, and that magical medicine, rooted in the magma, was vomiting pure earth veins.

"Water and fire coexist, this place..."

Gu Fei couldn't help being moved. It seemed that the Tengjiao was entrenched here not because of the magical medicine in the eyes of the fire. This place was incredible, but a treasure of Yin and Yang.

Water is yin and fire is yang. In the big lake, there is a fire eye, yin and yang blend and nurture good fortune. That Tengjiao wants to get the **** of good fortune bred from this precious place.

The magical medicine rooted in the fire eye is a rare fire lotus. I am afraid that this fire lotus has been growing in the fire eye for at least thousands of years. Although it is only a foot high, it contains the fire spirit. Very powerful.

Around Huoyan, there was a simple formation under the turmoil cloth. Such a formation was hardly impossible for Gu Fei. He easily erased the Dao pattern imprinted around Huoyan, and then stepped in.

Gu Fei came directly to the sky above Huoyan, and then stretched out his hand to pick off the fire lotus.

Just when his palm was about to touch the fire lotus rooted in the magma, his heart suddenly moved. At this moment, a red flame broke through the magma and pierced his brow.


Gu Fei tilted his head to avoid the flame, and then grabbed the flame with his right hand. It was a tail like a scarlet spear, covered with scarlet scales, emitting bursts of heat. .

"Come out to me."

Gu Fei shouted, and directly pulled out the creature hidden in the magma. At the same time, he stretched out his left hand and directly picked the fire lotus rooted in the magma.


An angry roar sounded, and a huge savage beast was directly pulled out of the magma by Gu Fei.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei saw this savage beast hiding under the magma, he couldn't help being taken aback. It turned out to be a big red snake with wings on its back and no claws.

"how is this possible……."

Gu Fei's heart trembled. This big snake with wings on its back had a great background, but it was one of the ancient twelve beasts.

At this moment, the Teng Snake whose tail was caught by Gu Fei had turned its back and opened its mouth to bite Gu Fei's bite. The sharp teeth in that mouth were heart palpitating.

This brutal beast pulled out by Gu Fei from the magma fire eye is exactly the same as the Teng Snake, one of the ancient twelve beasts. This made Gu Fei dare not neglect, and his right hand shook directly, and the great power burst out, and the brutal beast It shook.

In this way, this brutal beast could not bite Gu Fei.


The savage beast was struggling, his roar was earth-shaking, and the entire mountain shook in its roar, and an almost transparent red sacred fire emerged from its body, trying to burn Gu Fei to death.

In the almost transparent red sacred fire, there is a faint Dao pattern looming. This is a Dao fire, which can burn all things in the world, and even the void will be twisted and deformed, and then annihilated.

However, Gu Fei completely ignored this kind of fire, and directly grabbed the tail of this wild beast and danced it.

"go with."

Gu Fei yelled, loosened his hand, and threw the wild beast in his hand towards a mountain by the lake.


With a loud noise, the crimson beast directly hit the mountain, the towering peak broke off from it, and then fell from the sky.


The dust was flying, and the troubled times were in the sky, the wild beast directly smashed a mountain peak, and then was buried under the rock.

"Isn't it the legendary snake."

Gu Fei was a little stunned to see this scene. You must know that each of the twelve great beasts of the ancient times is peerlessly powerful, and will definitely not be so weak.

Just as Gu Fei was pondering, among the rocks on the lakeside, there was a lot of fire, and the rocks and soil were melting, and then turned into magma.

An extremely powerful fire force was erupting, countless rocks turned into a "magma lake", and a big red snake with wings on its back crawled out of the "magma lake".


The red snake's wings vibrated and immediately turned into a flame, rushing towards Gu Fei, the speed made Gu Fei couldn't help being moved.

This savage beast is really angry. It is the king within thousands of miles. The Tengjiao is just a savage beast that it uses to look at the door. This little creature dared to offend himself and took his guard. A miraculous medicine for thousands of years, this makes it crazy.


Teng Snake rushed over with murderous aura, and opened his mouth to spout a sacred fire from the Great Dao. The fire instantly enveloped the entire sky, turning the sky over the big lake into a sea of ​​fire.

In the fire, flame-shaped Dao patterns loomed, radiating terrifying heat, and annihilated the collapse of the void burning, terrifying.

"The Great Yang Dao Fire derived from the place where Yin and Yang meet."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, his eyes lit up, and at the same time a layer of chaotic divine light emerged from his body. In the chaotic divine light, a faint golden light flashed.

Zhiyang Daohuo, which came from all directions, was immediately blocked by the divine light emerging from Gu Fei, making it difficult to get close.

(Liang San’s new book "Shen Huang" is fat, and Shu Huang's friends can come to the 17K Chinese website to start butcher, ha ha,)

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