Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2481: Join the WTO

The Kunpeng Palace disappeared, everyone felt incredible. You must know why the Kunpeng Palace disappeared when the mountains and rivers were closed. It was incredible.

"how can that be……"

Even the unold demon boy and other sage-level existences were stunned when they saw the empty hills. Could it be that Kunpeng Palace could escape under the seal of Shanheding.

However, the fact is the fact. In the entire Kunpeng clan's ancestral land, no one from the Kunpeng clan can be seen, and all the magical medicine in the medicine field has been transplanted away.

There is no magical material or spiritual thing in the treasure house of the Kunpeng clan.

To everyone's shock, the ancestral veins of the Kunpeng clan were all removed, and the concentration of aura in the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan was rapidly declining.

The ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan has been evacuated.

All the strong men who attacked the Kunpeng clan were directly dumbfounded at this scene. No one thought that the Kunpeng clan would go so thoroughly, and all the things that could be taken away were taken away.

"The Kunpeng clan is not easy."

Gu Fei entered the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan, and when he saw this situation, he couldn't help being moved, and abandoning the ancestral land of the clan, this was not something everyone could do.

You must know that the ancestral land of a race is extremely sacred in this race.

"The Kunpeng Palace is gone."

The old Yaotong and others walked over and said to Gu Fei.

"Kunpeng Palace."

Gu Fei heard the words and moved in his heart. Could it be that Kunpeng Palace was actually an immortal shrine built by the Kunpeng Supreme? I am afraid that only this possibility can explain why Kunpeng clan can easily retreat under the suppression of Shanhe Ding.

The teachers came here, but they did not expect such a result, which made everyone a little unacceptable.

In the end, Gu Fei could only destroy the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan with a palm, because the ancestral land of the Kunpeng clan had no value.

The news of the defeat of the Kunpeng clan quickly spread throughout the Luoxing Continent, and some strong clans that had not expressed their stance to surrender to Gu Fei could not sit still at this time.

Those strong clans do not have the methods of the Kunpeng clan to go against the sky. They don't want to be annihilated. They only choose to surrender. The clan owners of these strong clans personally come to the door and pledge allegiance to Gu Fei.

Since then, the entire Luoxingzhou has been completely controlled by Gu Fei.

Gu Fei unified the overseas forces and eliminated the three major forbidden areas overseas. It can be said that such a record is absolutely unprecedented.

Throughout the ages, since the prehistoric world was broken, no one has been able to unify the overseas forces on the ancestor of Tenglong, but Gu Fei did it.

At this time, even the Immortal Demon Boy, Ziyang Tiandi and others thought that Gu Fei was a man of great fortune, otherwise, how could he dominate overseas.

Next, Gu Fei spent a quiet period of time in the ancestral land of the Demon Race.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. Under Gu Fei's personal punishment, Yaoyue's cultivation has finally caught up, and he has reached the peak realm allowed by the human world.

The reason why Yaoyue's cultivation level has improved so quickly is largely because she obtained the result of Taiyin True Water.

Gu Fei gave Yaoyue the Taiyin True Water he obtained from the wild island, and also helped Yaoyue successfully merge with the Taiyin True Water, so that Yaoyue had cultivated to the pinnacle of the world in just three years.

As long as Yaoyue's cultivation base goes further, her cultivation base can reach the bottom line allowed by the world.

The real water of Taiyin is worthy of being the power of the gods naturally bred by the heaven and the earth. For Yaoyue, who possesses the martial arts of water, it is definitely the treasure of improving cultivation.

If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid it will be difficult to refine the power of Taiyin True Water.

Gu Fei certainly wouldn't favor one or the other, he had brought a Zhiyang true fire from Teng Snake and bestowed it on Chilong, which made Chilong's cultivation more refined, and he was already qualified to attack the holy rank.

However, Chilong was very cautious. He didn't want to hit the holy step so quickly. He was suppressing his own cultivation base and sealed the cultivation base realm in the quasi-sage realm.

As for Yan'er, Gu Fei didn't have anything to give her, because Yan'er already had the most suitable sacred artifact, the Qiankun Ding of Ten Thousand Medicines.

Wanyao Qiankun Ding is no ordinary holy artifact.

On this day, at the top of the moon, Gu Fei and Yan'er were strolling along the lake. The surface of the lake was as calm as a mirror, and the bright moon in the sky reflected on the lake.

The breeze was blowing, whipping their hair.

"Gu Fei, do you like me."

Yan'er, who had been silent for a long time, stopped suddenly and watched Gu Fei say such words. Her eyes were extremely clear, just like when Gu Fei had just met her.

Yan'er has always been an innocent woman, very simple.

"what did you say."

Gu Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this. The relationship between him and Yan'er, separated by a layer of tulle, had not been pierced, but now, Yan'er had said it.

"I mean, do you like me."

Yan'er looked at Gu Fei and said seriously.


This sudden problem caused Gu Fei to feel a little at a loss for a while, not knowing what to do.

If people see Gu Fei's current expression, they must be shocked. You must know that Gu Fei is a peerless and ruthless person in the eyes of those strong overseas.

To level the three fierce lands and unify the three continents, Gu Fei did things that no one could even think of.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

Seeing Gu Fei's hesitation, Yan'er's face showed a look of disappointment, and then turned around to leave.

At this moment, a hand stretched out and grabbed Yan'er's right hand. Then, with a strong pull on this hand, Yan'er fell into a warm embrace.

At this time, the two did not speak any more. At this time, any words seemed redundant.

In the early morning of the next day, Gu Fei and Yan'er left the ancestral land of the Demon Race and walked in Luoxingzhou. They wanted to enter the world to practice, and use this method to improve their cultivation.

Gu Fei and Yan'er didn't tell anyone that their sudden disappearance made everyone in the Demon Race's ancestral land panicked, but soon, everyone's panic subsided.

Even if Gu Fei was in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, no one dared to challenge his authority, and no one dared to rebel.

The immortal Yaotong and the others have Gu Fei's restrictions. If Gu Fei falls, their restrictions will be automatically lifted. Because of this relationship, they all know that Gu Fei is alive and well.

Since Gu Fei is alive and well, who is impatient and dare to rebel.

Gu Fei and Yan'er came to a tribe in the mountain and turned into two mortals, hunting for a living. They lived hard, but they were peaceful and happy.

During the day, Gu Fei picked up the big bow and carried a quiver, walked into the mountain, and hunted back the prey. Every time he entered the mountain, he could retrieve a lot of prey, but it made other hunters envious.

"Daniu's daughter-in-law, your daddy is good at hunting back a lot of prey every time."

When Gu Fei appeared at the mountain pass carrying a huge wild boar weighing hundreds of catties, the few women chatting in front of the wooden house next to Gu Fei said to Yan'er.

These women all envied Yan'er for finding such a powerful man.

Yan'er didn't speak, but fixedly looked at the figure that was approaching.

"Uncle Daniel is back, I have a big meal tonight."

Several little kids rushed out from the wooden house next to them.

"Uncle Daniu, I'll help you carry it"

A snot baby grabbed the tail of the big wild boar and lifted it up vigorously.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Fei laughed.

"Da Niu, good job."

At this time, a few middle-aged people in animal skins chased up from behind Gu Fei. Seeing Gu Fei hunted down a big wild boar, they couldn't help giving him a thumbs up.

Compared to Gu Feilai, these hunters are carrying a few pheasants or two hares in their hands.

"Big Brother Shi, the younger brother is just a little better luck, I just ran into this guy."

Gu Fei said with a smile.

"Haha, if only we had this kind of luck."

Another tanned, thin man said with a smile.

"How about everyone coming over for a drink tonight."

Gu Fei said to several hunters.

"Okay, I still have a jar of good wine in my house. I will get drunk with you tonight."

The big brother Shi with a big beard said loudly.

"If we have wine, why don't we have less."

Said the other two middle-aged hunters.

At this time, the women of several families greeted them, took the prey from their husbands, and returned to their respective wooden houses.

Gu Fei came to his wooden house, and the wild boar he was carrying was still on the ground.

"You're back."

Yan'er came up, took out the towel, and touched the sweat on Gu Fei's forehead.

Soon, women from nearby houses came to help deal with the big wild boar. In front of the wooden house of Gu Fei and Yan'er, a big iron pot was set up, and the few women skillfully unloaded the big wild boar. Eight pieces, the bones were thrown into the big iron pot to make the soup, and then a bonfire was set up next to the big iron pot, and the cut pieces of meat were grilled on the bonfire.

Soon, the smell of meat wafted away.

The people in the mountains are very simple, the relationship between people is also very simple, and they will not intrigue.

Gu Fei proclaimed himself a cultivation base, turned into a mortal, and lived in this tribe under the pseudonym Daniel. Yan'er also proclaimed himself a cultivation base and became Gu Fei's wife.

When night fell, the big brother Shi came in with a wine jar, and then two other hunters also came to Gu Fei's yard.

Everyone had a big bowl of wine, eating and drinking chunks of meat.

Gu Fei enjoys this kind of life very much. This is a brand new experience, truly blending into the most ordinary mortals, and feeling this ordinary and real with heart.

"Brother Daniel, I heard the news that the second generation ancestor seems to have a crush on your daughter-in-law, you have to be careful."

The dark-skinned man suddenly said to Gu Fei.

"What, that silly bastard."

Hearing the words, Big Brother Shi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"You're talking about who is an ineffective bastard."

At this moment, a voice sounded outside the yard, the voice was extremely cold.

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