Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2482: Stomped to death

Outside the courtyard in front of Gu Fei's wooden house, three tall figures stood, their faces looming in the darkness under the reflection of the fire.

"It's you."

Gu Fei and the others who were chatting in the yard were taken aback. The Big Brother Shi recognized who came, and that person was the second generation ancestor of the leader they just said.


The second generation ancestor kicked open the wooden door of the yard directly, and then swaggered into Gu Fei's yard with his two men.

Gu Fei and the others who were sitting around the wooden table by the campfire stood up abruptly and stared at the three uninvited guests.

Brother Shi and the others all showed hostility towards the young man wearing high-grade animal skins and a grinning face of about twenty years old.

"Why, don't you welcome me?"

There was a slight smile on the young man's face, and then he sat down straight beside Mu Zuo, but his two men stood behind him with fierce faces.


Brother Shi and the others took a few steps back, and looked at the young man sitting at the wooden table with caution.

"Tengbao, what are you doing here."

Brother Shi stared at the young man and said coldly, although the other party was the son of the tribal leader, most people in the tribe didn't like this guy.

However, the leader of the tribe has high prestige in this tribe, and he is the only person in this tribe who knows how to cultivate.

The tribal leader is the most powerful person in this tribe.

However, such a respected leader gave birth to a domineering son of the fish and meat tribe.

Because of his old age, although the leader knew what his son was doing, he had no choice but to turn a blind eye to his son's affairs.

"You ask me what I'm doing here, don't you know everything."

The young man said with a wicked smile, and then looked at the wooden house behind everyone.

At this time, Yan'er and others had already entered the wooden house and stayed with the women.

"Don't go too far."

Brother Shi angrily said.

Gu Fei looked at the animal skin youth in front of him with a calm face. Although he was also very angry, he was not worried. This guy was too short-sighted and even provoke him.

He used the alias Daniel, and Yan'er wanted to live a peaceful life, but as long as there are people, there will be all kinds of contradictions. The trees want to be quiet but the wind keeps going.

"Is it too partial, I don't think so."

The young animal skin Tengbao shrugged and said disapprovingly.

"It's too deceiving."

The thin, dark-skinned man gritted his teeth.

"I just want to bully you, what can you do to me."

Tengbao smiled and smiled very happily. He was very fortunate. Fortunately, he has a leader father. It is his father who is the leader. He can do whatever he wants.


Everyone clenched their fists and stared at Tengbao fiercely.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

Seeing everyone wanting to eat themselves, but looking helpless, Tengbao enjoyed all this very much. He just likes to watch these people look helpless and desperate in front of him.

Brother Shi and others wanted to kill this scourge, but they couldn't, because they were a member of this tribe, and their relatives were here.

If you are alone and have nothing to worry about, then you have no scruples. Kill the second generation ancestor and just leave.

But the reality is forcing them not to mess around.

"Since you don't do it, then I will do it."

The animal skin youth looked at the crowd jokingly, and then waved his hand, and the two fierce men standing behind him immediately walked up.


Tengbao only said one word, then got up and walked towards the wooden house, not paying attention to Gu Fei and others.

In his opinion, Gu Fei and the others shouldn't be afraid, his two subordinates are enough to balance these people, because these two subordinates are very good at these things.

"You bastard."

Brother Shi roared, this second generation ancestor is really lawless, so he dared to do such a thing and rob someone else's wife directly.

Listening to the shouts and fights coming from behind, Teng Bao laughed. He even felt a little nervous and liked to see other people's painful and struggling expressions.

"Be careful, I'm here."

Teng Bao directly kicked the wooden door open, and then walked in very proudly.

There was a burst of exclamation in the wooden house. There were only some women and children in the wooden house. They couldn't deal with Teng Bao, a young man full of power.


Soon, a figure smashed into the wooden house, fell out of the wooden house, and fell into the yard.

"Goddamn bastard..."

The people who were knocked to the ground by the two big men were crazy when they saw this scene, their eyes were red, but they were really powerless, and these two big men were not something they could deal with.

However, when they saw it clearly, they were indeed shocked, because the person who broke through the wooden house and fell into the courtyard was not the woman inside, but the second generation ancestor Teng Leopard.

"Little Lord."

The two brawny men saw that Teng Bao was beaten out of the wooden house, and couldn't help being shocked. You know, Teng Bao is the leader's favorite son, and there can be no mistake.

They rushed over quickly.

However, at this moment, a figure walked out of the wooden house. The person in white clothes Shengxue, with a peerless face, she is Yan'er.

"You killed our young master."

When the two strong men saw Teng Leopard lying on the ground, there was no sound, and they were shocked.

If Tengbao died, they could not explain, and the leader would definitely kill them in a rage.

Yan'er didn't speak. At this time, her body revealed an extraordinary temperament, like a fairy from the sky descending into this world.

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect Yan'er to be a hidden master.

"Capture her, otherwise we can't explain."

The two strong men were frightened and angry, and then forced them to Yan'er, with a hideous look on their faces, fierce gleams in their eyes, like two evil wolves showing their teeth to the lamb.

However, the next moment, an unbelievable scene happened. When Yan'er waved his hand, the two strong men immediately flew up, flew out of the yard, and smashed into the low woods outside.

"Hey, it hurts me."

At this moment, Teng Leopard, who was lying in the yard, suddenly moved and groaned painfully. He did not die, but fainted.

"I'm careful."

When Tengbao entered the wooden house just now, he didn't know who was flying and kicked him out. The light in the wooden house was dim, and he did not see who was making the shot.

"Who is your guardian?"

At this time, Gu Fei's voice sounded, and he walked to Tengbao's side, leaning over and coldly looking at the second generation ancestor who was domineering among the tribe.

"It was you, here, who tied him to me and threw him into the lake to feed the fish."

Teng Bao shouted arrogantly.


Gu Fei couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at? You will cry later. Hurry up and kneel down to beg for mercy. I may be in a good mood and I can leave you a whole body."

Tengbao said viciously.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet."

Gu Fei shook his head and said, this guy is accustomed to domineering. At this time, he still has such a virtue. It seems that such a person can't stay.

Such a wicked person lives for a day, and the others in the tribe suffer for a day.

Thinking of this, Gu Fei directly lifted his right leg and was about to trample this guy to death.

"Brother Daniel, don't kill him."

At this time, Big Brother Shi and others who had been knocked down to the ground by the two strong men screamed. If they could kill this scum, they would have killed it long ago.

This second generation ancestor is the son of the tribe leader, killing it is terrible, the consequences of that are not they can bear.

You know, in the entire tribe, no one is an opponent of the leader, because the leader is a monk, although he is nearly a hundred years old, he is still like a middle-aged man of forty years old.

"You want to kill me, haha, you want to kill me."

At this time, Teng Leopard lying on the ground suddenly laughed, as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world.

When Gu Fei saw Tengbao like this, he couldn't help but shook his head. This guy seemed completely helpless and still so arrogant. Did he think that Lao Tzu, the leader of his tribe, could not save him.

There are countless tribes in the mountain. This tribe is just a small tribe, inconspicuous at all. Compared to some large tribes, it is simply weak.


Just as Tengbao laughed wanton, Gu Fei's right foot suddenly stepped on it, and a sound of broken bones was heard from Tengbao's body. Gu Fei's chest was actually stepped on by Gu Fei. Collapsed.

The shattered sternum and ribs were inserted into the five internal organs of Teng Leopard, and this impossibly second generation ancestor was immediately killed.

This second generation ancestor couldn't believe it until he died, this guy named Daniel really dared to kill himself, and his face showed an incredible expression.

"Do not……"

Seeing Gu Fei directly trampled Tengbao to death, Brother Shi and others were truly shocked. Tengbao was dead, and the leader would never give up.

"Brother Daniel, you unexpectedly..."

Brother Shi and the others were stunned. In their opinion, Gu Fei was in trouble.

"I will bear all the consequences, you don't need to worry about it."

Gu Fei said to Brother Shi and others.

"Brother Daniel, what are you talking about? Our brothers are not greedy generations who fear death."

Brother Shi and others struggled to stand up from the ground, and then said.

"While the leader hasn't found it yet, let's pack the softness quickly and leave here."

Said the lean man.


At this moment, a roar came from a distance.


Hearing this roar, Brother Shi and others were shocked.

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