Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2489: Rebellion

Gu Fei handed the King's Divine Mace to his daughter, and then left directly with Yan'er.

After more than a hundred years of insights, experienced the various states of life, and enlightened Dao from the world, Gu Fei and Yan'er have gained a lot, and they felt signs of breakthrough in their cultivation.

For a hundred years, for a mortal, this is a lifetime, but for a monk, it is just a matter of seconds.

After experiencing a cycle in the human world, both Gu Fei and Yan'er had a lot of insights. In the demon ancestral land a hundred years later, because of the disappearance of Gu Fei's and Yan'er, the group of dragons has no leader.

The three saints, such as the old Yaotong, naturally would not follow the orders of the Jagged Taoists, and even more would not put Gu Fei's disciples Chilong and Yaoyue in their eyes.

However, the three holy veterans all knew that Gu Fei was alive and well, and did not die at all. They did not dare to rebel, only left Luoxingzhou.

Ziyang Tiandi naturally returned to Ziyangzhou, and Nantian Godzun also returned to Haoyuezhou and continued to be his overlord.

But the unold demon boy was traveling abroad, and he had not been seen for decades. No one knew where the unold demon boy was, and no one knew his whereabouts.

Among the ancestors of the Demon Race in Luoxingzhou, only the Jagged Taoist took charge of everything on behalf of Gu Fei, but the prestige of the Jagged Taoist was not enough, and not many people were willing to follow his orders.

Of course, the Jagged Daoist will not trouble these guys, he can only temporarily maintain the stability of the three continents of Luoshenhai and prevent them from chaos.

However, Gu Fei and Yan'er disappeared for more than a hundred years, and some people started to move around.

In the ancestral land of the Demon Race, the Jagged Daoist frowned.

"Boss, what should I do, those guys really seem to be going backwards."

Zhuge Liang shook his folding fan, but the look on his face was extremely solemn.

In the conference hall, no one spoke, they were all looking at the iron-blooded Taoist sitting in the upper position, waiting for him to make a decision, even Chilong was the same.

The Jagged Daoist is a saint, and naturally it can shock many people. However, at this time, among the great clans on Luoxingzhou, many strong clans have begun to refuse to listen to the orders of the Jagged Daoist.

"Hmph, these **** don't dare to put a fart when my master is here. When my master comes back, it will be too late for them to regret."

Chilong said angrily, his cultivation has reached the limit allowed by the human world, but he still suppressed his own cultivation, because the human world is not a place to cross the catastrophe.

The power of the scourge of the human world has been declining in the past hundred years, but it has not completely disappeared.

Some people thought that the power of the condemnation had been extremely weak, so they risked the tragedy, but the fate of these people was extremely miserable. The power of the condemnation fell, and all those who dared to challenge the power of the condemnation were destroyed.

No matter how stunning and powerful the existence was, it fell under the power of the Scourge, without exception.

"When the Lord left, he really didn't say when to come back."

Zhugeliang said to Chilong, in fact, even Zhugeliang couldn't remember how many times he asked Chilong like this.

"How many times have I said that when my master left, I really didn't say anything."

Chilong said helplessly.

"The Lord won't come back, but I can't hold these guys."

Jie Xue Taoist suddenly sighed, and then said.

In the past ten years or so, the major clans on Luoxingzhou have begun to become restless, and some strong clans even dared to directly defy the orders of the Jagged Daoist.

This is definitely not a good thing, because after someone takes the lead in disobedience, other powerful races will follow suit.

"Why haven't the patriarchs of the major clans come yet."

Zhuge Liang couldn't sit still anymore. They had already sent orders to the major clans of Luoxingzhou to come to the ancestral land of the demon clan. However, it was almost noon, but no one was seen.

"Very good, really good..."

Chilong was so angry that his body was trembling, and it seemed that the great clans on Luoxingzhou were really going to rebel, otherwise, how could not even a single person come.

At this moment, in the Lei Zu ancestral land tens of thousands of miles away from the ancestral land of the Demon Race, it was extremely lively, with people coming and going, and the deserted ancestral land of the Demon Race, but at two extremes.

In a stone temple in the ancestral land of the Lei Clan, the old patriarch of the Lei Clan sits high and is banqueting the patriarchs of the powerful clans.

"Haha, come, let's eat and drink as much as we want, and let the iron-blooded kid wait."

The old patriarch of the Lei clan laughed and toasted to everyone.

"Yes, how can the iron-blooded kid He De, want us to obey his orders, he is the oldest."

The patriarch of the Huo Peng clan said.

"Brother Lei, is it a bit wrong for us to do this, if that Gu Fei comes back..."

Someone said such words.

As soon as this person's words were uttered, the entire stone hall lobby immediately fell silent.

You know, Gu Fei is a ruthless person, even the three major overseas forbidden lands can be eliminated, and the three overseas sages must surrender under his feet.

Compared with the three holy deities, these people on the stone temple are not in the flow at all.

"Hmph, Gu Fei, he has disappeared for more than a hundred years, and he will come back long ago."

The Lei clan chief broke the silence in the stone hall.

"Yes, some people say that Gu Fei has fallen and will not come back again."

The patriarch of Huo Peng clan agreed.

"I hope so."

There are some people who are not so relieved at all. You must know that if they really rebel, once Gu Fei returns, there will be a catastrophe of extermination.

"Don't worry, Gu Fei will never come back."

The old patriarch of the Lei clan and the patriarch of the Huo Peng clan glanced at each other, and then said loudly.

Afterwards, the main hall gradually became lively.

However, some people are really upset, because some people have been paying attention to the movements of the three holy deities, and none of the three holy deities jumped out. This seems to explain some problems.

Of course, some people suspect that all this might be a ghost behind the scenes of a certain holy priest.

When the old patriarch of the Lei clan hosted a banquet for the clan leaders and leaders of the powerful clan, a sneaky figure entered the ancestral land of the demon clan tens of thousands of miles away.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

The man directly entered the ancestral land of the demon race, went straight to the meeting hall, and yelled as soon as he entered.

"What is it."

Chilong immediately yelled at this person.

"Yes, yes, Master, it's really bad. The patriarchs of all big clans are now gathered in the Lei Clan."

The man quickly said to Chilong.


Everyone in the hall was shocked when they heard this, even the iron-blooded Taoist who had been very calm at this time couldn't help but be moved.

"Reverse, these guys are really going back."

Zhuge Liang was talking to himself, his voice was trembling.

If the great clans of Luoxing Continent unite, this is definitely a powerful force that can sweep the entire Luoxing Continent. Such a force poses a great threat to the Jagged Daoist and others.

Moreover, the back of this matter is definitely not that simple. Jagged Taoists always feel that the big clans on Luoxingzhou will not rebel so easily, perhaps there is an invisible black hand pushing all this.

"Black Dragon, you are really sure which guys are in the Thunder Clan."

Chilong stared at the black robe man with sharp eyes.

"Master, how dare Xiao Hei lie to you."

The black robe man shrank his neck and said.

This person was the black dragon that followed Gu Fei when he first arrived at Ziyangzhou. This guy actually worshiped Chilong's door now.

"Forgive you and dare not lie to me."

Chilong retracted his gaze staring at the black dragon.

"Boss, it's no good to go on like this, do we ask those guys out."

Zhuge Liang pondered for a long time, then said to the Jagged Taoist.

"Those guys are unreliable."

The Jie Xue Taoist knew exactly who the "those people" were in Zhuge Liang's mouth, but he also knew very well that he would definitely not please those people.

"Then what to do? If you can't trust it, please, otherwise, no one can stun those who want to rebel."

Zhuge Liang said, he thought about it, and now I am afraid there is only this way to quell this matter, only those people can frighten the big clans on Luoxingzhou.

"Hmph, even if I go to the door myself, those people will not come."

The Jie Xue Taoist said coldly, he knew very well that those people would never show up, maybe there were these people behind this incident.

"What about that."

Zhuge Liang said anxiously, even he, who has always been resourceful, has a headache at this time. He can't think of a way to solve the current predicament.

When everyone was at a loss, two figures appeared in the hall silently.


The shock of everyone was really serious, and everyone got up from their seats for the first time and stared at the two figures that suddenly appeared.

When everyone saw the appearance of the two suddenly appeared, they couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Soon, words were released from the ancestral land of the demon clan, and the patriarchs of the strong clan on the star continent were limited to coming to the ancestral land of the demon clan within three days.

The rebels will destroy their clan.

After such powerful words were released, the entire Falling Star Continent immediately showed a sign of wind and rain. The big clans simply ignored all this, and among the big clans, there was still no one coming.

On the third day when the Jagged Daoist released his ruthless words, all the powerhouses of the big clans on Luoxingzhou gathered in the ancestral land of the Thunder Clan.

"It's time to drive these outsiders out of Luoxingzhou."

The old patriarch of the Lei Clan stood on top of a mountain, looking toward the direction of the Yao Clan's ancestral land. Next to him stood a middle-aged man wearing a red robe and a flame of fire all over his body.

This person is the patriarch of the Huo Peng clan.

"If things go well, those outsiders will disappear from Luoxingzhou when the sun rises tomorrow."

The patriarch of the Huo Peng clan said coldly, and there was a cold murderous intent in his tone.

"Hmph, these guys don't even know they are dead, they are extremely stupid."

In the ancestral land of the Demon Race in Luoxingzhou, the Jagged Taoist said such words.

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