Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2490: Go straight to the door

On Luoxingzhou, the great clans united, pushed the old patriarch of the Lei clan as the leader, formed a rebellious alliance, raised the banner, and clearly opposed the Jagged Taoists.

The forces headed by the Jagged Daoist were like a big enemy. In the early morning, two Void Domain gates suddenly appeared above the ancestral land of the Demon Race of Luoxingzhou.

The powerful power fluctuations spread from the two void domain gates, alarming all directions.

A group of immortal war soldiers came out through the void domain gate, and an aura of Xiao killing immediately filled the space between heaven and earth, and the most elite immortal war soldiers from Haoyuezhou and Ziyangzhou crossed the domain.

"Is it finally going to war."

The movement of the ancestral land of the Demon Race was so loud that it shocked the other creatures on Luoxingzhou. Both of them were huge creatures. Once the war broke out, the creatures would be destroyed. I don't know how many powerful creatures have fallen.

A sacred tree passing through the void domain gate appeared in the sky above the demon race, and the mighty immortal emperor's coercion swept away from the sacred tree.

The tree emperor of Haoyuezhou came, leading his powerful clansmen to follow the orders of the iron-blooded Taoists.

Soon after the tree emperor entered the ancestral land of the demon clan, a huge figure appeared in another void domain gate, which was a huge old tortoise like a mountain.

However, this old tortoise is very different from ordinary tortoises. It is an old tortoise with a dragon head and a unicorn tail. Anyone who knows the origin of this old tortoise is shocked.

"This guy is here too."

Someone exclaimed.

This old tortoise is exactly the golden ao that was conquered on the day of Yaoyue. The body of this golden ao contains the blood of a real dragon. Although it is the cultivation base of the Nineth Heavenly Emperor, it is not as strong as the ordinary Nineth Heavenly Emperor. Those can be compared.

"Didn't this Golden Ao go to Ziyang Island? Why did he appear here?"

Some people were surprised that this Jinao was originally sent to Ziyangzhou by Yaoyue to control the immortal warriors on Ziyangzhou. Jinao's return at this time was enough to explain some problems.

"It seems that this battle is really inevitable."

Some powerful casual cultivators began to evacuate from Luoxing Continent. These casual cultivators have no discipline and do not want to be involved in this battle. You must know that this kind of battle is the most dangerous and dangerous. If you are not careful, you may fall.

Casual cultivators generally don't choose sides. They like to be free and unwilling to be restrained.

As Haoyuezhou and Ziyangzhou have a large number of immortal war soldiers and masters coming through the void domain gate, the area where the demon clan ancestral land on Luoxingzhou is located immediately becomes lively.

When the Jagged Daoists gathered the power of three continents, the Hundred Clan Alliance was also in action. Although it was a Hundred Clan, in fact the powerful clan with real strength was the dozen or so clans.

The Thunder Clan, the Huo Peng clan, are naturally one of the most powerful races among the dozen strong clan.

Especially the Thunder Clan, it is said that the ancestor of this line was actually the ancient invincible strong Lei Zu. Of course, this is just a legend. No one can confirm whether the Thunder Clan on Luoxingzhou originated from the ancient Thunder Ancestor.

"What's going on, why do I feel a little uneasy."

In the ancestral land of the Lei Clan, in a secret room, three people sat beside a stone table, talking in low voices.

Among the three people in the secret room, one was the old patriarch of the Lei clan, the other was the clan leader of the Huo Peng clan, and the third was a mysterious person with a black mask and black shirt.

This person is neither fat nor thin, nor tall or short, but from the point of view of body shape, it is the most common body shape, and from the body shape, it is impossible to tell whether this person is a male or a female.

"Don't worry too much, there will be no suspense in this battle."

The head of the Huo Peng clan said with confidence that no one wants to be the slave of others, especially those powerful beings. He has waited for this day for decades.

Drive the outsiders away, and they will become the masters of Luoxingzhou, creating an unprecedented situation.

"The Jagged Daoist is not to be afraid."

Said the mysterious man wearing a mask.

This is a voice that is neither male nor female. The reason why this person deliberately concealed his identity like this is because he definitely has a lot of background, and he will definitely not be an unknown person.

"Iron-blooded Daoist is not to be afraid. Any one of us can kill him, but those three guys seem to be too calm."

The old patriarch of the Lei clan said with a deep voice.

The head of the Huo Peng clan and the mysterious person naturally knew who the three guys in the mouth of the old patriarch of the Lei clan were. By this time, those people were still watching the changes.

"What the **** is going on, logically speaking, those people should be the ones who want Gu Fei to die the most among the three continents."

The face of the head of the Huo Peng clan showed a puzzled look.

"It's simple. As long as we cut off the iron-blooded Taoist heads and destroy those invaders, I don't believe those three guys can sit still."

Said the mysterious man.

"Not bad."

Both the old patriarch of the Lei clan and the patriarch of the Huo Peng clan agreed deeply and couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Then follow the original plan."

The mysterious man glanced at the old patriarch of the Lei clan and the clan leader of the Huo Peng clan, and then said in a deep voice.

Just as the wind was surging on Luoxingzhou, the little princess Gu Ling, the baby daughter of Gu Fei and Yan'er, appeared outside the gate of Huoyun Sect.

"Who is coming."

Just approaching the mountain gate of Huoyun Sect, a loud shout came from the gate.


Without any hesitation, Gu Ling directly slapped the sky-shielding hand, a big hand shining endless fire, directly smashing the gate of the Huoyun Sect.


The big hand fell, the earth shook, the dust rushed into the sky, and a huge palm print appeared where the gate of the Fire Cloud Sect was, and the large formation guarding the gate was actually vulnerable.

The mountain gate was destroyed, and several long screams were heard immediately from the ancestral land of the Huoyun Sect, and several figures rushed out of the ancestral land of the Huoyun Sect.

"So courageous, I dared to come to my Huoyun to teach the wild."

An old voice sounded, and an old man wearing a fire cloud robes approached from the sky, and an extremely powerful pressure spread from the old man.

All the disciples of the Huoyun Sect were terrified. This was an ancestor, a strong man in the Huoyun Sect who had not shown his face for a long time.

"is her."

At this time, on the top of the mountain, the young man who saw the peerless figure at the mountain gate was shocked. This person was the Huoyun Sect Young Master Huo Ao who had escaped from the battle of Zi Ling Dongtian.

"It seems that the fire sparrows are less fortunate."

Thinking of this, Huo Ao was even more frightened, he was timid, and then directly hid in the ancestral land of Huo Yun Sect.

At this time, Gu Ling had already fought against the old man, and the two figures moved quickly in the void. They were just a few tricks against each other, and Gu Ling cut off the old man's head with a single sword.


Seeing this scene, all Huoyun Sect disciples were shocked.

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