Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2491: Xeon Dao Sword

Gu Ling directly killed the Huoyun Sect. Inside the gate of the Huoyun Sect, he slashed an ancestor-level elder of the Huoyun Sect with a single sword, and the whole group was stunned.


Even the head teacher of the Huo Yun Sect was shocked when he saw this scene. You must know that the elder who was beheaded by the ancient spirit was his uncle.

This uncle's cultivation is so high that it is beyond doubt, but no one can think of it. Just a few tricks against him, the uncle of the master was cut by the sword by Gu Ling.

"Fairy Gu Ling, you are too much."

An angry shout came, and a group of fire clouds rushed out from the ancestral land of the Huoyun Sect, and a tall figure was looming in the fire clouds.

The fire cloud came to the sky above Gu Ling and stopped above the high sky. The figure surrounded by the vast fire power looked down from above the sky.

A powerful pressure spread from the figure in the fire cloud, as if the sky was about to be crushed.

"Haha, am I too much."

The silver bell also laughed like a laugh, and Gu Ling held his hands and looked up at the overbearing figure in the fire cloud in the sky.

"You ruined my mountain gate, isn't that too much."

The person in the fire cloud said coldly, with a cold killing intent in his tone.

At this time, three powerful auras appeared around Gu Ling, a strong man from the Fire Cloud Sect surrounded her, and three figures loomed around Gu Ling.

Gu Ling seemed to have not seen the three figures, still calm.

"Huh, it's funny, if you want to say too much, you guys are even more."

Gu Ling thought that Ziling Dongtian was almost wiped out by the fire cloud, and a light flashed in her eyes, and a powerful killing intent immediately spread from her body.

"This is just a misunderstanding."

High above the sky, among the fire clouds, that person naturally knew what Gu Ling was talking about.

"Very well, after I extinguished the Huo Yunjiao, this is also a misunderstanding."

Gu Ling didn't want to say more, she stretched out her right hand, and the endless fire spirit immediately condensed in her hand, and a blazing sword appeared in her hand.

"Do you really want to fight."

In the fire cloud, the man who was like the ancient **** of fire came to the world said sternly.

"Outrageous, this is still false."

Gu Ling kicked his feet and rose into the sky, swinging the fire sword in his hand and even Yang Daohuo, directly towards the man in the fire cloud.


The dazzling sword light rushed out of her hand in an instant, and the sky and earth void was cut into long cracks by this sword, and the fire cloud exploded under the sword light.

A figure rushed out from the fire cloud.

This man, wearing a fire cloud armor, wearing a fire cloud crown, holding a fire **** spear, looks mighty, is the contemporary leader of the fire cloud religion, the evil emperor of fire cloud.


The Fire Cloud Evil Emperor yelled, and the fire spear in his hand turned into a fire dragon, and the fire dragon fiercely rushed towards Gu Ling, and the light from the fire dragon directly annihilated the surrounding void.

However, the evil emperor Huoyun underestimated Gu Ling, and saw Gu Ling swiped the divine sword in his hand and clanged, directly smashing the fire dragon transformed into the Vulcan Spear, and shook the Vulcan Spear away.

Countless flame-shaped runes dissipated as the fire dragon dissipated.


The Huoyun Xiehuang was taken aback, and he quickly flew back. At this moment, a sword light had already struck the Huoyun armor on his chest.


There was a trembling of gold and iron, and the Evil Emperor Huoyun only felt as if he had been hit hard by an ancient sacred mountain, and his whole body flew out a thousand feet away.

When he stabilized his figure, a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth, and he quickly lowered his head to see that there was a sword mark on the Huoyun armor.

The Huoyun Evil Emperor was shocked to the extreme, thinking: "If it weren't for the fire cloud armor protection, I'm afraid that this baby girl would have been cut in two with a sword."

Moreover, what shocked the Huoyun Evil Emperor inexplicably was that the opponent's sword aura was too powerful and overbearing. You must know that the Huoyun armor he was wearing was a quasi-sacred artifact.

The Founder of the Fire Cloud Sect was a quasi-sage, and this Fire Cloud Battle Armor was a quasi-sacred artifact made by the Founder of the Fire Cloud Sect.

In fact, even the Vulcan spear is a quasi-sacred weapon.

With the quasi-sacred artifact in hand, she was still suppressed by the other party, how could this girl be so powerful.

Within a few short breaths, countless thoughts turned in the mind of the Evil Emperor Huo Yun.

"Do it."

Just when the Huoyun Evil Emperor was slashed away by Gu Ling with a sword, a loud shout rang out, and then a large array emerged, and countless flaming runes rose into the sky, sealing a world.


The world shook, and the void where Gu Ling was located was instantly sealed by a killing array town, and the endless fire power was rapidly condensing.

Pillars of fire that pass through the sky rushed up from the ground and pierced towards the ancient spirit hole in the sky. On each pillar of fire, there were countless runes intertwined.

"It's just a little trick."

Gu Ling's body was full of fierce sword light, and every sword light was like a heaven-shattering divine rainbow, killing all the pillars of fire that came through the hole.

"Look at how I broke this killing formation."

Gu Ling screamed, and nine flame-shaped Dao patterns emerged on his body. This is the Nine Dao patterns of enlightenment. Although she has not been sanctified yet, she is the descendant of a saint. The power of her bloodline is extremely powerful, not at all. Those pure-blooded beasts are bad.

With her bloodline, it is not difficult to cultivate nine lines.


The evil emperor Huoyun was shocked to the extreme. He never thought that Gu Ling could be so against the sky. He was actually cultivated into the legendary Nine Dao Runes. This is the rhythm of sanctification.

Anyone who has cultivated the Nine Dao Patterns will become holy if there is no accident.

At this moment, the Huoyun Evil Emperor had regretted his intestines. He shouldn't have promised his son to attack Ziling Dongtian. This ancient spirit fairy was like a monster.


Void shook. At this time, the nine primitive Dao patterns rushing out of Gu Ling turned into nine immortal sword lights, breaking through the void of heaven and earth, and directly hacked out of the killing array.


Countless array patterns continued to disperse under these nine sword lights, and the entire area where the Huoyun Sect was located shook. In the Huoyun Sect's ancestor land, large arrays were activated and then started to operate.

However, the nine sword lights were all invincible, and one of the sword lights fell directly toward the ancestral land of the Huoyun Sect, directly breaking through the heavy array, and countless array patterns dissipated in the void.

However, the last big formation blocked this sword light, and then, a breath of holy rank spread from the ancestral land of Huoyun Sect.

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