Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2496: Grab the holy knife with bare hands

The Ten Killing Array is a great array of life and death with ten deaths and no life. Those who break into the array have only one dead end, unless the person who breaks into the array is strong enough to crush this killing array with their own power.

Obviously, the Xuanpeng of the Huo Peng clan had no tyrannical force that could crush the ten kill formation.


The heavens and the earth are shaking, in the ten-kill formation, Zhuge Liang is like the master of the heavens and the earth, and he can draw the strongest power in his hand, without half a block.

There is no suspense, the power of nearly 10,000 immortal war soldiers gathered is too strong, and this is not only the power of nearly 10,000 immortal war soldiers.

The aura from all directions in the world was gathered by the Ten Killing Array and turned into a powerful force for Zhuge Liang to use.


Extinguishing the divine light, Xuan Peng, the strong man of the Huo Peng clan, was repelled again, and the powerful force almost shook the divine knife in his hand.

"How could it be so strong..."

At this time, Xuan Peng no longer had the bullish look that was just outside the battlefield. At this time, he looked incredible.

The magic knife in his hand, but a sacred weapon, could be suppressed by a mere killing array.


Xuan Peng desperately urged the Huo Peng knife in his hand. On the divine sword, runes immediately emerged, and the sword energy burst out from above.

The dazzling light that penetrated through it was directly extinguished by the extremely fierce sword aura that blasted from the fire sword in Xuan Peng's hand.


Xuan Peng didn’t dare to look down upon Zhuge Liang any more. He shot with all his strength, and the Huo Peng Knife revealed unprecedented power fluctuations. Runes were intertwined on the Divine Knife, and it turned into a Huo Peng. , Rushed out from the magic sword, and rushed toward Zhuge Liang who was coming from the opposite side.

Huo Peng spread its wings, and the horror of the sacred fire swept away, and the void was silently annihilated under the sacred fire, and the Huo Peng that was transformed into a rune culture showed terrifying power.


At this time, Zhuge Liang's face became serious, he shouted, his right hand drew the endless extinction light, and suppressed it forward.

The extinct divine light was horizontal and horizontal, intertwined with a Dao map, and went to suppress the pounced Huo Peng. On the Dao map, there was a palpable aura of destruction.

The Huo Peng is like a big bird that throws himself into a trap, directly covered by the Tao Tu net of extinction light.


The endless runes gave out brilliant divine light, and each extinction divine light was like a chain of order gods, entangled the fire peng.

No matter how hard the Huo Peng struggled in the net, it was difficult to get out of the trap.


Zhuge Liang yelled, and a powerful destructive force capable of wiping out the heavens and the earth immediately appeared on the road map intertwined with the light of extinction.


The next moment, there was a loud noise, and the Huo Peng, which was completely formed by the interweaving of the Dao patterns in the Huo Peng Knife, immediately exploded. Under the terrifying destructive power, the endless flame-shaped Dao patterns Being obliterated.


Xuan Peng couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene. You must know that the Huo Peng evolved from the Dao Mark of the Holy Step, which is equivalent to the spirit-like existence in the Huo Peng Knife.

However, this killing formation can even be wiped out even the saint-level Dao Mark, which is too bad for the sky.

"Since you have entered the Ten Kill Formation, you will have only one fate."

After obliterating the Huo Peng, Zhuge Liang jokingly looked at Xuan Peng, whose face turned pale, and then said such words.

"What..., this kill formation is actually the legendary ten kill formation."

When Xuan Peng heard this, his face suddenly became paler, and his voice trembled. He knew that in the ancient years, there had been twelve heaven-shocking killing arrays, and each of these twelve killing arrays could kill. A powerful creature of the holy rank.

"Well, after playing for so long, it's time to send you on the road."

There was a sneer on Zhuge Liang's face, and then he directly activated the strongest force in the ten kills formation. The ten powerful forces that made Xuanpeng tremble condensed into ten world-destroying divine lights, rushing from ten directions towards Xuanpeng went through the hole.


Xuan Peng roared and tried desperately to make a move. The fire power of his whole body instantly poured into the Huo Peng knife in his hand, and the Huo Peng knife emitted an unprecedented bright light.


Xuan Peng had no choice but to work hard, his whole body was burning, he ignited the original power in his body, and raised his own power to the limit, even beyond the limit.


Outside the ten kills formation, above the sky, there was a faint sound of thunder, and the thunder that had been watching the battle in the formation suddenly looked up to the sky.

"Xuanpeng this guy..."

He felt an aura of destruction that made his soul tremble trembling from the depths of the sky. He knew what it was, Xuan Peng actually aroused the power of Heaven's Scourge.

However, the power of the scourge failed to come after all, because before the power of the scourge came, Xuanpeng's body had been pierced by ten world-destroying divine lights.

Even Huo Peng Dao could not stand and destroy the ten world-extinction divine light, Xuan Peng's body pierced by the world-extinction divine light dissipated directly into the void, leaving nothing behind.

A magic knife floated and sinked in the void, wailing in waves.

Ordinary sacred artifacts, the imprint of the Great Dao, are psychic things. Of course, the ordinary sacred artifacts cannot be compared with the ultimate sacred artifacts.

Only the strongest sacred artifacts made by the Supreme and the Human Emperor will give birth to the spirit of the artifact, the ultimate sacred artifact, which is equivalent to an alternative life.

Although no gods have been bred in the general sacred vessels, they have already been channeled.

The Huo Peng knife is the holy weapon of the Huo Peng clan, and Xuan Peng was killed by Zhuge Liang in an array of killings. This divine knife also sensed, so it shook.

"Good knife."

Zhuge Liang hurriedly shot, sealing the entire void shrouded by the ten kill formation to prevent the magic sword from flying away by itself.

However, just when Zhuge Liang town sealed the void and wanted to take away the magic sword, a powerful force burst out from the magic sword.


The blade light flashed, and the Huo Peng knife broke through the void and escaped into the void.


When Zhuge Liang saw this scene, he couldn't help but helpless. The sacred instrument was psychic and flew away on its own. It was not something that he could stop. Unless he cultivated into a saint, or possessed a mountain and river tripod like Gu Fei, that could suppress everything. Take this Huo Peng knife.

You know, the Huo Peng Sword is not a thing without a master. Obviously, a strong man of the Huo Peng clan sensed that Xuan Peng died in battle, and immediately recalled the Huo Peng Sword.

However, just when Zhuge Liang was a little depressed, a big hand suddenly grabbed from the sky and broke directly into the void. Shengsheng grabbed a magic knife that radiated endless fire.

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