Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2497: The real strong show up

A big hand broke through the void, grabbed directly into the chaos, and forcibly grabbed a magic knife that had escaped into the chaos void.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, especially those who knew the origin of the magic sword, even more shocked to the extreme.

The powerhouses of the Huo Peng clan are even more unbelievable. They would never have imagined that someone dared to grab the Zhen Clan's most treasured Huo Peng knife with bare hands.

You know, that is a holy artifact.

"how is this possible……"

The moment that big hand grabbed the Huo Peng knife, an old man in the Huo Peng clan's ancestral land opened his eyes suddenly, revealing an incredible look on the road.

"Hmph, so I want to take away my family's treasure."

The old man sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes again, and a powerful wave of divine consciousness rushed out from the center of his eyebrows and sank into the void.


At the same time, the Huo Peng knife that was grasped by that big chaotic hand suddenly burst out with brilliant divine light, struggling violently in that big chaotic hand.

"I want to escape."

A voice rang out in the void. Hearing this voice, some people immediately lifted their spirits, followed by ecstasy. There was no suspense in this battle.


The twelve killing arrays uttered a terrifying murderous aura, like twelve terrifying life harvesting tools, devouring life after life.

The powerhouses of the Hundred Clan Alliance were all shocked. These twelve killing formations were really terrifying. Even if the quasi saints broke in, there was only one dead end.

Only those ancient sages can protect themselves in the formation, of course, it is only self-protection, because these ancient sages dare not unlock the seal on their bodies and restore the cultivation of the holy ranks.

At this time, the Huo Peng knife shook violently in the chaos hand, and endless fire power burst out from the divine knife, and a phantom of Huo Peng appeared in the fire light.

This is an ancestor weapon of the Huo Peng clan. According to legend, it was made from the sacrifice of a Taoist Huo Peng, and possesses great power.


As soon as the chaos big hand exerted force, the fire peng that the **** flame transformed into immediately exploded and dissipated into the void.

In the dark, the person directly suppressed the Huo Peng knife with tyrannical power, and the Huo Peng knife quickly became quiet in the chaotic hand.


The great chaos hand directly grabbed the Huo Peng knife and disappeared into the void. Even some ancient sages did not see how the great chaos hand disappeared.

Just as Chaos took away the Huo Peng knife, a roar came out from the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan. An old man sitting on the futon stood up, and a drop oozes from the center of his eyebrows. Blood beads.

The ray of divine thought that the old man released outside was cut off.

"I want to see who dares to take away the ancestors of my Huo Peng clan."

When the old man spoke, his figure was blurred for a while, and then disappeared in an instant. This is a teleportation technique, the shape can follow the heart, and the speed is extremely fast.

"Thunder, do you dare to come in."

At this time, Zhuge Liang controlled the killing array, and went to the thunder to kill. The wave of terrifying power shook the sky and the earth, and the extinct divine light penetrated the void of the sky and the earth.

Lei Ming's expression changed drastically, and he quickly backed away. Even Xuan Peng, who had the Huo Peng clan's ancestor Huo Peng Knife, died in the Ten Kill Formation. His own cultivation base was equal to that of Xuan Peng. If he broke into the formation, How is that different from looking for death.

The Ten Killing Array is a movable Killing Array, and under Zhuge Liang's control, it is forced towards the thunder.

Nearly 10,000 immortal war soldiers in the formation are also moving, and the formation of the ten kill formation is endless. To some extent, the nearly 10,000 immortal war soldiers are formation patterns.

At this time, the killing formations controlled by other big bandits were also moving outwards, with great power to drive the invaders out of the ancestral land of the Luoxingzhou Demon Race.


At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the Yaozu ancestral land. An ancient formation descended from the sky, and the town fell on the ground. The ground suddenly collapsed and the ground burst, like the end of the day.


On the ancient formation, countless lightning-shaped Dao patterns emerged, and endless thunder and lightning rushed out from the ancient formation, tearing the void of heaven and earth.

"Hmph, it's not just you who have a killing array."

A figure full of electric lights walked onto this dark ancient formation, and under his feet, there were flashes of lightning, as if it merged with the ancient formation.

A wave of power that was so strong that all beings would tremble broke out from this ancient formation.

"this is……"

Everyone was shocked.

"The Lei Clan is really generous, it actually used an ancestral formation."

Someone exclaimed.

The ancient formation itself was a shocking killing formation, with endless runes inside the formation, and the figure on the formation came to the center of the formation.


The array shook, and the lines of thunder-shaped road patterns loomed and weaved around the array, and arrays emerged in the void, revealing power fluctuations that eclipsed the world.

"Haha, Zhuge Liang, your death date has come."

With a big laugh, Lei Ming retreated from the ancestral land of the demon clan and came to the ancient formation.


Zhuge Liang stopped, the breath radiating from the ancient formation made him a little uneasy. Inside the ancient formation, it was like an ancient heaven beast sleeping.

However, Zhuge Liang was fearless. You must know that the ten kill formation was a famous kill formation in the ancient years. Although the opponent's ancient formation was terrifying, he was not without the power of a battle.


At this moment, there was a roar from the horizon, and an old man was entrusted with an ancient tower to rush over, and a strong breath came out from the old tower in the hands of the old man.

The ancient pagoda in the hands of the old man is surrounded by almost transparent sacred fire. You are a sacred instrument made by the rare **** of red fire.

Scarlet Fire God Gold is a kind of **** gold derived from the sky fire. It is rare in the world. Although it is not an immortal god, it is also a **** that can make saints jealous.

Especially the fire saint, the **** of red fire gold, is simply the exclusive divine talent of the fire saint, who can sacrifice and refine the extremely powerful fire saint.

The strong of the Huo Peng clan couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the old man entrusted with the Red Fire God Tower.

"Who took away my clan's ancestors, come out and die quickly."

The old man came to the demon clan's ancestral land and said loudly, the voice passed into the demon clan's ancestral land, and also to every monk in the area near the demon clan's ancestral land.


A sneer came out of the void, and then, a figure appeared out of thin air above the Demon Race Ancestral Land, coldly looking at the old man entrusted to the Scarlet Fire God Tower outside the Demon Race Ancestral Land.

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