Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2498: Shock the powerful

The real strong man appeared, and the old man of the Huo Peng clan came to the Crimson Fire Tower with his hands in his hands.

The Huo Peng knife is the ancestor tool of the Huo Peng clan and cannot be lost, but now, this ancestral tool has been taken away, which made the old man of the Huo Peng clan surprised and angry.

He knew very well that Huo Peng Knife could not be taken away by ordinary people.

At this time, the old man of the Huo Peng clan stared at the figure above the ancestral land of the demon clan, his eyes were extremely cold and stern. It was a young man in black.

There is chaotic energy lingering in this young man, but what is puzzling is that a little golden divine light is actually looming in the chaotic energy of this young man.

"It's him, he's back..."

Just as the young man appeared, an exclamation came from the horizon.

Everyone quickly looked in the direction where the sound came from, and they could only see a back that disappeared in an instant, and the person actually retreated.

"How is it possible? Didn't he disappear for more than a hundred years? What's the matter."

Someone exclaimed that some people recognized the black-clothed youth. The moment these people saw the black-clothed youth, they all did the same thing, that is, they turned around and fled and left here.

"You dare to act against it, that's good."

The black-clothed youth's gaze swept around, all the strong men of the Hundred Races Alliance had nowhere to hide. No matter whether they took action or not, no matter what secret method was used to hide them, they could not escape his pair. eye.

"he is……"

At this time, the old man who smashed from the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan to the ancestral land of the Yao clan only felt his hands and feet cold, and his whole person was dumbfounded.


The strong figure of the Lei Clan who stood on the ancient formation was also taken aback.

"Who said he fell outside, we were pitted."

Someone roared, their voice trembling, obviously excited and scared.

You should know that in the entire Luoxingzhou, no one can remain calm when facing this ruthless person. This ruthless person's reputation has been smashed out.

"Everyone goes together, there may be a silver lining."

Above the Lei Clan ancient formation, the vague figure said loudly, since it has been reversed, then the reverse is true, because even now it is too late to beg for mercy.

"Yes, a big deal. If we can kill this person, then we will be completely free."

The old man of the Huo Peng clan said awe-inspiringly, his eyes flashed with flame-shaped Dao patterns, and his body showed a strong fighting spirit.


At this time, a figure rushed out from the ancestral land of the Demon Race and came behind the young man in black.

"You go play with these guys."

Gu Fei said directly to the Jagged Taoist.

"Yes, Lord."

The iron-blooded Taoist did not hesitate, and rushed straight down. Then, the twelve killing arrays showed their power at the same time, advancing toward the demon clan ancestors, and the earth and the earth changed its color with a shocking murderous aura.

The divine light from the killing array illuminates the main area of ​​the world, like twelve stars moving on the ground, wherever it passes, it is invincible.

The immortal and god-level soldiers of the various races gathered by the Hundred Clan Alliance were defeated, and the strong men of the Hundred Clan Alliance who had invaded the ancestral land of the Demon Race had to retreat from the ancestral land of the Demon Race.


In a mountain below, there was a loud noise, and two powerful figures fought against each other in the mountain, and the rhyme of both of them was mighty.

This is a battle between Saint-Rank powerhouses, but due to the existence of the power of the Scourge, the two of them dare not unlock the seal on their bodies and fight with the real Saint-Rank cultivation base.

Even if the seal on the body was not unlocked, the Communion of the two of them was genuine, and the collision of the Communion also burst out with destructive power.

"Iron-blooded Taoist, why are you pestering me."

In the mountains, a middle-aged man with a full body of brilliance said while he shot, this man obviously did not want to entangle with the Jagged Taoist.

"Hmph, come as you want, leave as you like, you think this is where."

The iron-blooded Taoist said coldly, now that Gu Fei is back, he has no scruples anymore, catching an ancient sage who is hidden in the mountains and fighting.


The void shook, and the iron-blooded Taoist rose into the sky like a divine phoenix. The endless power of the divine phoenix burst out from his body, and a phantom of the divine phoenix emerged from his body.

He directly turned into a Divine Phoenix, and slaughtered the middle-aged man opposite.

"Since you want to fight, come on."

After all, the middle-aged man is an ancient sage, with the arrogance of a saint. He was shocked, and the whole person turned over like a tiger. A phantom of a giant tiger emerged from his body, towards the culled Divine Phoenix. Welcomed up.


The divine phoenix and the fierce tiger collided in an instant, and a loud noise erupted. Although it was not a real confrontation between the divine phoenix and the fierce tiger, the mighty force that spread out directly destroyed the surrounding mountains and mountains. , The peaks shattered directly into the void, and the earth cracked into a series of hideous cracks.

The two figures separated quickly, and then collided together again, starting the fiercest fight.

"The Jagged Daoist has made a lot of progress over the years."

Above the ancestral land of the Demon Race, Gu Fei, standing on the volley, could not help but nod his head when he saw this scene.

The iron-blooded Daoist is inherited from the ancient immortal Daoist. This immortal Daoist is a divine phoenix. This immortal divine phoenix sacred body is extremely powerful, comparable to the immortal golden body created by the ancient Buddha, and it can also be compared with the immortal statue of Gu Fei. Fight against martial arts.

Of course, now Gu Fei has cultivated the Chaos Indestructible Martial Art, which is much stronger than the ordinary indestructible Martial Art.

At this time, the real powerhouses of the Hundred Races Alliance did not dare to act rashly, and everyone was staring at Gu Fei.

Gu Fei stunned all the strong with the power of one person. No one thought of this scene. Even if a hundred years passed, Gu Fei's fierce might remained undiminished.

If someone had ulterior motives and spread the news that Gu Fei had fallen away, no one would dare to stand up and oppose it.

The people of the Hundred Races Alliance only knew that they had been pitted at this time, but it was too late. They were already riding a tiger, even if they were begging for mercy, they might not be able to spare them.

"Why are you so nervous."

Gu Fei looked at the old man holding the Red Fire God Tower in front of him, and suddenly smiled.


At this time, an ancient formation rose from the ground, ten directions of spirits gathered frantically, countless thunder and lightning hovered around the ancient formation, a powerful force of destruction was condensing.

"Lei Clan, Huo Clan, I'm very curious, who in the end gave you the courage to rebel, I may forgive you if you speak out."

Gu Fei was still smiling.

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