Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2501: Want to escape, is it possible?

"Want to escape, is it possible."

Gu Fei held Lei Ao, looking at this once incomparable saint who controlled the ancient formation of the Lei Clan, and said calmly.


Lei Ao was shocked and angry, but his cultivation was not as good as a human, and it was hard to resist. He could only let the other party deal with it, and his life and death were only between the other's thoughts.

"Well, what should I do with you."

Gu Fei tilted his head for a while and said.

"You want to kill or cut, whatever you want."

Lei Ao didn't beg for mercy, because he knew very well that even if he begged Gu Fei for mercy, this Killing Star would never let himself go, and could not change anything.

Since nothing can be changed, why not die with dignity.

"In that case, it's as you wish."

Gu Fei didn't talk nonsense, and directly slapped Lei Ao's heavenly spirit with a palm. This palm shook Lei Ao's primordial spirit, and a generation of Lei Clan powerhouses died just like that.


Among the Lei Clan, someone roared, Lei Ao was an ancestor-level existence in the Lei Clan, but at this time, this lofty ancestor was easily killed.

"Gu Fei, Lei Clan is not at odds with you."

Above the sky, among a group of thunderclouds, there was a strong Thunder clan roaring.

"Hmph, you have to go against it if you don't have the ability, since you are impatient with your life, then I will send you on the road."

Gu Fei turned abruptly and looked at the thundercloud above the sky, his eyes were extremely sharp, and an astonishing murderous aura came out of him.


A group of Thunder Clan powerhouses in the thunder cloud suddenly lost their color, and they urged the magic circle to escape.


A number of thunder lights suddenly appeared in the thunderclouds, and every thunder light was wrapped in a figure. This was the thunder light escape method of the Thunder Clan, and it was reaching its extreme.

"Without my permission, did you leave."

Gu Fei's voice sounded, and the chaos and big hands have evolved silently above the sky, and then suppressed downwards, sealing a world of heaven and earth.


Those few Thunder Clan powerhouses were shocked.

The Chaos hand slapped it down, and those bright electric lights were immediately suppressed from the sky. The electric lights dissipated and three figures appeared.

"The cultivation base of the three of you is not as good as the guy just now, and you dare to be presumptuous in front of me, it's really ridiculous."

Gu Fei's voice didn't have any emotions. He was like a **** of death, ignoring the life he was about to reap. In his eyes, the three powerhouses of the Lei Clan were dead.


The three powerhouses of the Thunder tribe were horrified, and quickly turned into thunder and fled separately.


At this time, Gu Fei's great chaotic hand suddenly accelerated, and instantly suppressed, and the three rays of lightning exploded immediately, and the figure wrapped in the lightning was shattered into blood fog, and the body and spirit were destroyed.

"The mayfly shakes the tree, I don't know the so-called."

Gu Fei retracted his big Chaos hand and said calmly.


Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses of the Hundred Races Alliance were shocked to the extent that they could not be added. This ruthless man was indeed well-deserved, and it seemed that compared with the rumors, it was even worse.

The sudden appearance of Gu Fei caused the Hundred Clan Alliance to be in chaos, especially after Gu Fei made strong moves in succession and slashed the powerhouses of the Huo Peng Clan and the Thunder Clan. Some people saw that the momentum was wrong and immediately retreated.


Many powerful clan owners in the Hundred Clan Alliance made a decisive decision, leading a group of people away instantly and withdrew from the formation of the Hundred Clan Alliance.

Gu Fei didn't stop it. All the strong clans in the Hundred Races Alliance didn't need to be wiped out. However, capital crimes can be avoided, living crimes are hard to forgive, and necessary punishments are indispensable.

However, the Lei and Huo Peng clan headed by the Hundred Clan Alliance can never stay.

With Gu Fei's thunderbolt, the so-called Hundred Races Alliance was immediately defeated, and the twelve killing formations were running frantically, harvesting lives that were too late to escape.

"Iron and blood, this battle is very enjoyable, I will fight again next time."

At this time, after the saint who fought with the iron-blooded Taoist pushed back the iron-blooded Taoist, he turned and left, leaving instantly.

The iron-blooded Taoist wanted to chase, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and instantly disappeared under the curtain of night, and lost his trace.

"Would you like me to help you catch that man back."

Gu Fei's voice sounded in the heart of Jie Xue Dao Ren.

"No, this person is mine."

Jie-blooded Taoist eyes flickered, and a powerful fighting intent came out of him. This was a good opponent.


Gu Fei couldn't help nodding his head, the Jagged Daoist was ambitious.

At this time, the victory or defeat was determined, and the twelve great bandits and other strong men directly chased them thousands of miles away, then stopped, and then returned to the ancestral land of the demon clan.

After thousands of miles of hunting, the Hundred Clan Alliance left countless corpses, and all the major clans were greatly injured.

I thought I would eat the Jagged Daoist, but now he has been counterattacked, and the person who can counterattack the Hundred Clan Alliance is actually Gu Fei.

Gu Fei, who had not appeared in a hundred years, once again shocked the entire Luoxingzhou.

"A catastrophe of extermination."

There are strong clan owners who are frightened and angry, and then directly angered the Thunder clan and Huo Peng clan, these two clans are really assholes, pit everyone.

"That ruthless person wouldn't just let it go."

After the clan leader of a strong clan fled back to the clan's ancestral land, he immediately arranged his backhands, opened the teleportation formation of the ancestral land, and sent away the elite disciples of the clan.

It is not only one strong family that does this, and other strong families do the same. Faced with an important juncture of extermination, all strong families are preparing.

"Hmph, those people are too naive."

Gu Fei, who had returned to the ancestral land of the Demon Race, sat at the top of the Chamber of Demonstration, and said to himself.


At this moment, a loud bang rang at the junction of Luoxingzhou and Luoshenhai, and under the dim night, a group of divine light suddenly exploded.

In the divine light, countless stumps fell.

"what happened."

There was a roar from the ancestral land of a strong clan on Luoxingzhou. Just now, the clan sent out the elite disciples of the clan, but soon, the souls of those elites stored in the ancestral land All the cards were broken.

The soul card broke, and it said that those elites were dead.


Another loud noise rang at the junction of Luoxingzhou and Luoshenhai, and another group of divine light exploded under the curtain of night without any warning.

In the divine light, the void collapsed, and countless broken limbs fell from the sky.


In the ancestral land of a strong clan on Luoxingzhou, an angry roar came out. The elite clan members of that clan were all dead, which made it difficult for the clan owner to accept.

Originally, he wanted to send away the elite members of the clan and avoid these elite members from dying in Gu Fei's hands.

However, these elite tribesmen unexpectedly all died.

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