Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2502: Great Sage

This night was destined to be a sleepless night. An angry roar came from the ancestors of many big clans. Those big clans who wanted to send their clansmen out of Luoxingzhou all failed, and those clansmen who sent out all fell. Up.

"how can that be……"

Someone is yelling.

This is really hard to imagine. You must know that Luoxingzhou is different from Haoyuezhou and Ziyangzhou. Luoxingzhou is extremely vast and is the largest continent among the three overseas continents.

Obviously, someone sealed the entire town of Xingzhou.

There is only one person in the entire Luoxingzhou who has such a method, and that person is Gu Fei. Some people have already guessed this.

Although the Hundred Clan Alliance was defeated and its vitality was severely injured, the ancestral land of each big clan is still there. This is the root of each big clan. As long as the ancestral land is not destroyed, this clan is not considered annihilated.

However, those big clans who wanted to send their clansmen out of Luo Xingzhou had lost a group of the most outstanding clansmen, and their vitality was greatly injured again.

"He actually sealed off the entire island of Xingzhou, how is this good?"

Among the ancestors of the Lei Clan, the leader of the Lei Clan was restless. The Lei Clan was the main force of this rebellion and the leader. If Gu Fei was to liquidate them, he would liquidate them first.

"Clan Lord, it's time for that person to come forward, otherwise, our clan will be annihilated."

A middle-aged man wearing silver armor said anxiously that Gu Fei's method was too unbelievable, and he even sealed the entire Luoxingzhou Town. Obviously, he didn't intend to let the rebels go.

"Who do you want to show up."

The Lei Clan master's body was full of thunder light, just like Lei Zu came to the world, a powerful and incomparable holy Dao breath was uploaded from his body, and there was electric light in his eyes.

"Could it be..."

The middle-aged man couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, he vaguely guessed something.

"From the beginning to the end, that person never really showed his true face in front of me. We were used as guns."

The head of the Lei Clan sighed and said.


The middle-aged person in Yinjia couldn't help but his face changed drastically when he heard this. Although he knew the person's identity, the other party was very careful and left no evidence.

That person pitted all the powerful clans on Luoxingzhou.

"Now that Gu Fei has even sealed the entire Luoxingzhou, it seems that this catastrophe cannot be avoided by my clan."

The Lei Clan's clan leader said that his expression has come to an end, and it is very likely that the Lei Clan will disappear in his hands. All this seems to be caused by himself.

At the same time, in the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan, there was also a sorrowful mist. The head of the Huo Peng clan now regretted his intestines.

He underestimated Gu Fei's strength. This Gu Fei even sealed the entire Falling Star Continent. This is simply the rhythm of rushing to kill.

"Patriarch, are we just waiting to die like this."

An old man spoke to the head of the Huo Peng clan.

"Then can you escape from Luoxingzhou."

The head of the Huo Peng clan glanced at the old man, his eyes filled with despair.

Hearing this, the old man stopped speaking immediately.

At this time, the whole Luoxingzhou, among the strong clans who participated in the rebellion, were panicked, and everyone was fidgeting, not knowing what kind of revenge they would face.

However, the night passed, and there was no movement from the ancestral land of the Demon Race, and Gu Fei did not make any response, and everyone was relieved.

However, some people who know Gu Fei's temperament are still very upset.

In the ancestral land of the Demon Race, Gu Fei and Yan'er handed over all the aftermath to the Jagged Daoist, but he and Yan'er entered the mountain and river tripod and went into retreat.

Hong Chen has been training his heart for a hundred years, and Gu Fei and Yan'er have gained a lot. If it hadn't been for things like the rebellion of a hundred races, they would have long been closed.

After resolving the crisis of the Hundred Clan's rebellion, Gu Fei and Yan'er went directly to Shanheding.

In the depths of the demon clan's ancestral land, in a forbidden place, an ancient tripod was floating in the void, revealing a breath of vicissitudes and ancient times.

The mountain and river tripod has its own heaven and earth, and the extremely powerful sacred artifacts can isolate the power of the scourge, and control such a sacred artifact without fear of the scourge.

However, the gods in the mountain and river tripod did not belong to the Bai Bang Gu Fei and Yan'er. If you want to get it, you have to pay a certain price. This is the way to balance.

Gu Fei paid a very high price before inviting the gods in Shanhe Ding. The essence of the quasi-superior sea beast that was hunted by Gu Fei was taken away by the gods of Shanhe Ding.

Quasi-Supreme is the closest existence to the Supreme in this world. Its original essence is extremely powerful, and it is also of great use to the gods of Shanheding.

The ancient Frisbee was sitting in the void, a vast expanse of space, without reaching the sky or the ground, just like an infinite space.

At this time, Gu Fei had Daoguang lingering all over his body, and bursts of Dao sounds came out of his body, as if there was a supreme Daoist chanting.

Nine chaotic lines loomed on his body, and the incomparably powerful aura of the Holy Emperor leaped from his body, and the entire void was shaking.

Although his state of mind is already close to the realm of Great Sage Dacheng, his cultivation level has not yet broken through. At this time, his aura is changing.

Going beyond the holy emperor, stepping into the great sage, and then breaking from the half-step great sage to the realm of the great sage, Gu Fei's cultivation continued to improve along the way, and a rumble of thunder came from the sky above the demon race.

In just half a day, Gu Fei caused the heavens to come, and the pressure of the Great Sacred Heavenly Tribulation made all the creatures on Luoxingzhou tremble and frightened.

His state of mind has already arrived, but his cultivation base has been suppressed, and now his cultivation base does not need to be suppressed anymore. The breath on his body is completely released, which not only arouses the Great Sage's Tribulation, but also attracts the power of Heaven's Scourge.

"So that's it..."

At this time, those panic-stricken strong clans knew why Gu Fei didn't liquidate them immediately. It turned out that he was preparing to cross the catastrophe.

"This guy is really against the sky..."

An old voice came from the ancestral land of the Lei Clan.

There was also a desperate sigh in the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan.

Gu Feiyue is powerful, and those rebellious strong races are desperate. No one wants to see the success of Gu Fei's catastrophe. It is best for Gu Fei to die under the catastrophe.

However, Gu Fei had the Sacred Artifact Mountain and River Ding of Extreme Dao, and he was unlikely to fall under the catastrophe.


Loud noises sounded from the outer area of ​​Luoxingzhou, and a strong clan began to attack the huge and incomparable seal that enveloped the entire Luoxingzhou.

No one is willing to wait for death, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, these people will hold it tightly, taking advantage of the arrival of the Great Sage, some people want to break the seal of Luoxingzhou and escape.

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