Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2503: Become a great saint

The Great Sacred Tribulation came, and there were dazzling lightning bolts in the sky above Luoxingzhou, the cloud of Tribulation enveloped the entire world, and the mighty and terrifying aura of destruction came to the extreme.

The sentient beings are trembling, this kind of destruction aura is too terrifying, even some ancient sages on Luoxingzhou feel palpitations and restless.


Flutters of thunder passed down from the depths of the sky, and the world was filled with an extremely depressing breath. The more advanced the cultivation, the stronger the feeling.

On the contrary, those mortals who don't have any cultivation base can't feel anything. From the eyes of mortals, the changes in the sky are just a sign that a storm is about to come.

At this time, those strong clans on Luoxingzhou who participated in the rebellion thought this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and hurriedly used their clan heritage to break the seal on Luoxingzhou and escape from Luoxingzhou.

You must know that once Gu Feidu has succeeded in the robbery, in the next step, he will begin to liquidate those strong clans who dare to rebel against him. At that time, Luoxingzhou will inevitably set off a **** storm.

Especially the Lei Clan and the Huo Peng clan, these two powerful clans took the lead in rebelling, and the end is destined to be miserable, as long as there is a ray of life, they will not miss it.

The Lei clan came out in full force, gathered all the important things in the clan, and under the leadership of the Lei clan leader, left the ancestral land of the Lei clan.

At the same time, the Huo Peng clan also made a big move. The head of the Huo Peng clan left the ancestral land of the Huo Peng clan with the ancestor weapon of the Huo Peng clan.

At this time, in the mountain and river tripod, Gu Fei was facing a great test, the Great Sage Tribulation was not so easy to deal with, a whirlpool appeared in the sky above the mountain and river tripod.

Gu Fei's breath came out of that whirlpool.


With a loud noise, a dazzling lightning bombarded from the depths of the sky, directly fell into the mountain and river tripod, and struck Gu Fei's body.

"So comfortable, come again."

Gu Fei suddenly raised his head and looked up. There were countless electric lights wandering on his body, crackling and making a noise.

His body shook, and the electric light walking around was immediately dispersed and dissipated into the void.

Gu Fei's provocative words seemed to really irritate God, and a more powerful thunder and lightning power fell from the sky and directly fell on him.

Under the bombardment of the devastating thunder and lightning, Gu Fei's clothes instantly turned into fly ash, and the whole body was enveloped by countless electric lights.

The body was still shaking slightly, and the electric light covering him immediately collapsed and couldn't hurt him.

The chaos immortal martial arts are extremely powerful, and the sky thunder is hard to hurt.

A series of sky thunders full of destructive aura kept falling from the sky, blasting towards Gu Fei, but Gu Fei still sat in the void, motionless, letting the sky thunder add himself.

If anyone sees this scene, they must be stunned.

No one dared to cross the calamity like Gu Fei. You must know that the sky robbery is so powerful that you can't avoid it, and how dare you let the sky thunder directly hit your body.

At this time, a more powerful and terrifying aura appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the power of the scourge finally came.

The power of the scourge is unquestionable, the existence of the supreme and below the human emperor, in the face of the power of scourge, there is no resistance at all.

However, when the power of the scourge came, the mountain and river tripod shook, and the chaos and majestic aura emerged on the tripod, and a powerful force directly resisted the power of the scourge.

This was the method of the gods in the mountain and river tripod. The gods in the mountain and river tripod promised to resist the power of the next heavenly scourge for Gu Fei, but they put the power of the heavenly calamity into the mountain and river tripod.

The nine great calamities fell from the sky, one is stronger than the other, and the other is terrifying, but Gu Fei is still sitting in the void motionless, letting the heavens add to his body.

He is mobilizing the power of the Great Sage to temper the martial arts.

In Gu Fei's body, the power of the Primal Chaos is fusing with the power of the immortal divine origin from the Immortal Ancestor, and a little bit of golden light is melted into the power of his origin.

The chaotic immortal martial arts are transforming toward the immortal martial arts.

Gu Fei was at the last moment of crossing the catastrophe, and several figures descended from the sky. They were not real "human beings" or creatures, but phantoms evolving from the mark of the great avenue imprinted in the sky and the earth.

When the real battle broke out, nine figures arrived. This figure was transformed into the imprint left by the predecessors. Although it is impossible to compare with those who have successfully crossed the calamity to become a great saint, it is also very powerful and terrifying.

After more than an hour, the battle ended, and the nine figures were all beheaded by Gu Fei, turned into nine marks, and returned to the world.

After the fierce fighting, the immortal divine nature in Gu Fei's body truly merged with the power of Gu Fei's martial arts origin, and then the immortal divine substance spread throughout Gu Fei's body regardless of each other.

At this time, Gu Fei's martial arts could be called immortal.

The powerful and perverted physique allowed Gu Fei to successfully survive the Great Sage Tribulation, and at the moment when the cloud dissipated from the sky, a shocking aura appeared between the heaven and the earth.

"The Great Sage."

At the moment that aura appeared, on a mountain peak on Haoyuezhou, a middle-aged man wearing black clothes suddenly opened his eyes.

"He has grown to this point."

On Ziyang Island, in front of the Golden Crow Palace, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe suddenly stood up and looked in the direction of Luo Xingzhou. There was light in his eyes.

"Huh, Great Sage, that guy is just a monster."

In the Sea of ​​Fallen God, on an island, a person who looks like a child is fishing by a lake.

When he sensed the mighty breath of the great saint, the child couldn't help but moved, and the peaceful days were about to pass.

"This is the power of the Great Sage."

At this time, when Gu Fei, who was in the inner world of Shanhe Ding, sensed the huge source power that seemed endless, he couldn't help being surprised and happy.

Gu Fei's state of mind has arrived, what is lacking is the cultivation base that complements his state of mind.

After going through the Great Sage Tribulation, he was shocked to find that his cultivation had broken through to the realm of Great Sage Dacheng, and he was only half a step away from the Holy Venerable.

At this time, Gu Fei asked himself to push all the powers of the same rank horizontally.

Although Gu Fei succeeded in crossing the robbery, he did not leave the customs immediately.

At this time, Yan'er also triggered the robbery, and the terrifying power of heaven and earth once again descended on Luxingzhou, causing all powerful creatures to tremble as if the end had come.

This is the Holy Emperor's Tribulation, the terrifying power of heaven and earth enveloped the entire planet.

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