Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2543: Ten kills

In the valley, Dongfang Zun and his daughter were discussing how to deal with Gu Fei's master and apprentice.

If it's not clear, then come in the dark. One of Dongfang Yao's seniors will travel to the Eastern Regions. This allows Dongfang Yao to find an opportunity to resist Gu Fei's master and apprentice.

Moreover, the only son of that great figure in the ancient Zhao family has a special liking for Dongfang Yao, and has not given up the idea of ​​marrying Dongfang Yao.

In Dongfang Yao's view, these are all resources that can be used.

For several days, all the forces appeared to be very restrained, even the terrifying monsters in the devil's cave, these days have been quiet.

The fall of the Blood Wing Demon angered the Wing Demon Clan, but the Wing Demon Clan also knew that Gu Fei's master and apprentice was powerful, and was unwilling to take action easily.

The Huanggu Zhao family is still waiting and watching. The Zhao family did not indicate that it is an alliance with the Eastern family. You must know that the Huanggu Zhao family paid a lot of money to resolve the grievances with Gu Fei.

Huanggu Zhao family is unwilling to dispute with Gu Fei again, which is not in line with Zhao family's interests.

For the Huanggu Zhao family, the family's interests are absolutely above the alliance between the Huanggu Zhao family and the Eastern family. The Huanggu Zhao family will not offend Gu Fei for the Eastern family.

Surprisingly, the Eastern Family had no reaction at all. They didn't immediately find Master Gu Fei to settle accounts, nor did they take back the Eastern Imperial City.

Such a reaction from the Eastern family makes it hard to guess what it is.

Just when all the forces thought that the Eastern aristocratic family was going to be a tortoise, in one evening, Dongfang Zun suddenly appeared outside the Eastern Imperial City.


A figure immediately appeared in front of Dongfang Zun, looking at Dongfang Zun coldly.

"You are Dongfang Zun."

The visitor was Gu Zhong, who happened to be patrolling nearby, so he rushed here as soon as possible and stopped Dongfang Zun who was about to enter the Eastern Imperial City.


Dongfang Zun snorted coldly, turned and left. He took a step, and the person was already a hundred miles away, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Where to escape."

Gu Zhong saw that Dongfang Zun was about to flee, so he hurried to catch up.

He stepped on eight wild steps, showing eight steps of extreme speed, moving fast in the void, and the distance between the two was rapidly shrinking.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, and they soon rushed into the mountain thousands of miles away, and then Dongfang Zun stopped running deep in the mountain.


The sky and the earth shook, and the two powerhouses fought into battle. Unimaginable power fluctuations erupted from the depths of the mountain, and the entire mountain was shaking.

"Do you think I am really afraid of you."

Dongfangzun said as he shot at Gu Zhong, his tone was extremely cold.

"You brought me here. Did you move your hands and feet here."

At this time, Gu Zhong still didn't understand. The reason why the other party appeared outside the Eastern Imperial City had only one purpose, which was to bring himself here.

"Haha, you guessed right, today is your death date."

Dongfang Zun laughed.

At this time, above the far sky, a figure appeared. It was a figure sitting cross-legged on a formation. This was a fairy in white clothes.

Above the battlefield, runes are looming.


The fairy who was sitting on the formation yelled, and then directly urged the formation.


The earth shook, and ten stone pillars broke through the soil from the earth and rushed out. They were ten stone pillars full of mysterious and ancient runes.

The ten stone pillars quickly rushed from the ground to the sky, covering hundreds of miles in the area.

"this is……"

While Gu Zhong was fighting endlessly with Dongfang Zun, he was secretly surprised. This Dongfang Zun really dug a big hole to make himself jump in.

It is not an easy task for a large formation covering a region of hundreds of miles around. It is not an easy task to set up such a large formation. It seems that this Dongfang Zun has set up an ambush here early in the morning.

"Haha, kill you first, and then kill your master."

Dongfang Zun was too happy and excited. This big formation, but one of the several ancestral formations of the Eastern family, was called the Ten Killing Formations, which was a holy killer formation.

At this time, runes appeared on Dongfang Zun's body, and an extremely powerful force erupted from his body.


Dongfang Zun directly forced Gu Zhong back with a palm and then sat cross-legged in the void, fully mobilizing the power of the Ten Killing Array. Countless runes burst out from the ten stone pillars, and a light curtain surrounded the ten stone pillars. The emptiness shrouded hundreds of miles of living.

The entire mountain depths suddenly changed color, the sun and the moon were dark.

Gu Zhong was shocked. At this time, the Ten Killing Array was already in operation, the power of terror was constantly improving, and the spirits of the ten directions gathered crazily.

"You want to kill me with this killing formation, you are too naive."

Gu Zhong calmed down, and then glanced around. There seemed to be no flaws in the ten-kill formation that sealed the world.


Gu Zhong tentatively shot the sky-shielding hand, and a big golden hand immediately appeared in the void and patted a stone pillar in front.


Void shook, and the sky-shielding hand played by Gu Zhong showed great power, and it even shook the light curtain that sealed the world, but when the big hand slapped on the stone pillar, it failed to shake this one. Stone pillars.

A strong wave of power erupted from the stone pillar, which directly shook the sky-shielding hand that Gu Zhong had shot away.


Gu Zhong saw this scene, and his heart moved.

"Okay, let me send you on the road."

At this time, the Eastern Venerable had already drawn the power of the ten killing formations into his body. He was the master of the ten killing formations, and he was powerful in every gesture.


Dongfang Zun raised his hand, and a bright electric light immediately rushed out of his hand and bombarded Gu Zhong.

Gu Zhong waved his hand directly to disperse the electric light from the bombardment, and then cast a Jin Xing fist, one of them stepped out, and a fist hit Dongfang Zun's chest with a color.

Dongfangzun stretched out his big hand and directly greeted Gu Zhong's fist.


With a muffled sound, Gu Zhong's fist collided with Dongfang Zun's big hand, two powerful forces collided frontally, and a storm of destruction swept away.

Suddenly flying sand and rocks in the ten kill formation.


At this moment, Gu Zhong only felt that a force that was too strong to resist erupted from the opponent's palm, blasting him away.

"how is this possible……"

Gu Zhong couldn't believe it, the other party actually shook himself away with a palm, and the other party's strength seemed to have risen to an incredible level.

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