Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2544: The power of the immortal golden body

The Ten Kill Array showed great power, and the ten stone pillars sealed the Shi Fang, trapping Gu Zhong in this lore array.


The heavens and the earth shook, and the endless spirits of the heavens and the earth gathered frantically toward the ten kills formation. At this moment, the Dongfang Zun in the ten kills formed an invincible God of War, and he shook Gu Zhong away from his hands. go with.

"I have ten unique strengths, why do you fight with me."

Dongfang Zun said loudly, and then took a direct step, approaching Gu Zhong in an instant, stretched out his big hand, and pressed towards Gu Zhong, and the entire world of void collapsed under his big hand.

The void was shattering, turning into a force of extinction, heading towards Gu Zhong.


Gu Zhong felt the tremendous pressure, he roared, his hair flew, and then blasted towards Dongfang Zun's palm with a full punch, and the strong fist burst out on his fist.

The power of Jin Xing was surging surging in Gu Zhong's body, and nine golden light lines emerged on his body, revealing endless rhymes.

Above his fist, a bright golden light appeared, as if it had turned into a golden divine sun, blooming with endless golden light, rising from the ground.


The two most powerful forces collided, and Dongfang Zun’s evolved big hand enveloped the world and sealed the void, attracting ten supernatural powers, showing the terrifying power of destroying the world.

"Unreasonably, how could he be so strong."

Gu Zhong had to be moved, Shijue's power was too strong, and he was shocked. The invincible boxing force could not disperse this big hand.

His golden fist broke through the mighty force from the opponent's big hand, and collided with that big hand.


The moment the two forces collided together, the whole world screamed, and then a series of pitch-black space cracks appeared in the sky and the void.

Striking lightning rushed out from the ten stone pillars and sank into Dongfang Zun's body, and the Dongfang Zun's body immediately burst into bright lightning.

"Give you a thunderstorm."

Dongfang Zun's big hand shook, and the endless five-color thunder light immediately rushed out of his hand, revealing a palpable aura of destruction, and blasted towards the Gu heavy below.

"The Five Elements God Thunder."

Gu Zhong couldn't help changing his color when he saw it. This guy was so powerful that he was already invincible here. Damn it.


With a shocking thunderbolt, the colorful thunder light directly blasted on Gu Zhong's fist, shaking his fists away, and then the colorful lightning flooded Gu Zhong in an instant.

A group of colorful thunder lights fell from the sky.


With a loud noise, the ground exploded, and the group of colorful thunder lights directly smashed the ground out of a big pit. In the big pit, there were many colorful lightning raging.

At this time, Gu Zhong was convulsed by the thunder of the Five Elements God, his hair was erect, and he was embarrassed.


Just when Gu Zhong hadn't recovered, the high sky immediately smashed down golden light blades, and each light blade revealed powerful power fluctuations, splitting the sky and the earth.


The earth quaked, and countless golden light blades fell like raindrops into the big pit on the ground, completely submerging Gu Zhong, and the dust washed up into the sky.


High above the sky, Dongfang Zun waved his hands, and the golden light blades and colorful thunder and lightning continued to bombard the big pit on the ground from the sky.

Under the impact of the powerful force, the entire land was constantly undulating like waves, and the terrifying force of destruction destroyed everything.

"It should be dead."

After frantically attacking for a long time, Dongfang Zun stopped, panting and saying, he stared at the dusty pit below, with a smile on his face.

He couldn't feel the Gu Zhong aura in the big pit anymore.

"Really killed Gu Zhong."

Outside the ten kills formation, Dongfang Yao, who was sitting on the formation, looked at this scene in surprise, in disbelief that an extremely powerful martial sage had died.

"Huh, it's nothing but invincible of the same rank."

Dongfang Zun said coldly.

"Haha, Gu Zhong is dead, Gu Fei is going crazy this time."

Outside the ten-kill formation, Dongfang Yao had a surprise meeting. Gu Zhong was a martial sage, Gu Fei's right and left hand. After killing Gu Zhong, he would wait for Gu Fei to break his arm.

However, at this moment, Dongfang Zun's face changed drastically. The next moment, he only felt tight on his body, and he was hugged tightly from behind.


Dongfang Zun's surprise was truly extraordinary.

"Do you think this level of attack can kill me."

A voice rang in Dongfang Zun's ear.


Dongfang Zun struggled desperately, trying to free himself from the opponent.

However, the opponent's hands and feet were tightly entangled with him, and he couldn't escape.

"how is this possible……"

Outside the ten kills formation, Dongfang Yao was stunned by what he saw before him, and saw that Gu Zhong suddenly appeared silently behind his father and hugged him.


Gu Zhong let out an angry roar, and the power of the martial arts burst out instantly. This was not the great skill and supernatural power of the holy rank, but the power of the pure martial arts, and did not involve the principles of the holy rank.

However, even if the power of the martial arts does not involve the sacred order, its strength is definitely not weaker than the power of the sacred order.

Dongfang Zun's body immediately heard the sound of broken bones, and the ancient heavy martial arts power broke out, and Dongfang Zun didn't know how many bones had been broken.

Even if it was an ancient sage, Dongfang Zun almost fainted in pain, and his broken ribs plunged into the five Tibetans and six residences, vomiting blood in his mouth.

"Cut me."

Dongfang Zun roared, and a bright celestial light radiated from the center of his eyebrows, which aroused ten powers, and the ten stone pillars shook together. Then, on each stone pillar, a heavenly sword emerged, facing his back. The ancient heavy chopping came.

The Heavenly Sword condensed by the power of the stone pillars gave out terrifying power fluctuations, like a real Supreme Sacred Sword appearing between heaven and earth.


Ten Heavenly Swords smashed into Gu Zhong at the same time, and the terrifying force of destruction directly cut the void of heaven and earth.

"Let you see what immortal golden body is."

Gu Zhong roared, bright golden light burst out all over his body, nine golden Dao patterns appeared on his body, and all his martial arts power was stimulated.


Void shook, and at the same time, Gu Zhong also displayed the secret technique of ascension, pushing the power of the martial arts to the limit in an instant, and the whole person was like a **** of war burning with golden fire.


With Gu Zhong's force, the body of Dongfang Zun who was hugged by him immediately exploded, and a group of divine light wrapped in a soul soaring into the sky.

Dongfang Zun's body was actually strangled by the ancient rebirth, turning into a cloud of blood.

At the same time, the ten heavenly knives also smashed into Gu Zhong's body, and the blade directly broke through the golden light of Gu Zhong's protective body, slashing into his body.


Gu Zhong roared, his body shook, and the ten Heavenly Swords that had slashed into his body were forced out by him, and then they collapsed into the void.

Golden blood oozes from the place that was smashed by the ten heavenly knives, and the wound was difficult to heal for a while.

"The murderous sword spirit of the inner road."

Gu Zhong looked at the wound on his body, his pupils shrank.

At this time, Dongfang Zun's primordial spirit had already fled far away. After losing his body, it was difficult for him to provoke his ten force, which made him startled and angry.

You must know that even as an ancient sage, with only the primordial spirit left, and mobilizing ten superpowers, I am afraid that his primordial spirit will dissipate before Gu Zhong has been killed.

"Yao'er, you come and kill this guy for your father."

Dongfangzun's primordial spirit said to Dongfang Yao who was outside the Ten Killing Array.

"Yes, father."

Dongfang Yao urged the formation under her feet, and a group of divine light immediately enveloped Dongfangzun's primordial spirit, and moved Dongfangzun's primordial spirit out of the ten kill formation.

Gu Zhong wanted to shoot, but it was too late.

At this time, the formation at Dongfang Yao's feet broke through the void and directly entered the ten kill formation.

"You are Dongfang Yao."

Gu Zhong looked at the fairy who had entered the ten-kill formation and said coldly.

Seeing Dongfang Yao stepping on the battlefield and flying in white clothes, she gave people a sense of otherworldly, coupled with that peerless face, it really made people shine.

However, these are nothing to Gu Zhong. You know, his wife is the saint of the previous generation of Yaotai Ancient Holy Land, and the saint of Yaotai Ancient Holy Land is definitely not inferior to Dongfang Yao.

In some respects, the saint of the ancient sacred place of Yaotai is better than Dongfang Yao.

"Gu Zhong, today you don't want to leave here alive."

Dongfang Yao, who was stepping on the stage, looked at Gu Zhong on the opposite side, and said such words flatly, she seemed to have the chance to win.

"Hmph, many people want to kill me, but I'm still alive, and those who want to kill me are dead."

Gu Zhong said disapprovingly, he was very confident in his cultivation and combat power. Although Dongfang Yao was strong, he was not a vegetarian.

"It's useless to say more, then use facts to prove it."

Dongfang Yao was very direct, and then she directly sat down on the formation, and the formation immediately showed many runes.


The entire void enclosed by the town of ten stone pillars was shaking, and Dongfang Yao actually aroused the power of the entire ten kill formation in an instant, which surprised Gu Zhong a little.

"That's it."

Gu Zhong stared at the formation under Dongfang Yao. On this formation, he sensed a wave of power from the same source as the Ten Kill Formation.

He had to admire the care and caution of Dongfang Zun father and daughter, and there was such a preparation.

That Dongfang Zun is a human-shaped formation, branding the formation pattern on his body, which can provoke the power of the ten kill formation and double his combat power.

But the real battlefield of the Ten Kill Formation was in Dongfang Yao.

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