Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2554: Heavenly dead area

I have to say that the collection of the treasure building in the East Imperial City City Lord’s Mansion is really against the sky. For endless years, every East Imperial City City Lord will add a lot of treasures and magical materials to this treasure building.

After many years of accumulation, there were so many gods and treasures on the Treasure Treasure Tower that even Gu Fei and Gu Zhong were shocked.

The nine-story treasure building, each floor is waiting for a **** hidden, in the second treasure building, Master Gu Fei found a dozen sacred artifacts, these dozens of sacred artifacts revealed the divine light, It makes people feel as if they are surrounded by endless sacred artifacts, and it makes people have this kind of illusion that shocks to the extreme.

Throughout the ages, although there have been many saints, the sacred objects left by ancient sages are very limited, and it is impossible to have endless sacred objects.

Unless it is a certain supreme whim, there are countless sacred artifacts.

However, the cultivation base has reached the supreme level, it is already invincible in the sky and the earth, so many holy artifacts are useless, and in the cultivation world, only the artifacts that you have cultivated are the most suitable for you.

The artifacts that weren't made by self-sacrifice can be used, but it is difficult to use the true power of these sacred artifacts. For a powerful person like Gu Fei master and apprentice, such sacred artifacts are like chicken ribs and tasteless. , It is a pity to discard it.

Master Gu Fei stood in the second-story pavilion.

"This is a complete holy artifact."

Gu Zhong felt the 18 magical artifacts floating in the pavilion that exuded the aura of the holy way, and couldn't help being shocked. The indispensable holy artifacts were rare, but he saw 18 of them here.

"The heritage of the Eastern family seems very profound."

Gu Fei's expression became serious, but in an Eastern Imperial City, the Eastern family had collected 18 sacred artifacts. Then in the ancestral land of the Eastern family, wouldn't there be more sacred artifacts?

In fact, what Gu Fei didn't know was that although there were still sacred artifacts in the ancestral land of the Eastern family, there were definitely not many ancestral artifacts in the ancestral land.

Ancestral artifacts are the foundation of the Eastern family.

"The Treasure House was breached, how could this be..."

Among the ancestors of the Eastern family, in a hall, all the high-level members of the Eastern family present were shocked to the extreme, and the Eastern Imperial City had undergone major changes.

There was such news from the children of the Eastern family hidden in the Eastern Imperial City.

The Eastern aristocratic family is deeply rooted in the Eastern Territory, and it is not comparable to ordinary cultivation forces. No one knows how many monks loyal to the Eastern family are lurking in the Eastern Imperial City.

However, the treasure building, which was thought to be unbreakable even by the Lord's visit, was now broken by the two masters and apprentices. The high-ranking members of the Eastern family were shocked and even more painful.

Treasure building, it is a treasure building that houses countless treasures. Where are most of the treasures collected by the Eastern family in the endless years?

The consequences of Gu Fei's master and apprentice's breach of the treasure building can be imagined. The two masters and apprentices received so many treasures, enough to establish a force that can compete with the Eastern family.

"How could this happen, isn't the guardian formation of the treasure building that no one can break."

In the hall, someone roared.

This time, the loss of the Eastern family was too great, that is, the high-level members of the Eastern family couldn't sit still. Someone fell the cup, and someone smashed the table beside him with a palm.

"Okay, shut up for me."

At this time, a middle-aged black-bearded man sitting high on the throne in the middle of the hall roared, this man is the contemporary Patriarch of the Eastern family, Dongfang Chen.

"Patriarch, if we still don't use the ancestral weapon, will we have to wait until the two masters and apprentices attack the ancestral land?"

A middle-aged man with gray hair stood up abruptly and said loudly.

"Dongfang Yifeng, don't be restless."

Beside the white-haired middle-aged man, a handsome and young man stretched out his hand and pulled the white-haired middle-aged man Dongfang Yifeng.

"The two masters and disciples are about to kill the ancestral land, how can you be so indifferent."

The Dongfang Yifeng roared.

"Well, the use of ancestors must be considered in the long term."

Dongfang Chen, the contemporary Patriarch of the Eastern Family, looked at Dongfang Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, you are all cowardly guys."

Dongfang Yifeng swept the high-ranking members of the Eastern family in the hall, and then strode out of the hall and left here.

"Patriarch, do you want to stop him."

Someone said.

Everyone in the hall knew what Dongfang Yifeng wanted to do, but everyone watched him leave with cold eyes, only the young man couldn't bear it.

"Let him go."

Dongfang Chen said.


The young man said nothing, and then sat down.

Dongfang Yifeng is very different, and has been isolated in the Eastern family. This is a tragic figure in the Eastern family. Back then, he competed with Dongfangchen for the position of the head of the family.

However, because of various reasons, Dongfang Yifeng lost the qualification to compete for the position of Patriarch, therefore, Dongfang Chen successfully ascended to the position of Patriarch.

Dongfang Yifeng had been depressed for a long time because of this. In the end, even though he regained his strength, almost everyone in the Dongfang family did not want to interact with him.

This time, because of Gu Fei's master and apprentice, the Eastern family recalled all the strong men in the Eastern family, and this Dongfang Yifeng was one of them.

The enemy that the Eastern family will face this time is different from the past. Gu Fei and the Eastern family are an unending feud, unless one party is completely wiped out, otherwise, this grievance will never be resolved.

"The third brother, please contact the Zhao family to see if our two have a chance to join forces."

Dongfang Chen said to a middle-aged man below his left hand.


After the man took the order, he immediately left the hall.

"We will not move for the time being. At this time, we can't be in a mess. You know, the ancestors are about to wake up from their deep sleep."

Dongfang Chen glanced at the people in the hall, and then said.

The power holders of the Eastern family in the main hall heard the words, and immediately became excited. Once the ancestors awakened from the endless sleep, this crisis of the family could be completely resolved.

The Eastern family has been forbearing, not without reason.

Soon, that Dongfang Yifeng really left the ancestral land of the Dongfang family.

At this time, in a certain place in the heaven called the dead zone, a sneaky guy was sneaking towards a tomb deep in the dead zone.

"I don't believe that I can't find the way to the lower realm in the dark."

This person was talking to himself, the big tomb in front stood like a mountain in the dead zone. According to legend, there was a great secret hidden in the dead zone of the heaven.

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