Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2555: Imperative

The dead zone of heaven is located in the depths of Nanling, a place off the beaten track.

Throughout the ages, legends about the dead zone have been handed down, and even in the present age, this heavenly dead zone is still a terrifying forbidden place.

Whether humans or animals, mortals or immortals, as long as they break into the dead zone, it is absolutely difficult to get out alive, and there is great danger in the dead zone.

However, at this time, in the depths of this forbidden area, there was a guy sneaking around, sneaking carefully towards the tomb in front.

"There is nothing difficult to keep me dark."

The man was talking to himself, and soon disappeared into the dark world.

Soon, there was an extremely powerful fluctuation in this dead zone, a large tomb burst open, and the chaos inside was mighty, as if a chaotic world was evolving.

A terrifying breath came out from the cracked tomb, and instantly enveloped thousands of miles of territory.

"what's going on."

At this moment, the powerhouses in the entire Nanling region sensed this strong breath, and they were all shocked and inexplicably shocked, and some people rushed out of the cultivating ground for the first time.

"It's the direction of the dead zone, and the dead zone has changed dramatically."

Someone said such words.

"Deadly change, how is this possible."

Just when the strong men in the Nanling region were rushing towards the dead zone, in the tomb, a figure instantly disappeared in the chaotic passage behind a sarcophagus.

"According to the legend, the tomb of a great figure in the ancient times penetrated the heavens and the earth, and it was unexpectedly true."

Such words were heard in the chaotic passage, and then the chaotic passage behind the sarcophagus disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

The shocking change in the dead zone not only shocked Nanling, but also the powerhouses in other parts of the heavens. Some of the strongest domain masters came across the domain and appeared in Nanling.

But at this time, the guy who caused this shock has already gone to the lower realms.

In a star field in the human world, bursts of incomparably powerful fluctuations suddenly spread, and the entire void was distorted and deformed, and then collapsed.

A chaotic passage appeared between heaven and earth, and a figure with chaotic light fell out of the chaotic passage.

"Wow, I finally returned to the world in Heitian."

After the man fell out of the chaotic channel, he immediately roared to the sky, extremely excited.

"The tortoise sons of the heavens, wait. When I go up again, I want you to look good."

Hei Tian said bitterly, he couldn't mix in the heavens anymore, he had offended an unimaginable existence, and at this time, Laogui was overwhelmed and could not help Heitian.

As a result, Heitian was chased and killed by that person for thousands of miles, and had to escape into the dead zone, ventured into a mysterious tomb, and successfully opened a mysterious passage through the heaven and the earth.

The Yaozu's rebellion was very serious this time, and the old turtle was also struggling to deal with it, because behind this rebellion were the descendants of the sky demon.

The Emperor and the Sky Demon were old enemies.

As the sons of the Supreme Emperor, Laogui and the descendants of the Sky Demon are also deadly enemies. The two supreme descendants are vying for the control of the Heaven Demon Race and both want to become the master of the Heaven Demon Race.

This is a battle that cannot be distinguished in a short period of time. The background of the descendants of the sky demon is not inferior to the old turtle.

Under this circumstance, it is difficult for Laogui to get away to save Heitian, but Laogui knows that Heitian will not be killed so easily.

However, even Laogui could not have imagined that this Heitian turned against the sky and found a passage through the heavens and the earth.

Of course, this passage is one-way, that is, the lower bound is easy, but it is difficult to go up.

"I don't know what happened to Gu Fei and the others."

Hei Tian stood in the dark starry sky, and soon he found a big star full of life, and then he flew directly towards that big star.

On the Tenglong Ancestor Star, in the Eastern Region of the Tenglong Continent, in the Eastern Imperial City, Gu Fei's master and apprentice broke through the treasure building and obtained all the treasures in the treasure building.

This is definitely a super **** store, Gu Fei and Gu Zhong are both very surprised, countless gods, so that they have more confidence, so that they have the capital to fully confront the Eastern family.

"It's time to bring overseas people back to Tamron Mainland."

Gu Fei said such words.

To destroy the Eastern aristocratic family, relying on the two of them, it is impossible to do it anyway. Only by taking in the overseas army can it be possible to completely destroy the Eastern world.

You know, the Eastern aristocracy is not a general cultivation power, but a super power that has passed on for endless years and has a profound heritage.

Just like the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion that day, several superpowers joined forces and failed to destroy this ancient inheritance. If Gu Fei secretly took action, Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion would never have been destroyed.

And the heritage of the Eastern aristocratic family is definitely not inferior to the Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion. To destroy the Eastern aristocratic family, we need to consider a long-term plan, otherwise, even if the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family is destroyed, the family will continue to pass on.

"Master, what are we going to do."

Gu Zhong asked Gu Fei in the main hall of the East Imperial City City Lord's Mansion.

"With these divine treasures, we can build a teleportation formation. As long as we can successfully reverse the formation pattern that sent me back to the Dragon Continent, we may return overseas."

Gu Fei pondered for a while, and then said his thoughts.

"Master, is this too risky."

Gu Zhong couldn't help being stunned. He wanted to reverse the formation of the formation. This was not a trivial matter. If there was a mistake in this process, the consequences would be very serious.

You know, this kind of ultra-distance teleportation array will be teleported to an unknown area once it makes a mistake, and it will not be so easy to come back then.

"Try it first, I think it should be 60 to 70% certain."

Gu Fei said.

"Well, 60 or 70% sure, you can try it."

Gu Zhong became a little excited. If the overseas army can successfully cross over, it will be much easier to destroy the Eastern family. You know, the overseas power controlled by Master is extremely powerful.

After that, Gu Fei began to retreat and comprehend the teleportation formation. He wanted to try to reverse the formation on the ancient teleportation formation that sent himself back to the Tenglong Continent that day.

This is not an easy task. You must know that the ultra-distance ancient teleportation array has complicated array patterns, and it is not easy to reverse it.

However, at present, only with the help of overseas forces, Gu Fei and the others can destroy the Eastern family, this matter is imperative.

"It would be great if the dark sky was there."

In the closed chamber, Gu Fei suddenly said such words.

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