Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2566: The legendary flying fairyland

Seeing that middle-aged warrior left directly, the ancient sage Tianhong on the hill outside the Eastern Imperial City was directly dumbfounded.

"How can I go..."

The ancient sage Tianhong was talking to himself, in order to invite this person, he did not spend less time, you know, it is difficult for him to find this person.

If it wasn't for the kindness of his ancestors to this person, this person would definitely not pay attention to him. You know, this person has a great background.

Tianhong Old Sage left immediately.

Gu Zhong stood in the sky for a long time, then flew down from the sky, entered the Eastern Imperial City below, and returned to the city lord of the Eastern Imperial City.


Gu Zhong came to the outside of Gu Fei's retreat.

"You have worked hard."

A voice rang directly in Gu Zhong's heart. In the battle just now, even Gu Fei who was in the retreat was shocked. He had to speak out and set a duel with that person a month later.

One month was very short for the monk, and it was precisely because of this that the middle-aged warrior agreed.

"The apprentice doesn't work hard."

Gu Zhong said, he has an urge to cry, and he is incompetent, so he wants to alarm Master. If it weren't for Master to speak, he would be more awful today.

"Well, I'll talk about everything after I leave the customs."

Gu Fei said, and then he stopped talking.

In the closed chamber, endless runes are intertwined, an ancient breath is surging, and runes are intertwined and reorganized, and the prototype of an ancient formation is initially revealed.

Gu Fei is still deducing, not daring to relax, he only has one month.


Gu Zhong replied, and then, he sat cross-legged on the ground, placed the Thunder God's Spear horizontally on his knees, closed his eyes, and the breath on his body gradually converged, and soon he was motionless like a stone statue. Up.

The thunder god's spear that lay across his knees was flashing with electricity, revealing a powerful and terrifying aura of destruction.

The war ended, no one thought it would be like this, the extremely powerful middle-aged fighters actually retreated, which made many people in the Eastern Imperial City feel extremely disappointed.

Master Gu Fei is pressing on their hearts like a mountain, how much they hope someone will remove this mountain.

However, it is difficult to remove this mountain.

After a long period of noisy, the silent Eastern Imperial City gradually calmed down.

At this time, Gu Fei stepped up time to deduct the ancient formation. You must know that once he succeeds and his true body comes, he will be fearless.

As long as the ancient teleportation formation is successfully reversed and overseas forces are drawn into the Tamron Continent, there is still that force on the entire Tamron Continent that can threaten Gu Fei.

You know, the three overseas sages have all been subdued by Gu Fei.

"One month..."

In the secret room, in the endless rune, two dazzling divine lights suddenly brightened, it was Gu Fei's gaze, as if to see through the void of heaven and earth.

He was doing extremely complicated things, constantly deducing the ancient formation, and then reorganizing the ancient formation. The embryonic form of the big formation has taken shape. This is a very important step.


The sound of wind and thunder gradually sounded in the secret room.

Just as Gu Fei fully deduced the ancient formation, on the Ziwei ancestor star, amidst a ruined historical site, an ancient formation that had been covered in dust for endless years suddenly lit up.


On an old tree next to the ancient formation, a strange bird called and flew away.

Among the desolate historical sites, there are few living beings. In this ancient site, there are collapsed palaces and pavilions, and between these palaces and pavilions, you can see some dead bones scattered on the ground.

There are immortal Dao patterns here, and the immortal remnant formations have terrible power. Although this is a monument, no one dares to enter here.

This is the famous flying fairyland on Ziwei ancestor star. Legend has it that in that distant past, a peerless and powerful creature was born here, and that creature finally ascended to the heavens here.

Therefore, this place is conveniently called Feixiandi.

However, today's Feixian Land is no longer a land of immortals that is rare in the world. The current Feixian Land is just an ancient relic.

There are no immortals here, and even some ordinary creatures are hard to see.

No one knows what happened that year. A great teacher who was extremely powerful was wiped out and removed from Ziwei Zuxing.

And at this time, among the desolate ruins, waves of immortal power were heard, and an ancient formation that was still well preserved was glowing.

The Dao pattern on the ancient formation continued to light up, and the essence of the four directions gradually gathered from all directions and submerged in the ancient formation.


At this moment, the void vibrated, and the void above the ancient formation was shaking like a water wave, and then a figure passed through the water wave and appeared on the ancient formation.

"here is……"

The divine light of the Immortal Dao shining from the ancient formation dissipated, and the Dao pattern on the ancient formation gradually disappeared inside the formation, and then, the ancient formation that had not been used for a long time became silent again. Come down.

"Could it be Ziwei Zuxing here."

Hei Tian looked around, and saw what he could see, all in ruins, and in some places, there was even a peerless murderous intent, and there was a breath of terror.

"what happened."

Hei Tian stood on the formation, he was not in a hurry to get off the formation. You must know that apart from the formation, it is difficult for him to determine what dangers might be in other places.

This kind of ancient ruins are not simple, they definitely hide a peerless murderous intent. If you are not careful, I am afraid that even the saints will die here.


Hei Tian finally used the old method to directly release the formation patterns, and the formation patterns rushed out of his body and disappeared in the void.

This kind of void can form an array, for the current Hei Tian, ​​it can be easily displayed.

In an instant, Hei Tian placed a killing formation around his body. This killing formation was hidden in the void, covering hundreds of squares of void around Hei Tian's body.

Hei Tian sensed that there was no danger in the vicinity of the ancient formation. If there was any danger, he would have been touched by the formation pattern.

He is the master of the formation, walking in this fierce land, but it is much safer than the average monk. You must know that only the master of the formation can do the method of void formation.

Soon, he walked off the ancient formation, then determined a direction and walked straight forward.

To get out of this monument is actually very simple, that is, to identify a direction, go on, and eventually go out from here.

This is a stupid way, but it works.

Heitian carefully walked out of this ancient site, but at this time, someone wanted to enter this ancient site to find a great opportunity.

This is the Flying Fairy Land. According to legend, there is a chance here, that is, the real Flying Fairy Land, a treasure land where innate creatures can be born.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people have come here to try their luck, but most of them have failed and failed to find the legendary flying fairyland.

Moreover, some of these people died on the road and failed to get out of this monument.

At this time, outside of this flying fairyland, a figure was haunting, and this person was Ji Changkong who was said to be a traitor by the clansman.

The real flying fairyland is definitely a special place.

However, this kind of place against the sky has long since disappeared, but some people have seen the legendary flying fairy land in this ancient site.

When Ji Changkong came here, he really tried his luck. If he really found Feixiandi, then he would no longer need to fear anyone in the Ji family.

Just when Ji Changkong was wandering outside the Fei Xiandi, the strong man of the Ji family had already tracked him.

"Ji Changkong, see where else you can escape this time."

An old voice was uploaded from the sky, and then, a figure fell from the sky and landed on the opposite side of Ji Changkong. It was an old man with white beard and hair.

The old man holds the dragon head stick in his hand. Although it seems to be very old, the fluctuation of the immortal power on his body is extremely strong, and there is no sign of aging.

"Ji Yunlong, I didn't expect you to be able to trace here."

On top of a mountain, Ji Changkong coldly looked at the old man standing in the opposite void.

At this time, two more figures descended from the sky and landed behind the old man. These two immortal masters were both middle-aged.

In the cultivating world, the appearance does not tell anything, no one will judge the age of a monk from the appearance.

You know, in the world of cultivation, there are often children or young people, but their true age is extremely scary, and they are veritable antiquities.

"Ji Changkong, die."

As soon as they saw Ji Changkong, the two middle-aged men rushed towards Ji Changkong, and powerful fluctuations of power erupted from the two middle-aged men.


While one of the middle-aged people waved his hand, a purple sword light immediately rushed out of his hand, strangling towards Ji Changkong.


The lightning flashed, but another middle-aged man was holding a thunder seal, unleashing the power of endless thunder and lightning to bombard Ji Changkong, and the aura of destruction was mighty in the world.

The power of thunder and lightning represents destruction.


Ji Changkong stretched out his right hand and grabbed it straight forward. In the palm of his palm, a dark whirlpool emerged, and a power of swallowing sky emerged from the whirlpool.

The strangling sword light and the power of thunder and lightning were all swallowed by the vortex that emerged from his right hand.


The two middle-aged men couldn't help being shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene, how powerful Ji Changkong's cultivation base was to such an extent.

At this moment, the power of swallowing the sky that came out of Ji Changkong's palm spread out, and it actually enveloped the two middle-aged people in it.

The two middle-aged men immediately flew towards Ji Changkong's right hand involuntarily.

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