Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2567: Nine Thunder Dragon Staff

"Swallowing hands."

The old man holding the dragon head stick saw Ji Changkong stretch out his big hand, and he sucked the two middle-aged people over and was startled.


The old man directly shot the dragon head stick, and a wave that was extremely powerful immediately erupted from the dragon head stick. The void was shaking, and immediately resolved the mighty swallowing power from Ji Changkong's big hand. .

The two middle-aged men then fell from the air, and the two of them hurriedly used the profound arts, bursting into the sky with the gods of immortality, and did not really fall to the ground.

"It's really swallowing hands."

The two middle-aged people were shocked to the extreme. You must know that the Heaven Swallowing Hand is an unspoken secret among the Ji Clan. It is amazingly powerful. Legend has it that it can take the world and the earth into the palm of the extreme.

"Only the Swallowing Hand has such power."

The eyes of the old man holding the faucet rod narrowed, and the light in his eyes flickered, and a powerful breath spread from his body.


The void around the old man's body was shaking, and avenues of celestial light lingered around him, giving people an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

The old man's name was Ji Yunlong, and he was an older generation powerhouse in the Ji clan. As far as his seniority was concerned, the seniority of this Ji Yunlong was still higher than that of Ji Changkong.

Of course, Ji Yunlong had already chosen the side and stood in the hostile team of Ji Changkong. As a result, Ji Yunlong naturally did not want Ji Changkong to return to the Ji clan.

However, even though Ji Changkong was framed by someone's design, he was lost in the chaotic world for ten thousand years. After experiencing endless difficulties and obstacles, he was able to live until the chaotic world appeared again.

He can survive the chaos world and reappear, his character is strong, but he is rare in the world.

"Ji Yunlong, don't waste your effort, you can't help me."

Ji Changkong calmly looked at the opposite Ji Yunlong and said.

"Huh, isn't it."

With a wave of his hand, Ji Yunlong caused the two middle-aged men who had followed him to retreat, but he himself walked forward and saw the dragon head stick in his hand.


The sound of thunder suddenly sounded, and nine purple thunder and lightning rushed out from the dragon head stick, turned into nine great dragons, and rushed towards Ji Changkong on the opposite side.

"Nine Thunder Dragon Staff in the clan."

When Ji Changkong saw this scene, he finally remembered the origin of the dragon head stick in the old man's hand. This is a treasure among the Ji clan. It is a piece made from the bone sacrifice of the ancient thunder dragon. Dao device.

Dao artifacts can be said to be the carrier of the Dao, with almost complete Dao patterns inside. This type of Dao artifacts can only be sacrificed when they exist at least at the Sovereign level.

However, the ancient Thunder Dragon was an innate being bred from thunder and lightning, and it was peerlessly powerful. Although it was not as strong as the emperor's existence, it was not much worse.

The bones of the Thunder Dragon are rare treasures in themselves, and they contain the power of the thunder and lightning avenue. The power of the Nine Thunder Dragon rods sacrificed from the bones of the Thunder Dragon is naturally not weak.

"Swallowing hands."

Ji Changkong directly displayed this Ji clan's great technique, and saw his right hand stretched out, and a black whirlpool immediately appeared in his palm.


The void in the front of his palm shook, and a series of pitch-black space cracks appeared, and the entire world seemed to be shattered.

The great dragon transformed into the power of the nine purple thunders directly rushed towards Ji Changkong's big hand, was forcibly pulled over by an extremely powerful force, and was about to be swallowed by the black hole in Ji Changkong's hand.


Seeing this scene, Ji Yunlong couldn't help being surprised, how could this Ji Changkong become so powerful.


The old man Ji Yunlong urged the nine thunder dragon rod in his hand with all his strength, and the terrifying destructive power erupted from the nine thunder dragon rod, and the nine great dragons simultaneously looked up to the sky and roared.


The power of endless thunder and lightning erupted from the nine dragons, and purple electric lights filled the void of heaven and earth, turning the entire world into a sea of ​​thunder.

This is the nine-day purple thunder, the most powerful kind of thunder and lightning power in the world, each purple thunder can smash a mountain, showing the power of terror.

The mighty thunder and lightning force propelled the mighty sky-swallowing power above Ji Changkong's sky-swallowing hand, making Ji Changkong had to retreat.


Ji Changkong's figure loomed in the void like a phantom, and quickly retreated to avoid it, leaving behind afterimages in the void.

But in an instant, he withdrew thousands of miles away, avoided the scope of the nine-day purple thunder, and landed on a mountain peak.


Long Xiao shook the sky, and the Nine Dragon Shadows with endless purple thunders chased Ji Changkong to kill. A mountain peak was swept by the purple thunder and exploded directly and turned into dust.

"Hmph, in front of the Nine Thunder Dragon Rod, Heaven Swallowing Hands are not enough to look at."

The voice of the old man Ji Yunlong came, and his tone was full of murderous aura. He had only one purpose for walking out of the ancestral land of the Ji clan, and that was to kill Ji Changkong.

The head of the Ji clan doesn't like seeing Ji Changkong.

You know, the contemporary patriarch of the Ji clan, who competed with Ji Changkong for the position of patriarch, was once at a disadvantage and was not favored by the older generation of powerhouses in the family.

However, the contemporary clan leader of the Ji clan had pitted Ji Changkong back then, causing Ji Changkong to fall into the chaotic world, and then he became the clan leader of the Ji clan.

His position as the clan leader was taken from Ji Changkong.

Of course, Ji Changkong was really unlucky. He underestimated the fierceness of his opponents. The fight for the position of the clan leader originally didn't require life and death.

However, he never expected that the other party wanted him to die for the sake of the clan leader.


Ji Changkong stood on the top of the mountain, with long hair dancing backwards frantically, staring fiercely at the nine dragon shadows on the opposite side, and his body was purple.

"I will swallow Jiulong and show it to you."

Ji Changkong roared and ran the Sky-Swallowing Hand with all his strength. His hands moved forward safely and tried his best. His shirt was instantly shattered by the power erupting from his body.

"Swallow the sky with both hands."

Ji Changkong's power was surging, and the power in the body directly gathered towards his hands.


The void shook, and a dark whirlpool appeared immediately above Ji Changkong's hands. The whirlpool grew rapidly, and the two whirlpools actually enveloped half of the world.

The void was shattering, the world was trembling, purple lightning was submerged in the two dark whirlpools, and was refined by the power of swallowing heaven.

The power of the Ji clan's great technique of swallowing the sky is definitely not simple, it can swallow the sky and take the essence of the ten directions for your own use.

"act recklessly."

From the purple thunder sea, Ji Yunlong's old voice, the power of the nine thunder dragon rod, no one knew better than him, you know, he is the user of the nine thunder dragon rod.


The nine dragons bloomed endless purple electricity, and the destruction of peerless horror filled every inch of space in the void of heaven and earth. This was a desperate power that could blast everything.

The purple thunder sea rushed towards Ji Changkong with the nine great dragons, and the lightning bolts were directly swallowed by the two black vortexes. The extremely terrifying destructive force was actually attracted by the power of swallowing the sky.

The powerful thunder and lightning power was continuously refined, Ji Changkong's aura continued to increase, the power of the Nine Thunder Dragon Rod was too strong, and soon flashes of lightning appeared on his body.

Adding the power of thunder and lightning, this kind of taste is uncomfortable, you know, the power of thunder and lightning represents a power of destruction between heaven and earth.

When the power of thunder and lightning passed, all vitality would be cut off. Ji Changkong's physical body was extremely powerful, but he also felt a little overwhelmed.

"Blow you up."

Ji Yunlong directly drove the big dragon transformed by the power of nine thunder and lightning to rush towards the two black vortexes transformed by Ji Changkong's swallowing hands.


A big dragon rushed into the vortex, and the entire black vortex immediately vibrated, showing signs of collapse.

"I swallow."

Ji Changkong tried his best, and the black whirlpool's vibration actually swallowed the thunder dragon in it, and at the same time, a dragon-shaped wound broke out on his body.

This is the last force released by the dragon-shaped Taoist pattern on Ji Changkong's body on the nine thunder dragon rod and hurt him.

This is the power of the Great Dao, with Ji Changkong's current cultivation base, it is difficult to completely refine it.


Ji Yunlong couldn't believe it. This Ji Changkong could actually swallow the power of the nine thunder dragon rod. This made him unbelievable. You know, the nine thunder dragon rod is a treasure among the Ji clan.


At this time, another big dragon rushed into another whirlpool.

At the same time, Ji Changkong's body shook, and purple thunder and lightning walked around him, making crackling noises.


Blood suddenly appeared, when the big dragon was swallowed by the whirlpool, Ji Changkong's body exploded with a **** mouth.

A wisp of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, let's see how you can hold on."

Seeing this scene, Ji Yunlong continued to urge the power of the Nine Thunder Dragon Rod to attack Ji Changkong, and the third dragon that radiated endless lightning rushed over.

Ji Changkong gritted his teeth and forbeared, unleashing the Heaven-Swallowing Hand with all his strength, and took the third dragon in.

Without suspense, Ji Changkong's body had a third dragon shadow's wound, his upper body had been stained with blood, and his bones were exposed in some places.


Ji Changkong knew that now it is difficult to ride a tiger on his own.

The Nine Thunder Dragon Rod really deserves to be a treasure in the family.

Although Ji Changkong had cultivated the Heaven-Swallowing Hand, his cultivation level was not enough to truly show the power of this great technique.

He swallowed many dragons. His body was **** and blood stained the soil under his feet. When the eighth dragon-shaped wound appeared on his body, his body almost collapsed.

"Send you on the road."

With a roar of anger, Ji Yunlong directly drove the ninth thunder dragon to attack Ji Changkong. A dragon roar sounded in the thunder sea, and a giant dragon as huge as a mountain and full of purple electricity rushed out, terrifying. Long Wei crushed the world and the mountains were shaking.

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