Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2573: Demon Change

Gu Fei's revenge against the Eastern family has finally begun. In the entire Eastern Region, except for the ancestral land of the Eastern family, all the strongholds have been levelled by the Jagged Taoists and the twelve bandits.

The entire Eastern Region suddenly became turbulent, and all the forces related to the Eastern aristocratic family eagerly jumped out to distinguish their relationship with the Eastern aristocratic family.

The Ziyang Tiandi also came back. He did not chase the middle-aged warrior. This shocked Gu Fei’s immortal combat body. You know, Ziyang Tiandi is an immortal, and not an ordinary immortal. It is the original fairy statue.

The Emperor Ziyang has a great background, he is the ninth and last disciple of the Supreme Dao Ancestor.

The Supreme Dao Ancestor only accepted nine disciples in his lifetime. As the youngest disciple of the Supreme Dao Ancestor, Ziyang Tiandi received the inheritance of the word "Wu" created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor.

The word "Wu" is the nemesis of the other Eight Secrets. It can suppress the other Eight Secrets. The Supreme Dao Ancestor taught this secret technique to Ziyang Heavenly Emperor, but it is enough to show how much the Supreme Dao Ancestor attaches importance to Ziyang Heavenly Emperor.

With Ziyang Tiandi sitting in the town, the twelve great bandits led by the iron-blooded Taoist were invincible, and wherever they went, no one from the Eastern family could compete with them.

All the strong men of the Eastern aristocratic family have returned to the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family. Wherever the ancestors of the Eastern clan are guarded, no one can break the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family.

Moreover, Gu Fei's true body has not yet returned from overseas, and Ziyang Tiandi and others are just forwards.

However, even so, the strong arrival of Ziyang Tiandi and others was enough to change the pattern of power in the entire Eastern Region, breaking the balance between all parties.

Although no one from the Huanggu Zhao family came forward to say anything, the entire Huanggu Zhao family had already prepared for the worst, and recalled the strong men who were sitting in various places.

With the background of the ancient forces, he also had to deal with it carefully.

Soon, these people knew the origins of these powerhouses who suddenly emerged. These people were actually overseas forces from the depths of the Sea of ​​Fallen God.

This news spread, and immediately caused a sensation in the entire Eastern Region, and immediately, the superpowers in the entire Tamron Continent were alarmed.

"How did the forces of Falling God Sea come to Tenglong Continent."

Someone said this question.

You know, the cultivators between Tamron Continent and Luoshenhai have been isolated from each other for endless years, and now they suddenly appear, but it makes people wonder.

No one knows how powerful this overseas force is.

Soon, the attention of the entire Tamron Continent's superpower was attracted to the Eastern Region. This force changed the pattern of power in the Eastern Region, and it was likely to affect the entire Tamron Continent.

If this is the case, then a super storm will sweep across the entire Tamron Continent, and then, more people will die.

You must know that all forces have their own territory, and no one wants their territory to be taken away by others. Someone will rise up to resist, and a war is destined to happen.

All forces have begun to prepare, especially the Huanggu Zhao family. You must know that the land of the Huanggu Zhao family is in the Eastern Region. At this time, Ziyang Tiandi and others have not touched the interests of the Huanggu Zhao family.

However, once Ziyang Tiandi and others touched on the interests of the Huanggu Zhao family, the Huanggu Zhao family would naturally respond.


In one twilight, the sky was full of clouds, and a city was turned into ruins amidst the rumbling sound. This was the second big city controlled by the Eastern family after the Eastern Imperial City.

However, such a big city was broken by the Jagged Daoist and others, and the entire city was destroyed. None of the children of the Eastern family in the city could escape.

Of course, the Jagged Daoist and others are not easy to kill. When the city was besieged, all ordinary people in the city had already fled the city.

What remains in the city are those who are deadly loyal to the Eastern family, or the children of the Eastern family who are unwilling to leave.

At this time, in a cave deep in the ancestral home of the Eastern family, there was chaotic energy, the cave was vomiting chaotic energy, and in the depths of the cave, a sarcophagus was floating and sinking.

This place is a forbidden place in the ancestral land of the Eastern family. In normal times, even the Patriarch of the Eastern family, Dongfang Chen, can't approach here.

But now, outside the cave is a group of high-ranking members of the Eastern family. The head of this group of people is not Dongfang Chen, the contemporary head of the Eastern family, but two old men in white clothes.

The status of these two elders in the Eastern family is obviously higher than that of the Eastern dust. They are one of the only two elders in the Eastern family. These two elders are definitely antiques who have lived for endless years.

At this time, no one spoke, all staring at the chaotic cave in front of them, very nervous.

In the Chaos Cave, a sarcophagus floats and sinks in the Chaos Qi, and there is no breath from the sarcophagus. The sarcophagus is simple and unpretentious, as if Henggu already exists.

"Could it be that the ancestors are still sleeping."

All the high-ranking members of the Eastern family were shocked. No one's spirit could enter the Chaos Cave. Even the two elders didn't know the situation of the sarcophagus.

"The family has reached the point of life and death. Is it true that the legend in the family is false."

Some senior members of the Eastern family were uneasy. You should know that Gu Fei had already started to do it, but the Eastern family could only hide in the ancestral land and dare not go out.

This is too frustrated.


Just when everyone was a little disappointed, a sarcophagus floating in the chaotic air seemed to shake, which shocked all the senior members of the Eastern family.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful figure appeared on a mountain outside the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

"It's a good place to rise to the dragon, the **** of earth."

Among the purple air, a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe appeared on the mountain peak. This person was the Ziyang Heavenly Emperor.

The arrival of Ziyang Tiandi made the strong men of the Eastern clan guarding the ancestral land of the Eastern family very nervous.

"Who are you, this is the ancestral land of my clan, retreat quickly."

A strong man with the appearance of a young man with a divine cauldron came out.


Ziyang Tiandi sneered, and he waved his hand directly, and a purple fairy light immediately rushed out of his hand and hit the strong man of the Eastern family.

The fairy light across the sky, like a Changhong, directly passed through the large array that guarded the ancestral land of the Eastern family, and penetrated the young strong man. The young strong man directly turned into a cloud of blood, even the gods in his hand. It broke apart.


When other people saw it, the shock was really big.

Although it was the first large formation, it was indeed a veritable ancestral formation, extremely powerful, even if the Holy Emperor arrived, it was impossible to break this great formation.

However, this person easily broke through the big formation and beheaded a strong man.

At this time, all the powerhouses of the Eastern aristocratic family in the first-tier ancestral formation were chilling, what kind of existence this is, it is really hard to imagine.

"The ancestors of your family have to be courteous to three points when they see me. What are you."

Ziyang Tiandi glanced at the strong men of the Eastern aristocratic family who had been stunned by him in the first layer of ancestral formation and said disapprovingly.

"who are you."

A gray-haired old man walked up, staring at the Ziyang Tiandi on the opposite mountain and said in a deep voice.

"Who I am, you are not qualified to know."

Ziyang Tiandi said calmly.

"Good, good, good..."

The old man's gaze became fierce and fierce. He did not make a move, but directly led a group of strong men from the first layer of ancestral formation into the second layer of ancestral formation.

The ancestral formation that enveloped the ancestral land of the entire Eastern family has nine floors. Nine layers of ancestral formations make the ancestral land of the Eastern family as solid as golden soup. Through the ages, it seems that no one can break the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

Ziyang Tiandi didn't make any more moves. These people were not worth his move. He carefully observed the divine earth in the world in front of him.

"In the human world, there are not many gods like this."

After a long time, Ziyang Tiandi retracted his gaze, then closed his eyes, and after groaning for a while, he directly rose into the sky and left the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

After seeing the departure of the Ziyang Emperor, the old man in the second ancestral formation was relieved, the pressure on him by the Ziyang Emperor was too great.

"Who the **** is this person."

The old man was talking to himself.

The identity of the Emperor Ziyang is very mysterious. People in the Eastern family only knew that there was at least one holy deity in Gu Fei's camp, but no one knew the origin of this holy deity.

"Could it be him."

The old man said in shock.

At this time, a group of high-level members of the Eastern aristocratic family gathered in the Chaos Cave, but no one paid any attention to the Ziyang Heavenly Emperor who had come and left suddenly.

People in the Eastern aristocratic family naturally didn't know the identity of Ziyang Heavenly Emperor. If they were to know the origin of Ziyang Heavenly Emperor, these people would not be so calm.

However, just when the strong of the Eastern aristocratic family was hiding in the ancestral land, another force in the Eastern Territory, the Demon Race, became uneasy.

In the area where Taixuan Mountain was originally located, a huge and incomparable magic cave was vomiting incomparably pure magic energy, and the magic energy came and went, and there was a ghost image looming inside.

"Human race internal control, the opportunity for my demons is here."

In the depths of the demon cave, there was an old voice, and in the voice, there was a magical nature. This is a kind of magical sound. A monk who is weak in cultivation, if he hears this voice, I am afraid that it will change back to lead out the inner demon. danger.

On the edge of the Demon Territory, the figure of the Demon Race began to appear.

The ferocious and terrifying monsters began to rush out from the demon realm from time to time, slaughter in the territories of the human race, collecting the soul and spirit of the human race.

The territory of the Eastern aristocratic family was constantly being captured by monsters, and some powerful demons began to appear, directly occupying the place that originally belonged to the Eastern aristocratic family.


When the news reached the Eastern Imperial City, Gu Fei's immortal war body couldn't help being furious. This was nothing but Tai Sui's ground breaking. He directly sent Gu Zhong to deal with this matter.

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