Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2574: Siege

The demon is the great enemy of all beings in the world, because the demon clan brings death and destruction. The demon clan uses the essence, blood and soul of all beings to cultivate and improve cultivation.

Wherever there are demons, bleeding is indispensable.

When Gu Fei was fighting with the Eastern family, the Eastern Demon Race began to move around and began to eat away at the origins of the Eastern family.

The territory of the Eastern aristocratic family is enough to make any cultivating power on the Dragon Continent jealous. This is a big piece of fat, but this big piece of fat may not be enough for everyone to take a bite.

Those forces who knew the origins of Gu Fei chose to look on the sidelines, even the Huanggu Zhao family, who had almost formed an alliance with the Eastern family, chose to remain silent.

However, the Mozu jumped out at this time.


At noon, a demon commander led the demon soldiers under his command and directly slammed into a city controlled by the Eastern family. The dark demon energy enveloped half of the sky.

There was a sudden chaos in the human city, and the demons came, and it was difficult for them to contend with it. You must know that the people of the Eastern family fled the city.

The remaining monks guarding this city are all old and weak soldiers, and there are no masters at all.

If in the past, there were masters from the Eastern family in the city, the demons would never invade, but now it is different.

"How to do."

The monk guarding the city saw the billowing demon energy that was rapidly approaching the city from far above the sky. Everyone on the top of the city was shocked. In the demon energy, there were many hideous demon shadows looming.

"Haha, what a strong blood, there is a lot of blood in this city."

The demon commander in the lead was laughing, and the countless demon soldiers standing behind him also laughed. The wanton laughter made everyone in the city feel a chill.

Just when the group of demons arrived, the guardian formation of the city was also opened, and countless Dao patterns rushed out from the surroundings of the city, intertwined into a light curtain, and completely enveloped the entire city.

"Haha, do you want to struggle to death."

The devilish energy came over the sky, and above the cloud head of the devil cloud stood a tall demon general wearing devil armor and two black magic horns on his head.

This demon commander uttered a terrible suffocation, and there was a demon shadow looming around him, struggling, which was transformed by the resentment of countless creatures that died in his hands.

To be able to form this degree of evil spirit, I don't know how many creatures died in the hands of this demon general.

"Who will break the formation."

The demon general said to the group of demon soldiers standing behind him.

"This time it's my turn."

At this time, a leader of the demon soldier holding a mace like a hill came up. This was a stone demon, but a magic stone.

"Very well, stone, this time you go up."

The demon general nodded and said.


The stone demon immediately roared when he heard the words, rushed out directly, drove the demon cloud, and rushed towards the city below, with amazing power.


The stone demon directly waved the mace in his hand and smashed the divine light above the city. The entire divine light shook, and countless runes emerged.


The stone demon looked up to the sky and roared, his violent aura suddenly increased, and magic patterns appeared on the stone body, the magic power burst out, frantically surging towards the mace in his hand.


With a loud noise, the stone demon swung the mace again and smashed it down. This time, the divine light shrouded in the sky shook violently, and cracks appeared.

"Oh no."

The monks in the city were horrified when they saw this scene. Without a master, the real power of the city defense formation could not be used, and even a small demon soldier could shake the city defense formation.

"This time the stone is cheaper."

The leaders of the demons standing behind the general said with a smile.

At this time, the monstrous devilish energy enveloped the entire world, even at noon, the area near the city was like entering the dark night.

The sky and the earth are dim, the magical shadow is looming, and the wind whistling, this area is almost transformed into a magical domain.

The human races in the entire city were terrified. They knew very well that if the demon outside broke through the great defense formation, the consequences would be really disastrous.

You know, where the demons go, the chickens and dogs will not stay.


The huge impact sounded constantly, and the whole world was shaking. The huge sound, like knocking on the hearts of everyone in the city, made people feel an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

"Haha, this tortoise shell is really hard."

The stone demon was laughing wanton, and the mace in his hand kept smashing down, and cracks appeared on the light curtain, densely packed, like a spider web, as if it might break at any time.

"The stone is about to succeed, so much blood food is enough to raise his cultivation level by one level."

Behind the demon commander, the leaders of the demon soldiers were envious. The stone demon was the first to enter the city, and he could enjoy this feast first.

For the demons, human races and other creatures are food, a kind of food that can improve cultivation, and all demons are ready to go.

When the guardian formation of the city is broken, they will swarm up and eat all the creatures in the city.

The demon general watched this scene coldly. Although there are many creatures in such a city, it is not worth the shot. The creatures of this city will be rewarded to his men.


In a loud noise, the light curtain covering the entire city was finally shattered, turned into an infinite light, and dissipated into the void.


The stone demon laughed and swooped down towards the city below. The terrifying magic power swept down from the sky, and almost suffocated all the creatures in the city.

"Blood food, it's all mine."

The stone demon laughed and rushed towards the terrified human races in the city.

However, at this moment, a fist suddenly appeared in front of the stone demon.


The shock of the Stone Demon was truly extraordinary.


That fist instantly hit the stone demon's right eye, and the powerful impact smashed the right half of the stone demon's head.

The stone demon with half of his head was shot up into the sky by that punch. The entire stone demon body was cracking, and the demon soul wrapped in a magic light rushed out, but it was also scattered in the void.


The leaders of the demon soldiers who rushed down from the sky couldn't help being shocked when they saw this scene. What happened, the stone demon was actually beaten to death.

At this time, a figure appeared in the city, looked up, and looked down upon the gods and demons.


At the same time, a roar came from Gao Tianzhi, and the eyes of the magic commander standing on the cloud head showed two blood-colored eyes and scanned the city below.


In the city, a young man in black also looked at the position of the enchanted general. This young man, who is not Gu Fei’s disciple, Gu Zhong?

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