Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2575: Trespass

The stone demon was beaten to death by Gu Zhong. The group of demon was shocked and stopped quickly, not daring to rush towards the city below. Although the blood food below was delicious, if it died, it would be forever. Can't enjoy this kind of blood food.

"Who is that person who actually killed that rotten stone with one punch."

The voice of a demon leader with a bull head human body trembled. Didn't it mean that there was no strong human in this city, why suddenly such a strong jumped out?

The leaders of a group of demon soldiers with countless demon soldiers stopped above the sky, and the darkness was crushed, and the demon aura that came out was earth-shaking.

However, countless demon soldiers were stunned by a single figure. You must know that the stone demon is not a weak person. Among the group of demon leaders, it is definitely an existence that can be ranked.

In particular, the physique of the stone demon is different. It is a magic stone psychic, a powerful demon clan through cultivation. The demon body is inherently powerful, and ordinary magic weapons can hardly hurt it.

This person could actually kill the stone demon with one punch. This kind of combat power is really too scary. Only the master demon can deal with this guy.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a strong man in a small human city."

The demon cloud rolled, above the cloud head, the demon general was talking to himself, Gu Zhong appeared, unexpectedly, it seems that the information collected before was wrong.

The strong among the demons are definitely not reckless people. The reason why they dare to **** the territory of the Eastern family is because they are well prepared.

But now it seems that things are not as smooth as the strong among the demons expected.

At this moment, in the city, Gu Zhong, who was standing on a roof, made a move. He directly stretched out his right hand and pressed it to the sky.


Just when Gu Zhong made his move, a loud shout rang from above the cloud, and the group of demons shook, and the leaders of those demons immediately rose into the sky, trying to retreat with a group of demons under him.

However, this time is too late.


A big golden hand appeared in the void and slapped towards the sky. The big hand enveloped the ten directions, actually covering all of the world.


A roar of rage sounded in the sky, and then, the big golden hand rolled across the void like an ancient golden mountain.

A cloud of blood mist suddenly appeared, and countless demon soldiers shattered into blood mist under the crushing of the golden hand, and their appearance and spirit were destroyed, even the group of powerful demon leader leaders.


Above the cloud, the demon general was shocked, and quickly shot, trying to save those demon soldiers, but Gu Zhong was so powerful that it was too late to take action at this time.


The void shook, and the endless magic energy turned into a peerless magic knife, which was chopped down from the sky, and the horrible blade light split the sky and the earth, as if the whole sky and the earth were to be split in half.

The demon commander made an angry shot, vowing to kill the human race that had killed all of his men on the spot.

However, the power displayed by the big golden hand was too strong, the peerless magic knife slashed on the big hand, and was shattered by a strong force erupting from the big hand.


The demon commander was shocked to the extreme. Only then did he realize that he still underestimated the strong human race, and the strength of the opponent was beyond his imagination.


The sky and the earth shook, and after the golden hand broke the peerless magic knife, he still patted the magic general above the magic cloud, whose tyrannical power changed the color of the magic general.

The magic cloud covering the whole world, under the slap of this big golden hand, dissipated one after another, the light from the outside world penetrated in, and the world was no longer dim.


Without any suspense, the demon general was directly shaken away by Gu Zhong's sky-shielding hand, coughing up blood in his mouth, and received a great shock.

"But so."

Gu Zhong rose into the sky from the city, stepped on eight wild steps, showing eight steps of extreme speed, and directly caught up with the magic commander who flew out.


He stepped directly down, and the demon commander screamed, and the demon body was shattered by the stepping. A ball of magic light rushed out of the blood fog and rose to the sky, wanting Escape.

This is the demon soul primordial spirit of the demon general, who wants to escape.


Gu Zhong sneered, and a golden light suddenly emerged from the center of his eyebrows, which turned into a golden Taoist sword and slashed towards the magic light.


The sword light flashed in an instant, and the group of magic light that had escaped to the sky was directly cut out, and the demon soul of the magic commander in the magic light was instantly cut out.

A powerful demon commander was easily beheaded by Gu Zhong.

At this time, all the monks in the city were stunned by all this. They thought they would be dead this time, but they didn't expect that there was a peerless strong man hidden in the city.

The power of the demon commander is beyond doubt, it is at least the existence of the immortal emperor level, and no one in the city is an opponent of such an existence.

"Who is that person, can actually kill the devil easily."

"With big hands covering the sky, maybe that person is Gu Zhong."

All the monks in the city were shocked. Gu Zhongdai his master fought everywhere, and even some weak monks knew his existence.

The endless demon energy was dispelled by Gu Zhong, the sun was shining brightly, and the universe was shining brightly, and there was no trace of demon energy, and the whole army of the invading demons was wiped out.

"Huh, really treat my human race as no one."

Gu Zhong stood above the sky, looking towards the demon cave, his eyes flickered, although he killed the demon general, his fighting spirit remained undiminished.


He disappeared directly into the void, no one can see how he disappeared.

Not long after Gu Zhong left, a firelight rushed from far away, and a figure was looming in the firelight, and the powerful fire power swelled from the figure.

The Jagged Taoist arrived.

"Where did Gu Zhong go."

Jie Xue Dao Ren sensed the surrounding breath, his face gradually became serious.

"That direction..., is that guy trying to break into the devil's lair to fail."

The iron-blooded Taoist was muttering to himself, he pondered, turned into a flame, rushed towards the demon cave, and soon disappeared at the end of the sky.

At this time, a great battle broke out in the area near the Demon Cave, and a golden figure pushed horizontally in this Demon Territory. Wherever it passed, no Demon clan powerhouse could resist his moves.

Soon, the entire demon realm boiled, the monsters roared, the powerful demon clan roared, and powerful figures rushed out from the direction of the magic cave.

However, this is like a moth fighting a fire, those powerful demons' figures are directly blasted into masses of demonic blood by a pair of golden fists, and their bodies and spirits are destroyed.


In the demon cave, there was an angry roar, the demon sound was shaking the earth, the whole area was shaking, and the incomparable demon race was shocked.

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