Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2581: Majesty

Qilin, in the ancient years, it was a powerful existence that could contend with the four spirits of heaven and earth. The enchanted unicorn was even more powerful and terrifying. The demon actually took the magic unicorn as a mount, which shocked the Jagged Taoist people to the extreme.

At this time, the blood-haired demon who fought against the iron-blooded Taoist also retreated behind the demon who was riding the demon unicorn.

"Let's go back."

The demon said to the blood-haired demon behind him.


The blood-haired demon didn't say anything, but directly nodded and said, then retreated into the demon qi and disappeared into the sight of Gu Fei and the iron-blooded Taoist priest.

"Let's go."

Gu Fei said to the Jagged Taoist.


The Jagged Taoist hesitated, but he also saw that the demon riding the demon unicorn was not simple. You must know that the demon unicorn under the demon's crotch was already an extremely terrifying existence.

"You can't help you stay here."

Gu Fei glanced at the Jagged Taoist and said.


The Jagged Daoist had no choice but to leave.

The demon riding the demon unicorn did not stop him, and directly let the Jagged Taoist retreat. He was very confident, and there was blood flickering between the opening and closing of his eyes.


The demon unicorn under the demon's crotch was roaring, and the low voice made the nearby void vibrate, and the dark demon fire was beating on the demon unicorn.

"Okay, let's start."

The demon on the demon unicorn looked at Gu Fei on the opposite side plainly, and did not show any expression on his slightly pale face.


Gu Fei didn't hesitate, he directly hit the demon on the demon unicorn with a punch, a very ordinary punch, but when he punched out, there was a strange sound of resonance in the void. .

With just one punch, Gu Fei aroused the aura of all directions, and the aura madly gathered towards his fist, which instantly doubled the power of his punch.

Gu Fei's punch was as if he had taken the entire world and rolled towards the demon riding on the opposite side of the demon unicorn.

"Invincible fist."

The demon riding a magic unicorn saw Gu Fei punching such a punch, and he couldn't help feeling a little surprised. The opponent's combat experience was really rich.

This invincible will can only be gradually formed after countless wars.

At this time, the demon who was suspected to be the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor stretched out a finger and pointed it forward, and the finger directly pointed on Gu Fei's fist.


Gu Fei only felt that an extremely powerful force was uploaded from the opponent's finger, and his fist was actually resisted by the opponent with a finger.


When Gu Fei was shocked, the finger pressing on his fist shook slightly, and Gu Fei immediately felt that he had been hit by an ancient sacred mountain, and flew away.


Gu Fei was shocked. He had no doubt that the opponent was definitely a Demon Ancestor, but the power of this Demon Ancestor did not seem to be against the sky and abnormal.

Even so, the combat power of this demon was enough to make Gu Fei feel a great threat.


Void shook, and a magic hand appeared between the sky and the earth, and directly grabbed it toward Gu Fei, who was flying backwards. The magic hand showed a wave of extremely powerful magic power.

Without any hesitation, Gu Fei directly used the word "Wu", the hazy fairy light spread, and the captured magic hand was immediately enveloped by the hazy fairy light.

Without any suspense, the magic hand was turned away by the power of the word "No" and dissipated in the void.

"this is……"

The black lotus demon ancestor saw this scene, and couldn't help being taken aback. He recognized the supreme secret technique of immortality that Gu Fei had displayed.

"You got two kinds of inheritance."

The black lotus demon ancestor felt a little unbelievable, isn't this guy a warrior, how could he practice the supreme mastery of immortality?

You know, the inheritance of immortality and the inheritance of martial arts are two different inheritances.

"Without further ado."

At this time, Gu Fei directly shot at the demon riding the fire unicorn, and the dim fairy light immediately moved toward the demon.

This kind of fairy light is enough to turn everything into nothingness.

Even the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor couldn't help being moved. The Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor had great power, especially this "No" Secret, which had the power against the sky.

The demon unicorn roared and the demon-carrying man instantly retreated and walked away, avoiding the dim fairy light.

The void shrouded by that hazy fairy light was silently annihilated. Seeing this scene, the black lotus demon ancestor couldn't help changing color. Could the "Wu" word secret even destroy the world.

At this moment, a black lotus flower emerged from the eyebrows of the black lotus demon ancestor, revealing a terrifying magical aura, as if it might rush out at any time.

"You actually combine the inheritance of martial arts and immortality, which really surprised me."

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor suddenly smiled, his cultivation was damaged, and he slept endlessly in the devil's cave, but he still did not recover, and it was difficult to show the true Demon Ancestor's might.

Otherwise, Gu Fei is not the opponent of Black Lotus Demon Ancestor at all.

You know, the Demon Ancestor in its heyday was the supreme existence who dared to compete with the Supreme.


Gu Fei didn't talk nonsense with this demon, but directly used the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao to attack and kill the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, the Ascension Secret Art was operating, and his combat power instantly soared.


Gu Fei punched out, and the positive void in front of his fist instantly shattered and turned into chaos. He punched through the world and drove the black lotus demon ancestor riding the magic unicorn into the chaos.


The roar of the Demon Qilin spread out from the chaos, and then, violently shaking in the chaos, a beast carrying the black lotus demon ancestor rushed out of the chaos.

A black lotus flew out from the eyebrows of the black lotus demon ancestor.


The black lotus shook, and a strong magic power spread from above the black lotus, and instantly immobilized the void of heaven and earth.

Gu Fei felt that his body sank, as if he was suddenly pressed down by a huge mountain, his movements immediately became sluggish.

"Drive me."

Gu Fei roared, and a tyrannical wave of power burst out from his body, trying to prop up the magic power that was pressing on him.

But at this moment, a fist hit Gu Fei's chest.


The power of this punch was surprisingly strong. Amid the dull impact sound, Gu Fei's chest immediately collapsed and was beaten away by the opponent again.

"how is this possible……"

Gu Fei couldn't believe it, he was actually suppressed by this Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, and fell to an absolute disadvantage at the beginning, even the power of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao could not be fully displayed.

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