Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2582: Ghost Emperor in White

Gu Fei was punched and flew by the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, which shocked him to the extreme. This Black Lotus Demon Ancestor was so powerful that it was beyond his expectations.

He stabilized his body, looked down, and saw that there was a fist mark on his chest, which sank deep into his body, almost punching him through.

There is a magical power attached to the fist print, and Gu Fei can't do it if he wants to repair the battle body.


Gu Fei roared, he used the word "Wu" with all his strength to dissolve the magic power attached to him, and the magic power was gradually dissipated.

The indestructible battle body is repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"The secret of Wuzu's'No' is really amazing!"

The black lotus demon ancestor riding a magic unicorn saw what happened to Gu Fei, a trace of different colors flashed in his blood-colored pupils. In that distant past, he once possessed the supreme cultivation base to compete with the supreme.

But now, after experiencing the great upheaval of that year, the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor was almost dead. Although he was left behind, his cultivation was almost abolished.

The black lotus demon ancestor has slept in the depths of the demon cave for endless years. It has only gradually woke up from the deep sleep in the last hundred years, but the cultivation base has still not recovered to its peak state.

Otherwise, the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor would be able to sever Gu Fei's immortal combat body with his hands up.

This type of battle tool is nothing to the supreme existence of the Demon Ancestor level. Even the current Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, it seems that it is not difficult to destroy the indestructible battle body.


Gu Fei's Indestructible Battle body heard gusts of wind and thunder, and there was a faint sound of great divine sound coming from his body, and the golden light lingered around him like lightning.

"No matter how powerful you are, it's just a combat tool."

The voice of the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor came, and he rode the Demon Qilin, driving towards Gu Fei unhurriedly.

"is it?"

Gu Fei stared at the black lotus demon ancestor who was forced to him, and his pupils couldn't help but shrank. This demon ancestor was very strong, which gave him the feeling of facing the ghost emperor Fengdu and the ruthless man in the north.


The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly at Gu Fei. A swallowing force came out of his palm, instantly engulfing Gu Fei and sucking his whole person.


Gu Fei was taken aback, and the suction that enveloped him was extremely powerful. He hurriedly used the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, and the power of ascension exploded. At the same time, the "Wu" word secret was also running wildly.

When the two great secret techniques were used at the same time, Gu Fei finally broke through the suction and rushed out.

"The Nine Secrets of Immortal Dao are good."

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor couldn't help nodding secretly, this kind of supreme secret technique does have its own uniqueness.

"Oh no."

At this time, Gu Fei was secretly crying, this Black Lotus Demon Ancestor is not something he can deal with, the other party is definitely stronger than himself, it is really not difficult to cut himself.

Although the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao is known as an undefeated great technique, the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor's cultivation and combat power are much stronger than Gu Fei's. Even if Gu Feixiu has this secret technique, he will not be an opponent.

You know, in the face of an absolutely powerful force, even the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao are not enough.


Gu Fei didn't think much about it. He just ran away if he couldn't fight. He directly cast the anti-emptiness secret technique, instantly blending into the void of heaven and earth, and wanted to escape directly.


The black lotus demon ancestor sneered, and a black lotus rushed out of his eyebrows.


The black lotus shook, the strongest power of the magic way spread to all directions, the void shook, and a figure fell out from the distance.


Gu Fei's surprise was really extraordinary, and the other party broke his own Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao once again.

The Black Lotus Dashu cultivated by the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor showed unpredictable magic power, which caused Gu Fei to encounter the biggest crisis since his debut, and he did not bring the ultimate holy artifact with him.

If he had the ultimate holy artifact, he could still be full of confidence, but now he couldn't.

"Want to escape?"

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor rode the Demon Qilin and chased Gu Fei unhurriedly.


Gu Fei was frightened and angry. He knew very well that the gap between his own indestructible battle body and the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor was really not small. Unless his true body came with the ultimate holy artifact, he might be able to compete with this demon. First battle.


At this moment, the demon unicorn under the black lotus demon ancestor's crotch roared, and opened her mouth a demon bead and smashed towards Gu Fei. This is a demon bead that emits dark demon fire, with magic patterns inside. Shows great magic power.

As soon as the magic beads came out, it was like a round of magic sunrise appearing above the sky, and the whole world was shaking.


Gu Fei was shocked, even the magic unicorn under the black lotus demon ancestor's crotch was so powerful, it really made him unbelievable, this demon unicorn was definitely a demon-level existence!


The magic ball surging out the strongest magic power, directly shook Gu Fei away.

"Damn it!"

Even a mount was a demon-class existence, which gave Gu Fei a sense of powerlessness.

He turned around and left. This kind of existence is simply difficult to contend. He showed eight steps of extreme speed, so fast that he could not even see the shadow, and wanted to rush out of the demon realm and leave here.

However, the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor didn't want to let Gu Fei go. You know, he was also very interested in the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao.

"Can you escape from my Five Finger Mountain?"

The Black Lotus Demon Ancestor stretched out his right hand and grabbed it forward. His right hand instantly became infinitely larger, covering the entire world, and Gu Fei was also taken in.

Under the big hand of the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, Gu Fei was as small as an invisible dust between heaven and earth.


Void shook, the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor showed great supernatural powers, closing his big hands, he was about to hold Gu Fei in his hands.


At this moment, a divine light pierced through the distant hole and directly broke the hand of the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor, opening a way for Gu Fei.

Gu Fei didn't hesitate, and rushed out from the place broken by the divine light.

Then, a figure appeared directly above the Demon Realm, looking coldly at the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor riding the Demon Qilin below.

At this time, the magic beads spit out by the magic unicorn had been collected, and the black lotus demon ancestor also retracted his big hand. He looked down and saw that there was a blood hole on his palm.

When he thought, the blood hole on the palm of his right hand disappeared immediately.

"Ghost Emperor?"

When Gu Fei saw the person who had rescued him, he was surprised and delighted, only to see that this person was the ghost emperor in white in the Fengdu Ghost City.

"Old Demon Black Lotus, do you want to go to war now?"

Fengdu Ghost Emperor looked at the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor and said proudly, even in the face of a Demon Ancestor, he had no scruples.

"It's you? You survived?"

When the Black Lotus Demon Ancestor saw Fengdu Ghost Emperor, he was obviously taken aback and felt extremely surprised.

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