Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2586: Threat of Buddha

In the depths of the ancestral land of the Eastern family, a cavern of chaos was swallowing chaotic energy, and in the depths of the cave, a sarcophagus was floating in the chaotic air.

Outside the Chaos Cave, all the senior members of the Eastern Family were waiting nervously. They had been waiting for more than a month, and the sarcophagus in the depths of the cave began to breathe life.

"The ancestor is finally waking up from his deep sleep."

The two elders of the Eastern aristocratic family sat cross-legged on the Lingfeng near the Chaos Cave, their eyes opened and closed from time to time, and there was light from inside.

Dongfang Chen, the contemporary Patriarch of the Eastern Family, was also waiting in a nearby valley. He knew that the site of the Eastern Family was being taken over by Gu Fei.

However, he was powerless, and could only helplessly watch the territory of the Eastern aristocratic family being continuously controlled by the other party.

Gu Fei's master and disciple is very powerful, and even the people of the Taikoo Dao Sect can't help them. The two masters and disciples have also smashed into the Demon Realm, and the demon heads in the Demon Race can't help them.

The two masters and apprentices are too strong. The entire Eastern Region, even the ancient Zhao family, is reluctant to provoke them easily. It seems that only the ancestors can awaken from their deep sleep to deal with these two masters and apprentices.

Although Dongfang Chen was unwilling, but at this time, he could only endure it.

"How long will this kind of aggrieved days."

Dongfang Chen stood on a pavilion in the valley, looking towards the Chaos Caverns. He was talking to himself, and there was Chaos Qi lingering in the high sky ahead.

The ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family is a place where the dragon rises. The ancestral veins of the earth are condensed under the ancestral land. Cultivating in this divine land is simply a matter of twice the result with half the effort.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Fang's ancestral land that the Eastern aristocratic family can inherit endless years and still stand in the eastern region of the Dragon Continent.

At this time, on the Kunlun ancestor star, a young man sat cross-legged on the top of Kunlun, and eight hexagrams emerged on his body, and each hexagram revealed a palpable atmosphere of great power.

This young man is Li Lingfeng.

Li Lingfeng returned to the Kunlun ancestor star, and he sent the servant back to this ancestral star, because the servant is no longer able to do so, in the catastrophe that year, the servant suffered an unimaginable damage.

The servants survived strong, and when the great ancestors were looking for the descendants of the ancestors, they rescued Li Lingfeng, who was evading the pursuit of the Eastern family.

Li Lingfeng's practice has a fragment of the gods circulated on the Tenglong Continent. This is fate, and the servant took Li Lingfeng away and taught him the true ancestral magical powers.

The **** servant was about to sit down. Soon after Li Lingfeng and the **** servant returned here, the **** servant fell. Li Lingfeng buried the **** servant in front of a cave where the ancestor **** once cultivated.

Then, Li Lingfeng did not leave like this, he was looking for the ancestor **** soldier, the ultimate artifact made by the ancestor god.

The **** servant is a super old antique who once followed the ancestor **** and survived to this world. When he fell again, he once told Li Lingfeng that the ancestral **** soldier was in Kunlun.

Whether you can get the ancestral soldiers, it can only depend on Li Lingfeng's good fortune.

Li Lingfeng sat on the top of Kunlun, running the ancestors' magical powers, sensing this world.

Kunlun is an ancestral mountain on this ancestral star, and it is also the place where the ancestral veins on the entire ancestral star converge. The source of all dragon veins on the ancestral star of Kunlun originated from here.

However, the monks on this ancestral star are few and pitiful, and there is no particularly powerful existence. It can be said that the cultivation world on this ancestral star has completely declined.

On the entire Kunlun Ancestral Star, only the area where Kunlun Ancestral Mountain is located is suitable for cultivation, and the aura in the outside world is very thin and not suitable for cultivation.


Gradually, Li Lingfeng resonated with the surrounding void, and the aura of the great avenue on his body seemed to merge with the aura of Kunlun Zu Mountain.

At this time, he could sense a special aura, and intuitively told him that it was the aura from the ancestral soldiers left by the ancestors.

However, whenever Li Lingfeng wanted to lock in that breath, that breath disappeared without a trace without any warning, and could no longer sense its existence.

"It's really not an easy thing to get the ancestor gods."

Li Lingfeng was not discouraged, he kept working hard, if he could get the ancestor **** soldier, then he could directly return to Tenglong Continent.

He has the secret to be able to communicate with the five ancestor stars of life. This secret was told to him by the servant of God. After the servant of God died, only he knew this secret in the entire human world.

"You must get the ancestral soldiers."

Li Lingfeng continued to run the ancestral gods' method, comprehend Kunlun, and looked for the ancestral gods.

Just when Li Lingfeng was looking for the ancestral soldiers on the Kunlun ancestor star, a magical energy appeared in the peaceful Buddhaland in the western land of the Buddhist kingdom of Tenglong ancestor.

Immediately there was a melodious bell on Lingshan, and the Buddha on Lingshan was alarmed. The attack of the Buddha demon made all the Buddhist experts on Lingshan extremely nervous.

There is no doubt about the power of Buddhas and demons. The monstrous demonic energy enveloped half of the world, and the terrifying demonic power emerged from the tumbling demonic energy.

An old monk wearing a cassock appeared on the top of Lingshan Mountain, watching the billowing devilish energy, the old monk was unusually calm.

"Fatian, it's you again."

Sen Han's words were heard from the devil qi, a terrifying demon shadow loomed in the devil qi, and two **** eyes swept out of the devil qi.

"Devil, leave quickly, or else, the old monk, I will save you."

Monk Fatian stared at the demon shadow in the devilish energy, and there were Buddha patterns looming in his eyes, and his body was full of Buddha light, but the robes on his body seemed to be an ordinary robes, which were still covered with them. Smudge.

"Haha, you want to save me, dream, if you could save me, I would have been saved by you."

The Buddha and Demon laughed.

At this time, on the entire Lingshan mountain, all the bald-headed monks were shocked, and those with weak cultivation bases were even more frightened. They should continue to chant Buddhist scriptures to dispel the fear in their hearts.

Without much words, the Buddha and the demon fought against the Fatian monk, and the horrible fluctuations spread throughout the entire Buddhist land. Finally, the Buddha and the demon retreated, and the Fatian monk breathed a sigh of relief.

He really couldn't help this fierce demon. It was precisely because of this that he had to sit in Lingshan. Otherwise, there would be no opponent of the demon on the mountain.

The Demon Land was threatened by the Buddha and Demon, which made it difficult for the old monk Fa Tian to leave the Eastern Region in front of the Buddha Land and find Master Gu Fei to settle accounts.

You know, Gu Fei's master and apprentice almost destroyed the sacred mountain of Xitu Buddhism back then, and forged a feud with Xitu Buddhism.

"Gu Fei, let you stay away for a while, and then I will find you afterwards."

The old monk Fatian sat cross-legged on the top of the Lingshan Mountain and said such words.

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