Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2587: Gu Ling's Quasi-Holy Tribulation

The old monk Fatian had fought against Gu Fei back then, and he naturally knew that Gu Fei was great, but it was temporarily difficult for him to leave the Western Earth and go to the Eastern Region.

As long as the threat of Buddha and demons is not eliminated in one day, the old monk Fatian cannot leave Lingshan.

"The two evil barriers..."

There were originally two great protectors on Lingshan, but when the Chaos World appeared, he left Lingshan and entered the Chaos World. Since then, they have disappeared without returning to Lingshan.

The old monk Fa Tian naturally knew what had happened. Those two evil obstacles must have resolved the Buddhist restrictions on his body, got rid of the shackles of Buddhism, and restored his free body.

Those two existences might have become a threat to Buddhism. You must know that those two evil obstacles back then were not willingly driven by Buddhism.

"Changes are coming, these three realms and six realms are about to change."

The old monk Fatian gave a long sigh, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

The Buddha and the demon retreated, and the top of the West Earth Lingshan gradually calmed down, but there were still chanting sounds in the air from time to time, and a peaceful atmosphere once again enveloped the whole Lingshan.

At this time, the most nervous person was the Beitang family. You must know that Gu Fei and the Beitang family also had a big feud, and the return of Gu Fei shocked all the senior members of the Beitang family to the extreme.

Many people regret what they did back then, but it is too late to regret now.

The Beitang family is ready to escape from the Tenglong Continent. They are not an ancient force, they do not have the capital to fight with Gu Fei, and do not want to be exterminated. They can only take advantage of Gu Fei to deal with the Eastern family, and then take the opportunity to escape from the Tenglong Continent, or even escape from the Tenglong ancestor. star.

Just when the Beitang family was preparing to escape, the Eastern family had a turning point.


The Chaos Cave shook, and on the sarcophagus that sank in the depths of the cave, an extremely powerful aura of life appeared on the sarcophagus, like an ancient fierce dragon lurking in the sarcophagus.

"The ancestors are finally about to recover."

Above Lingfeng in the distance, the two elders stood up. Even after living endless years, these two super old antiques were still very excited at this time.

There is a special breath lingering in the Chaos Cavern. This is a breath that is enough to deter the Lord. Although it is not powerful, it gives people a feeling of difficulty to breathe.

"The invincible ancestor is about to reappear in the world, Gu Fei, your end is coming soon."

Over a valley, a figure was looming. This person was Dongfang Chen, the contemporary Patriarch of the Eastern Family.

At this time, everyone in the ancestral land of the entire Eastern family could sense that distinctive aura and knew that something big would happen.

The chaotic cave and the ancestral veins under the earth are understood, and the sarcophagus is nourished by the chaotic ancestral spirit, although it is just ordinary stone, but this time it also becomes extraordinary.

The ancestors of the Eastern aristocratic family have slept for endless years, vomiting chaotic ancestral energy day and night autonomously, how powerful they have become, but no one knows.

You know, the ancestors of the Eastern family have not been born for a long time, and people who have been so long have forgotten his existence.


The sarcophagus in the cave shook suddenly, as if something was about to rush out of the sarcophagus.

The two elders of the Eastern family were very excited, but the sarcophagus just shook, and there was no movement.

"It seems that it will take some time for the ancestors to fully wake up."

A veteran said that he was a little disappointed, because once the old ancestor was born, he would be able to solve the current plight of the Eastern family. You don't need to be so stubborn and can only hide in the ancestral land.

"No hurry, we have time."

Another veteran said that the great formation guarding the ancestral land of the entire Eastern family was driven by the power of the ancestral veins. Even if the emperor arrived, it would not be able to attack for a while, let alone Gu Fei.

The confidence of the Eastern family is still there. Except for the outside territory, they actually have little loss. Once the ancestors are born, they can retake the things belonging to the Eastern family from Gu Fei's hands.

At this time, with the recovery of the sleeping ancestors, the morale of the entire Eastern family suddenly rose. This was a good thing for the Eastern family, but it was not a good thing for Gu Fei.

The ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family has changed, and such things are naturally unavoidable, and the Emperor Ziyang rushed from the Eastern Imperial City in the first place.

He could not help feeling the breath that came from the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

"Why does this exist in the human world."

Ziyang Tiandi stared at the ancestral land of the Eastern family for a long time before leaving. He had a bad feeling that if that existence was born, it would be a disaster for them.

There are some existences in the heavens and the earth that the Venerable encounters, and they all turn around and flee.

Afterwards, Gu Fei's indestructible battle body also came.

"Hmph, if the Eastern family wants to turn the sky over."

Standing on a mountain peak outside the ancestral land of the Eastern family, Gu Fei spoke such words in response to the breath coming from the depths of the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

"No matter how you toss, nothing can change."

Gu Fei left such a sentence and left.

The strong men of the Eastern family who guarded the ancestral land were shocked to the extreme when they heard this sentence, which made them feel restless, why did Gu Fei still have such confidence.

The words reached Dongfang Chen's ears, but he couldn't help being moved.

Gu Fei sensed the breath of the ancestors, but still said such words, is it that he is more than the supreme supreme in the ancient years.

In that distant past, an Eastern emperor came out of the Eastern family. Since then, he has risen in the Eastern Regions, and the family has continued to prosper for endless years.

The Eastern Emperor, that is a supreme human emperor, who can compete with the supreme and protect the ancestral land of the Eastern family, is the hand of the Eastern human emperor.

"This madman has let go of his words. Once the old ancestor is born, he will push the entire Eastern Region and show its invincible power. Then it will be the time for this madman to kneel down and beg for mercy."

Some important figures in the Eastern family said such words.

At this time, Gu Fei was not idle either, his true body was still guarding his daughter's retreat, and he did not leave. He had to wait for his daughter to exit before returning to Tenglong Continent.

During this time, he would not go anywhere.

Yan'er was also by Gu Fei's side.

In the place where the ancient spirit retreats, there is a great atmosphere in the mighty, she seems to want to attack the holy step, but with the existence of the power of damnation, it is unrealistic to attack the holy step.


On this day, the sound of thunder came from the sky above Gu Ling's retreat, and the power of the heavens gathered quickly, and a dark whirlpool appeared on the sky, with a terrifying aura of destruction.

"this is……"

On the hill opposite to Gu Ling's retreat, Yan'er couldn't help being surprised when she saw this scene.

"Quasi Holy Heavenly Tribulation..."

Next to Yan'er, Gu Fei looked up at the whirlpool in the sky, and then said.

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