Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2591: Return of the Overlord

In the ancestral land of the Eastern aristocratic family, there were strong people from the Gedai awakened from their deep sleep, which shocked all the cultivation forces on the Dragon Continent.

Some people have even guessed who the Gedai powerhouse who has recovered from the deep sleep is, the Eastern Heaven Overlord, a generation powerhouse, once beat the Invincible Hand in the Eastern Region.

This Eastern Heaven Overlord is the most powerful existence in the Eastern family since the endless years, apart from the Eastern Emperor, disregarding the Eastern Regions, and beholding the entire Tenglong Continent.

In that distant age, there were not many existences in the entire Tamron Continent that could contend with the Eastern Overlord, and Xi Buddha was one of them.

At this time, the Eastern Imperial City was very lively, and overseas powerhouses kept coming to the Eastern Imperial City through the teleportation platform.

Nantian gods also came.

"What, that person is still alive."

As soon as the Southern Heavenly God Venerable arrived in the Eastern Imperial City, his face became dignified. He was also a person from that era, and was as famous as the Eastern Heavenly Overlord.

"Unexpectedly, his cultivation has reached this point."

The face of Nantian Divine Venerable is ugly. People of the same age have surpassed himself, which makes him somewhat unacceptable. Of course, even so, he is not afraid of that person.

The three overseas veterans have great backgrounds. Now they are gathered in the Eastern Imperial City, and all the monks in the Eastern Imperial City are shocked to the extreme.

Sovereign, that is the most powerful existence besides Quasi-Supreme, and it is not visible at all, but now there are three out of them all at once.

Everyone looked at Gu Fei's master and apprentice with admiration. No one thought that Gu Fei's forces were so powerful that the three great masters would be enough to sweep the entire Tenglong Continent.

It seems that the Eastern family wants to come back this time, but it is very difficult. The two superpowers are full of unknowns this time.

The eyeliner of the Eastern family in the Eastern Imperial City was very anxious now, because at this time, they had difficulty spreading the news.

The entire Eastern Imperial City was shrouded by the Venerable's killing array, and it was extremely difficult to get in and out. People who guarded the city had to approve to enter and leave the Eastern Imperial City.

Of course, this is only limited to monks, ordinary mortals can freely enter and exit the Eastern Imperial City.

Ordinary people can hardly pass the news back to the ancestral land of the Eastern family. You must know that the ancestral land of the Eastern family is deep in the mountains.

No ordinary person can find the ancestral land of the Eastern family in the vast mountains.

With the Eastern Imperial City as the center, a radius of thousands of miles is under the control of overseas forces. As long as a powerful monk appears, they will be discovered.

If it's other monks, that's all, if it's a member of the Eastern family, it will be directly bombarded and killed.

At this time, the forces on the entire Tenglong Continent were watching the Eastern Region, especially those wild ancient forces. You must know that the forces that Gu Fei displayed were too amazing.

You must know that even if the Holy Venerable is among the desolate ancient forces, it is a deterrent force. Three Holy Venerables suddenly appeared, and no desolate ancient force can ignore it.

Gu Fei's power was enough to shake the ancient forces.

Some people are optimistic about Gu Fei, but there are also people who are optimistic about the Eastern family. You know, those in the Eastern family think that the ancestor is about to be born.

Some old antiques knew a lot of secrets, and knew the origin of the overbearing breath that came from the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

You know, the overlord of the Eastern Heavens was at its extreme strength, and the Eastern Region was invincible, and could compete with the invincibility of other regions.


More than ten days later, there was a shocking atmosphere in the ancestral land of the Eastern family, and endless chaotic aura was surging. A huge figure appeared above the ancestral land of the Eastern family.


The figure was shot directly in the direction of the Eastern Imperial City, and a large chaotic hand leaped across the endless void, appeared directly above the Eastern Imperial City, and shot it towards the Eastern Imperial City.


A sneer came from the Eastern Imperial City, and then, a figure appeared in the sky above the Eastern Imperial City, looking up at the big chaotic hand in the sky, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this time, all the powerhouses in the Eastern Imperial City were shocked, and everyone looked at the great chaos hand that was photographed in the sky, shocked to the extreme.

Above the Great Chaos Hand, there was a terrifying aura that dominated the world, making everyone's heart palpitating, as terrifying as a hand that destroys the world.

At this time, the figures of Nantian Shenzun and Ziyang Tiandi appeared above the Eastern Imperial City.

"Brother, it's up to you."

The Southern Heavenly God Venerable looked at the unold demon boy and said, he knew that the unold demon boy and the Eastern Heaven Overlord also had some grievances, they were from the same era.

The three overseas sages have all experienced the upper reaches of the Tamron Continent. Back then, overseas and the Tamron Continent could still communicate with each other.


A big seal flew from the hands of the immortal demon boy, and evolved into a black sea. A black basalt rushed out of the black sea and directly slammed into the big chaotic hand in the sky.

This is the power of Xuanwu, it is extremely powerful, the Xuanwu that rushed out of the Black Sea directly collided with the great Chaos hand that shot down that day.

The huge basalt like a mountain directly smashed the big chaotic hand away from the sky, and in the chaotic energy, there were Dao patterns dissipating.


There was a sneer in the ancestral land of the Eastern family, and the chaotic figure above the ancestral land immediately dissipated, and the endless chaotic energy began to retreat, and then sank into the cave deep in the ancestral land.

A figure walked out of the cave. This was a man wearing a bronze mask. This man was small in stature and was actually the Eastern Emperor of the Eastern family.

"how is this possible……"

Even Dongfang Chen, the Patriarch of the Eastern family, couldn't help but couldn't help but believe that after seeing this man, he was familiar with the mask, which was the mask of the Eastern Emperor.

Only the two elders were extremely excited. They seemed to know something, but they didn't say it.


The two elders greeted them, and then fell at the feet of the masked man with a respectful attitude.

The senior members of the Eastern family were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene. You must know that the identities of the two elders in the Eastern family are higher than those of the contemporary Patriarch.

It was Dongfang Chen, the Patriarch of the Eastern Family, who saw these two elders respectfully and treated them with care, and did not dare to be negligent.

However, now, the two elders were kneeling at the feet of the masked man.

"How come there are two Donghuang."

Except for the two elders, everyone in the Dongfang family felt unbelievable after seeing the masked man, because this man actually wore the same mask as the Eastern Emperor.

What's more, what shocked everyone was that the figure of this man was exactly the same as Donghuang.

"Get up."

Said the masked man.

Judging from the voice of the masked person, it is difficult to tell whether the masked person is a male or a female.

"It's the ancestor."

The two elders stood up from the ground as they said.

"You guys don't hurry up and see the ancestors."

When the two elders saw where everyone was still there, they couldn't help but yelled, even when they were facing Dongfang Chen, the contemporary Patriarch of the Eastern family.


Everyone responded quickly, and then quickly walked over and bowed down to the masked man.


The mask man nodded.

"Get up all."

Said the mask man.


Everyone responded, then stood up and stepped aside.

"Old ancestors, please call the shots for us, the Eastern family is now on the verge of being exterminated."

Dongfang Chen stood up and said to the masked man, as the contemporary Patriarch of the Eastern Family, everyone can not stand up, but he can't.


The mask man sneered, did not say anything, and then disappeared into the void.

Deep in the ancestral land of the Eastern family, in a valley, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, that was a woman wearing a bronze mask.


Void shook, and a figure walked directly out of the void, and then came to that figure.

Two identical people appeared in the valley. At this moment, the woman sitting in the valley stood up.

The masked woman walked towards the masked man, and then turned into a divine light, submerged in the masked man's body, and a terrifying breath exploded from the masked man's body.

"Congratulations to ancestors for the great achievement of profound art."

Two figures came from a distance. They were two elders from the Eastern family.

The two elders came before the masked man.

"The Overlord returns, the world is invincible."

Such words came from the ancestral land of the Eastern family.

"The Overlord returns, the world is invincible."

Soon, this sentence spread to the Eastern Imperial City, which shocked both the Immortal Demon Boy and the Southern Heavenly God Venerable. It was the Eastern Heaven Overlord that really appeared.

This is an unimaginable opponent. After endless years, the cultivation base of this former opponent does not know how strong it is.

Both the old demon boy and the Nantian gods knew that the Dongtian Overlord had taken a different path, making his cultivation breakthrough to the point where both the old demon boy and the Nantian gods would look up.

Now that the situation has reversed, the people of the Eastern family no longer need to fear Gu Fei and start to take action. On Gu Fei's side, all the masters have returned to the Eastern Imperial City.

It was the three great holy beings who felt tremendous pressure, because they knew very well what a powerful existence they had to face.

On the third day after the Dongtian Overlord walked out of the Chaos Cavern, he appeared directly outside the Eastern Imperial City.

"It's Donghuang."

Some people regard the Eastern Emperor as the contemporary Eastern Emperor of the Eastern aristocracy. However, the Eastern Emperor is just a relic of the Eastern Emperor after his Nirvana.

Now that the Eastern Emperor and the Eastern Heaven Overlord are fused together, the Eastern Emperor disappeared from this world.

Only the two elders of the Eastern family knew this secret, not even Patriarch Dongfang Chen.

"The killing will come so soon."

In the Eastern Imperial City, the Immortal Demon Tong and others all greeted them and came to the sky above the Eastern Imperial City.

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