Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2592: The old demon boy fights the Eastern Overlord

"Sure enough..."

When the old demon boy saw the figure standing above the high sky outside the Eastern Imperial City, he couldn't help but shake his heart. The aura on the opponent's body was extremely powerful, as if he was not afraid of the power of the sky above the sky.

"It turned out to be you."

The Eastern Heaven Overlord also recognized the Immortal Demon Child and the Southern Heaven God Sovereign. They were contemporaries, and they had both fought against each other in the distant past.

In particular, the Immortal Demon Boy and the Eastern Heaven Overlord fought endlessly in that era, but it was difficult for anyone to really suppress each other, and finally formed a dichotomy.

But Ziyang Tiandi made his debut earlier than these two great powers. You know, he is the heir of the Supreme Dao Ancestor, and the age when the Supreme Dao Ancestor appeared is very old.

"Unexpectedly, we still have a day to meet."

The old demon boy said incomparably, you know, the great catastrophe that year affected the three realms and six realms, all the monks were involved, and the old demon boy was no exception.

After the great calamity, countless powerful men have fallen, even the holy one is no exception. You must know that even the supreme one may fall during that great disaster.

"It's not easy to survive, how about coming out together."

Outside the Eastern Imperial City, Dongtian Overlord proposed.

"I think it's fine."

At this time, Nantian Godzun spoke.

"Yes, we are our own people, walking too close can be misleading."

The old demon boy nodded and said.

"Unexpectedly, even people like you would surrender to others. I'm really curious that Gu Fei is really so powerful and can make you surrender."

Dongtian Overlord said.

"You are the ancestor of the Eastern family."

At this moment, a figure walked out of the Eastern Imperial City, and saw him take a step, and instantly came to the sky above the Eastern Imperial City.

"Isn't he the Eastern Emperor."

Among the Eastern Imperial City, the thirteen bandits were all shocked. You know, they were the first overseas forces to come to the Eastern Imperial City. They are naturally the two great arrogances of the Eastern Region.

Although they have not seen the Eastern Emperor, they know the characteristics of the Eastern Emperor. The hideous bronze mask is the symbol of the Eastern Emperor.

"What exactly is going on."

Even the other monks in the city shook inexplicably. This man was obviously the Eastern Emperor, but he gave people a very special breath, a sense of infinite vicissitudes.

"This is too amazing. Donghuang's body has undergone such a change, as if he has changed."

There are older monks whispering in the city.

"You are Gu Fei, no, you are just a puppet."

Just looking at Gu Fei, the Dongtian Overlord wearing the bronze mask saw Gu Fei's reality. This was not Gu Fei's real body, but just a fighting tool.

"The true body is about to come, when the Eastern family will be removed from this world."

Gu Fei looked at the Dongtian Overlord who was opposite, and then said.

"is it."

The Eastern Heaven Overlord disagrees. You must know that it is not without reason that the Eastern aristocratic family can stand in the Eastern Region for endless years and have been passed down.

"Dongba, let's fight a fight first."

The old demon boy suddenly rushed out from the big formation in the Eastern Imperial City.


The Overlord of East Heaven greeted him directly.

The two powerhouses had no extra words, and they fought straight away. The immortal demon boy's spirit soared to the sky, and a phantom of basalt loomed on his body. Behind him, it seemed that there was an endless sea of ​​sea in the mighty, showing The strongest combat power comes.

"The power of basalt."

Seeing this scene, the bronze mask of the Dongtian Overlord gave out two bright eyes.

The Dongtian Overlord pointed out directly, and a chaotic divine light immediately rushed out of his fingers, and pierced toward the undead demon boy.


The old demon boy was extremely powerful, punched directly, blasting away the chaotic light, and then took a step, approaching the Eastern Heaven Overlord in an instant, stretched out his big hand, and directly grabbed the Eastern Heaven Overlord’s head.

Dongtian Overlord directly punched.


A dull and thunderous voice sounded, and the fist of the Dongtian Overlord collided with the palm of the old demon boy, and the two forces were shaking hard.


The void vibrated, and the ripples visible to the naked eye of a punch spread from between the two, and the void burst into a series of dark space cracks.

The next moment, the old demon boy flew out, and the Eastern Heaven Overlord only shook his upper body, without taking a step back.

"You really broke through."

The old demon boy flew upside down by a hundred feet before he stabilized his body. He stared at the Eastern Heaven Overlord, his eyes lit up like stars, and an incomparably powerful fighting intent burst out of him.

"Knowing that I have broken through, you dare to come out and fight with me. Could it be that you can't control the emperor's demon soldiers?"

Dongtian Overlord looked at the immortal demon boy opposite, the pupils behind the bronze mask shrank, and the basalt aura on the opponent's body gradually became stronger.

It's no secret that the eternal demon boy controls the Xuanwu seal of the emperor's demon soldier, especially for existences like the Dongtian Overlord.

"Just relying on the emperor's demon soldier, what can you do to me."

The old demon boy said coldly.


Dongtian Overlord sneered, and then directly forced him towards the unold demon boy.

At this time, over the Eastern Imperial City, a group of strong men watched the scene on the opposite side nervously, and the combat power displayed by the Eastern Overlord should not be underestimated.

The old demon boy knew that the opponent's realm was higher than his own, and he could not fight against such an existence without using the emperor's demon weapon.

Thinking of this, he flipped his right hand directly, and an ancient seal immediately appeared in his hand.

"Xuanwu Seal..."

Dongtian Overlord couldn't help being moved when he saw the ancient seal of that side. Huangji Demon Soldier Xuanwu Seal was a great source of Huangji Demon Soldier, but it was a demon soldier refined by the Emperor God Beast Xuanwu Festival.

However, the Eastern Heaven Overlord was very strong, still moving towards the Immortal Demon Boy, and between the wave of his hand, chaotic sword lights rushed out of his hand, slashing towards the Immortal Demon Boy.


The old Demon Tong's face was so gloomy, he directly shook the Xuanwu Seal, and the powerful Xuanwu power exploded from the Xuanwu Seal.

The chaotic sword light immediately shattered into the void.

"The Xuanwu Seal really deserves its reputation."

Dongtian Overlord's heart trembled.


At this moment, the whole world shook, and the power radiating from that big seal was too amazing, as if it was about to overturn the whole world.

A phantom of Xuanwu condensed on that side of the big seal, and then rushed towards the Eastern Heaven Overlord. The world was collapsing, the void was annihilated, and the phantom of Xuanwu showed terrifying power.

"Good job."

The Dongtian Overlord roared, and directly greeted the Xuanwu virtual shadow that came in the collision.

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