Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 702: Peaceful days

The ancestor of the Golden Crow was defeated. This battle had a far-reaching impact. The big figures in Nanling remembered the place of Luoxia City, and even the Nanling God Emperor did not dare to provoke Gu Fei and them easily.

However, to everyone's surprise, the movement of this battle has spread to hundreds of thousands of miles, and as long as the Emperor Huo is in Nanling, there is no reason not to feel it.

However, Fire Emperor did not appear.

All the powerhouses in the Huosheng Palace saw the Golden Crow ancestor defeated, and they all retreated. No one dared to stay, and they ran faster than the rabbit.

Gu Fei didn't chase down the Golden Crow ancestor. The opponent was not his opponent. You know, he defeated the opponent before the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao even used it.

Although the ancestor of the Golden Crow was powerful, he could not threaten him. Such existence, whether to kill or not to kill, had no effect on him.

Of course, if the ancestor of the Golden Crow was a member of the Immortal Emperor, Gu Fei would definitely not be soft.

Gu Fei wasn't afraid of Fire Emperor either. In fact, he had an invincible Dao heart ever since he embarked on the path of Wushu. He had never feared any opponent.

Even if he is not the opponent's opponent for a while, he will retreat first, then work hard to improve his cultivation, and finally step on his powerful opponent under his feet.

Huo Di is definitely not a strong opponent. Although he formed an alliance with Yuan Gu Tiandi, when Gu Fei picked Yuan Gu Tiandi's lair, he didn't make a move.

Gu Fei didn't want to be an enemy of the Fire Emperor either. He had enough enemies. Of course, if the other party really wanted to stand up for the Golden Crow Ancestor, he wouldn't mind beating the Fire Emperor violently.

The war ended, but the ending was shocking to all parties. Soon, the big sects and clans in Nanling knew the identity and origin of Gu Fei.

In the past, Gu Fei had had an affair with the Yuangu Tiandi in Dongtu of the heavens, and it was also dug up by some caring people, and the Purple Emperor of Dongtu died in his hands.

Purple Emperor, that was the only son of Emperor Yuangu Tiandi. Gu Fei killed Zihuang, and he had forged an unending feud with the Emperor Yuangu Tiandi. Such enmity cannot be resolved.

Gu Fei did not return to Xiacheng, but went straight back to the other courtyard in the mountains.

Everyone knew that Gu Fei would win, and Laogui had returned to the other courtyard long ago. Yan'er and Gu Ling greeted him from the other courtyard and took Gu Fei into the other courtyard.

"Father, your swordsmanship is so handsome, teach it to me."

As soon as Gu Fei sat down, his right arm was hugged by Gu Ling.

"Haha, did you realize that your father is handsome?"

Gu Fei stretched out his hand and rubbed Gu Ling's head and said with a smile.

"Haha, father, you are too narcissistic, I mean you are handsome in swordsmanship, not that you are handsome."

Gu Ling said slyly.

"Ling'er, don't mess around."

Yan'er said.

Gu Ling spit out his tongue at Yan'er, still reluctantly asking Gu Fei to teach him the sword technique that is so handsome and powerful as to burst.

Gu Fei was helpless, so he imparted the sword intent of Zhutian Nine Swords to his precious daughter.

This Zhutian Nine Swords is a supreme sword, and not everyone can understand it. Although Gu Fei imparted the sword intent of the Zhutian Nine Swords to Gu Ling, how could Gu Ling realize this kind of sword in a moment? .

She was also intrigued for a while, pestering Gu Fei to learn this kind of swordsmanship, but she soon discovered that this kind of supreme kendo was not what she can understand now, so this supreme kendo was taken by her. Throw it aside.

On the second day of the war, someone came to visit Gu Fei in the other courtyard. The person who came was the messenger of the Nanling God Emperor.

However, the envoy of the Nanling Divine Emperor didn't even enter the gate of the other courtyard and was driven away by Baron.

"This Nanling God Emperor is too insincere."

Balong's explanation of the messenger who drove away the Nanling gods was just such a sentence.

Then, all the major religions and clans in Nanling sent people. For a fierce man like Gu Fei, no one in Nanling dared to ignore his existence.

Gu Fei's deeds in Dongtu of the Heaven Realm had already spread to Nanling.

This ruthless man dared to run to the ancient emperor's lair to cross the robbery, and even captured the ancient emperor's lair, and cut off an extremely powerful incarnation of the ancient emperor.

Who is the ancient emperor of heaven, that is the ruler of the entire heaven and earth, compared to the emperor of fire, this emperor of the ancient heaven is more powerful and mysterious.

Gu Fei was already regarded as the most dangerous person in the heavens by the great religions and clans of the heavens, and he didn't want to offend this peerless murderer easily.

However, the major forces in Nanling only sent envoys to test Gu Fei, so the fate of these envoys was the same as that of Nanling Divine Emperor.

"These people are so insincere."

Baron said the same thing.

This surprised all the big religions and big clans, but this was in the expectation of the leaders of these big clans and big clans.

Gu Fei, this fierce god, was not bought by anyone. Even the messengers of the Nanling God Emperor were driven away by him, and the messengers of other great sects and great clans were nothing.

It was originally a peaceful courtyard, but these days it was a crowded place. Countless people wanted to meet Gu Fei, and some even came to apprentice. There were many teenagers who came to ask for advice on their knees outside the courtyard.

"My boss does not accept disciples."

Barong has become the door **** outside the gate of the other courtyard these days, and he has intercepted everyone, whether it is the messengers of the great religions and clans, or the young people who want to learn from the teacher.

In fact, some of these teenagers have good talents, but Gu Fei is unmoved. He is not unwilling to accept disciples, but wants to become his disciples, which is not so easy.

Long ago, Gu Fei had a plan, and that was to accept five disciples.

Among the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, Gu Fei has received disciples from the four elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and four elements. Among these four disciples, one is his daughter and one is his grandson .

Now he only has one disciple, and that is the local disciple.

The five elements are one, Gu Fei really wanted to know how powerful the five disciples would be once they were fully grown.

This can be said to be Gu Fei's ambition, the Five Elements Martial Artist, the world has moved in chaos, and it has never appeared in the past. This is Gu Fei's own idea.

He had a hunch that the Five Elements Warrior could definitely become the most powerful existence in this world.

Gu Fei’s voice transmission to Baron, who was guarding outside the courtyard, told him to let those who came to apprentice to kneel there. He also wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could receive a disciple with the physique of the earth .

However, these young people kneeling outside the courtyard failed to meet Gu Fei's standards.

Gu Fei knew that the great sects and clans of Nanling had sent the most outstanding young people of their clan to outside the courtyard where Gu Fei was.

In fact, all major forces in Nanling wanted to win over Gu Fei.

You know, Gu Fei is a peerless murderer, whoever can win Gu Fei will have the qualifications to dominate Nanling.

Who doesn't want to dominate Nanling, the big clans of the heavens have the heart to dominate, but not everyone has the capital to dominate. The appearance of Gu Fei is the hope of the big clans.

Of course, these tactics of the major clans in Nanling can't be concealed from Gu Fei, and he does not want to be a **** used by major forces in Nanling.

However, the news that Gu Fei was about to accept disciples was spread, so more people knelt outside the courtyard, and these people wanted to try their luck.

However, after half a month, Gu Fei did not appear at all, nor did anyone become Gu Fei's disciple.

As a result, many people retreated, and many continued to insist.

Half a year later, Gu Fei still lived a peaceful life in the other courtyard, growing flowers, fishing, and the days passed day by day.

On the contrary, Gu Ling was wild, and disappeared after playing in two days. The apprentice Yaner she took was honestly and didn't go crazy with Gu Ling.

Yan'er cultivated very hard. She had a wooden physique and a natural pupil. Such a physique was absolutely against the sky.

Under Gu Fei's personal teaching, Yan'er's cultivation base is rapidly improving, and the Mu Xing Martial Body has innate advantages, and the body contains huge vitality.

This kind of physique, cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, is simply an immortal body.

Yan'er soon cultivated to the realm of immortal gods, and directly crossed the calamity in Gu Fei's inner world, becoming the fastest disciple of the immortal **** among Gu Fei's disciples.

After Yan'er became a fairy god, the happiest person was the old city owner of Luoxia City.

In the past six months, there have been more people who wanted to become Gu Fei's disciples. Every day at dawn, there were countless people kneeling outside the courtyard. Such a scene was really spectacular.

Even Baron had to marvel that Gu Fei's charm was really too great.

However, after nightfall, countless young men who had been kneeling outside for a day began to go home, and there were not many who really stayed.

You know, most of these young men come from the big clans and great teachers in Nanling. They are arrogant people. When they came here to kneel for a day, they had already cursed their mothers.

Among the countless young people, there are not many who really want to apprentice.

However, after Gu Fei defeated the ancestor of the Golden Crow, the Fire Emperor did not come to trouble Gu Fei. The Huo Emperor did not even see his shadow, let alone challenge Gu Fei.

The attitude of the Emperor Huo surprised all the major religions and clans in Nanling.

This is not the style of the always strong Emperor Huo. You must know that since he woke up from that long sleep, he has been fighting until he lay down half of Nanling's rivers and mountains, and then stopped his expansion. .

No one knows what Huo Di is doing.

"Moon on the sky..."

At this time, Gu Fei stood by the lake in the other courtyard, looking up at the bright moon in the sky. Today is an important festival on the Kunlun ancestor star in the human world, called the Mid-Autumn Festival.

This is a reunion festival, Gu Fei thought a lot, and some long-lost fragments resurfaced in his mind.

Now that his wife and daughter are by his side, Gu Fei feels that he is very happy. He enjoys this happiness, but he knows that such happiness will probably not last long.

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