Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 703: Mysterious grandchildren

A dull life is what Gu Fei yearns for, but he also knows that this is only temporary peace.

Since Gu Fei defeated the ancestor of the Golden Crow, Luoxia City has become lively. There are busy traffic in the city and monks can be seen everywhere.

Not only the major forces in Nanling, but also all the super powers in the entire heavenly realm have set their sights on this humble small city.

Luoxia City was originally one of the countless cities under the Nanling God Emperor, and it was located in a remote location. The city owner was still a fairy emperor and an old fairy emperor.

The Nanling Divine Emperor never imagined that a small city lord under his hand could actually have any intersection with Gu Fei's mission.

This is definitely a good thing for Nanling Divine Emperor. You must know that if the city lord of Luoxia City leads the line, he and Gu Fei will have the opportunity to join forces.

The alliance between the fire emperor and the ancient heavenly emperor made the Nanling Divine Emperor feel a great threat. Once the two emperors joined forces to attack him, then his own territory could not be kept.

However, fortunately, the appearance of Gu Fei completely disrupted the plans of the Emperor Huo and the Emperor of Heaven. The Profound Reality was not able to compete with Gu Fei.

If you can join forces with Gu Fei, you will have a chance to retake half of Nanling.

However, the Nanling Divine Emperor also knew that this matter could not come in a hurry. You must know that a peerless murderer like Gu Fei could not fail to know his purpose.

No one wants to be used by others, especially those who are extremely powerful.

The peaceful days are still passing by day by day.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly. On the rugged mountain road a hundred miles away from Luoxia City, a ragged old man and a seven or eight-year-old boy were heading towards Luoxia City.

"Grandpa, take a drink first."

The little boy took off the gourd around his waist and handed it to the old man.

"Grandpa is not thirsty."

The ragged old man was sweating profusely and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Wearing a straw hat, he reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Grandpa, we have been walking for most of the day, so why don't we find a place to take a break before leaving."

The little boy said that his clothes were in tatters and his face was dirty, but his big eyes were black and shiny, with a hint of aura.


The old man touched the little boy's head, then looked around, and saw a small forest beside the mountain road ahead, so he led the little boy toward that small forest.

The scorching sun scorched the earth and it was very sultry.

The old man took the little boy into the grove, and then sat on the grass, enjoying the rare coolness.

"Grandpa, will the person you mentioned accept me as a disciple."

The little boy asked the old man innocently.

"Well, he will definitely accept you as a disciple."

The old man looked at the little boy and said seriously.

"Is that guy very powerful? Can he beat those bad guys."

The little boy said with his head sideways.

"That person is definitely the most powerful existence in this world, and those bad guys are not his opponents at all."

The old man raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes deepening.

"Well, then I will worship him as a teacher, and ask him to teach me the most powerful skills, and then avenge my parents."

The little boy said fiercely, his eyes red.

"This is necessary. You have to kill those people yourself."

The old man seemed to have thought of something, his body trembled, and his eyes became fierce.

"Yes, Grandpa."

The immature voice sounded.

"Okay, let's continue on the road."

The old man stood up from the ground and said to the little boy.

This is a pair of grandparents with stories. The two grandparents do not seem to be ordinary people. The old man’s face is a little pale. Although his clothes are ragged, his hands exposed outside the clothes are white and flawless, as carved from **** jade. The same.

The little boy is not an ordinary little boy. Although the little boy is dirty all over, it is a piece of rough jade that has not been carved at all.

The grandpa and grandson continued on the road, the mountain road was rugged, but they did not walk slowly.

When the sun went down, the two grandchildren came outside Luoxia City. They entered into Luoxia City while the city gate was still open.

The grandpa and grandson didn't have any valuables on them, and they couldn't afford to live in the inn. They just spread a layer of withered grass in a small corner in an alley, then lay on the withered grass and rested.

The next day, just after dawn, the old man and the little boy got up. They asked about it in the city, and then went straight to the direction of the city lord's mansion.

At this time, in the city lord’s mansion of Luoxia City, the old city lord was holding a banquet in the lord’s mansion, because today is very special, the granddaughter of the old city lord returned, which made the old city lord very happy.

Yan'er has not left the hospital for more than half a year.

Since Gu Fei's family lived in another courtyard, the old city owner moved to Luoxia City to live, because Gu Fei liked quietness and didn't want to be disturbed.

In fact, even if the old city lord lived in the other courtyard, he would not be able to see his precious granddaughter, because Yaner usually cultivated in Gu Fei's inner world.

Gu Fei's inner world is full of spiritual energy, and it is the treasure and sacred land that countless monks have dreamed of for a long time. Cultivating in such a place can definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort.

On this day, Yan'er asked her master to take a day off and came back to Luoxia City to visit her grandfather.

This is a family banquet. Although there are only Old City Lord and Yan'er, the dishes on the table are extremely rich. You know, Old City Lord is Immortal Emperor, and some rare mountain treasures can be obtained.

Just as the old city lord hosted a banquet for Yan'er to catch the wind, two people in ragged clothes came outside the city lord's mansion, one was an old man and the other was a little boy.

The old man led the little boy and went directly to the gate of the city lord's mansion.

"Stop coming."

A guard in battle armor guarding the gate of the city lord’s mansion immediately slammed the spear in his hand and stopped the old man and the little boy.

"I'm going to meet the city lord and ask you to pass on it."

The old man said to the guard politely.


The guard thought he had heard it wrong, with a shocked expression on his face, and then looked up and down the old man and the little boy.

"Hurry up and get out, how can you wait to see our city lord."

The guard waved his hand with contempt.

These two guys are inferior to the beggars in the city. They want to see Lord City Lord, which makes the guards feel incredible. It is really hard to imagine the intersection between Lord City Lord and these people.

"Please also pass this on your behalf, we really want to see the city lord."

The old man refused to retreat.

"Ouch, you're never finished."

The guard was upset, stared, and swept the spear directly at the old man.

Seeing that the guard's spear was about to sweep the old man, a hand suddenly stretched out nearby and grabbed the guard's spear.

"Don't beat my grandpa."

The immature voice sounded, and the person who reached out to grab the spear was the little boy standing beside the old man.


The guard was shocked to the extreme. He never expected that a seven or eight-year-old boy could actually grab his spear.

He wanted to withdraw the divine spear, but he realized that he couldn't take the divine spear. The little boy's power was amazing.


The guard roared, violently exerting force.

However, at this moment, the little boy suddenly let go.

The guard didn't expect the little boy to suddenly let go. He immediately became unstable, kicked backwards, and stepped back a few steps. With a sound of "touch.", his back slammed into the wall.


The guard was angry, and he directly pierced the little boy with a spear in his hand.

"Humph, you're a little over."

The old man snorted angrily and stepped forward fiercely. A powerful might immediately erupted from his body, and a bright light came out from his muddy eyes.

"Who on earth are you, dare to come here to go wild."

The guard was taken aback and stopped hurriedly. These two grandparents are very unusual. I am afraid they have some background. Do they really know Lord City Lord?

This guard is not stupid, otherwise he wouldn't be sent to guard the gate.

Not everyone can do the guarding of the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

"what's going on."

At this time, a **** will come out from inside.

"Master Hui, these two people want to see Lord City Lord."

The guard said to the **** general.

"You want to see Lord City Lord."

Hearing this, the **** general couldn't help but look up and down the old man and the little boy, frowning, he couldn't see the depth of the two.

"The Lord of the City has something to do today, he has already given an order, no one can disturb, you should go back."

The **** will speak to the old man.

"Huh, what a big shelf."

The old man sneered.

"what did you say."

Hearing the words, the sacred general immediately issued a fierce gaze in the middle of his eyes, staring at the old man, a powerful sacred aura spread from his body.

"Fairy god."

The old man's eyes also lit up. If in normal times, he would really not put the fairy in his eyes, but now, his cultivation level has been half-worn.

The cultivation base was half a waste, at this time, he was not an opponent of the fairy gods at all.

"We are not something you can afford to offend. You should call the city lord to come out."

The old man said.

At this time, the **** general was surprised.

"it is good."

The **** general thought for a while, then turned and walked into the city lord's mansion.

Soon, the **** general came out again, then opened the door, welcomed the old man and the little boy in, and directly led the old man and the little boy into a courtyard behind the city lord mansion.

In the courtyard, under a big tree, an old man and a girl were having a meal.

"You want to see me."

The Old City Lord stood up, and then looked at the two people in front of him curiously. Although the two people were in ragged clothes, their temperament was very unusual.

"Not bad."

The old man nodded.

At this time, Yan'er looked at the dirty little boy, shocked.

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