Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2118: Gu Fei shot

As soon as Gu Fei came up, he was about to see the Patriarch of the Zhao Family in Xueyu. This shocked Zhao Mu. Does this guy think he is the Supreme?

However, this person is extremely powerful, and it is no effort to kill himself. It seems that the Sirius ancestor has been subdued by this person, otherwise, how could he not say a word and let this guy go crazy.

"Why, don't you hurry up and ask your Patriarch to get out and see me."

Gu Fei glared, not angry with himself, the powerful pressure of the Lord made Zhao Mu, the great elder of the Zhao family in the snowy area, feel like he was about to suffocate.

This person is terrible.


Zhao Mu quickly turned around and rushed towards the city below.

The Patriarch of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region was named Zhao Tianxiong. At this time, Zhao Tianxiong, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region, was not in the ancestral city of the ancient Zhao Family.

"What about this."

After Zhao Mu returned to Zhaojiazucheng, he didn't know what to do. He quickly sent Zhao Tianxiong the propaganda amulet, but Zhao Tianxiong did not respond.

Thinking of Gu Fei's strength and power, Zhao Mu fidgeted.


Just when Gu Fei waited impatiently, the void below vibrated, and a layer of divine light appeared in the void, covering the ancestral city of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region.

"Good guy, dare to lie to me."

Gu Fei is angry, this Zhao Mu is simply reckless.

"Oh no."

The ancestor of Sirius who stood behind Gu Fei knew that once his master got angry, it would be terrible, and the Zhao family in Xueyu would be in luck.

"Sirius, it's up to you."

Gu Fei said to the Sirius ancestor beside him.

The ancestor of Sirius couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words. He never expected that Gu Fei would call himself the lead. He and the other party were allies before.


The Sirius ancestor hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward.

At this time, Gu Fei released the snow ape in the immortal **** realm again, and the snow ape in the immortal **** realm was also considered a master in the snow domain.


The snow ape roared and the sound shook everywhere, and then an avalanche occurred in the nearby mountains, and the sound like a muffled thunder came from the nearby area.


At this time, the Sirius ancestor shot, and a huge beast claw was grabbed from the sky to the Zhao Family Ancestor City below, and the violent power fluctuated.

The beast claws directly smashed the void of the heavens and the earth, and slapped them fiercely on the divine light that enveloped the Zhao Family Ancestor City. The violent power shook the sky and the earth, and the Zhao Family Ancestor City shook.

"Friend Sirius, what do you mean, why do you want to shoot at my Zhao family."

A roar came from the Zhao Family Ancestor City, and Zhao Mu's figure reappeared in the Zhao Family Ancestor City, yelling at the Sirius Ancestor.

"The rat generation who is greedy for life and fear of death, come out quickly and die."

The Sirius ancestor didn't care so much, he roared and continued to shoot, and another huge beast claw was grabbed from the sky, extremely powerful.


The divine light that enveloped the Zhao Family Ancestral City shook violently, and the runes loomed above the divine light, intertwined with mysterious and ancient patterns.

"This tortoise shell is really hard."

The ancestor of Sirius made an all-out effort, but he still couldn't break through the great defense formation of Zhao Family Ancestor City, which made him a little hairy. He never thought that the great defense formation of Zhao Family Ancestor City was so powerful.

"Huh, Daoist Sirius, don't waste your efforts, you can't break the great defense formation."

Zhao Mu, who was back in the Zhao Family Ancestor City, immediately became strong. You know, in the endless years, no one has really been able to break through the great defense formation where Zhao Family Ancestor City is located.


The Sirius ancestor flipped his right hand, and a bone knife immediately appeared at him. This bone knife was exactly the saint-class weapon he had refined.

At this time, Gu Fei was watching from the sidelines, but the snow ape was preparing to intercept and kill the Zhao family's child who had escaped from the Zhao family's ancestor city.


The ancestor of Sirius was violent, he had already taken a breath and had nowhere to vent, and then he just happened to take the Zhao family from Xueyu out of his breath.

A bright blade of light burst out from the hand of the ancestor of the sky wolf, split the world, and fell towards the ancestral city of the Zhao family.

However, the result is still the same. The ancestor of Sirius is a powerful sword that shakes the sky and can chop down the stars in the sky, but it can't break the great defense formation of Zhao Family Ancestor City.


When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help but nod. The moat formation of Zhao Family Ancestor City was not simple. The people who laid this formation back then were absolutely stunning.

At this time, in the Zhao family's ancestor city, people were panicked. All the powerful members of the Zhao family came out. They saw this scene, but it was difficult to accept.

Once upon a time, the Zhao family in Xueyu was hit by someone.

Someone suggested that the first strongest member of the clan should be hired immediately to kill those people outside.

But there are also people who are against it. You must know that the number one strong in the clan is a deterrent. With that person in one day, the major sects in the northern snow region dare not challenge the dominance of the Zhao family.

However, Zhao Mu kept sending out messages to Zhao Tianxiong, wanting to invite Zhao Tianxiong, the Patriarch, to preside over the overall situation.

However, what made Zhao Mu feel desperate was that Zhao Tianxiong seemed to have disappeared, and even the Great Elder himself could not contact him.

At this time, the Sirius ancestor was still desperately attacking the Zhao Family Ancestor City.


The Sirius ancestor's nearly crazy attack was completely blocked by the power of the great defense formation, and it was difficult to cause any damage to Zhaojiazucheng.

"Friend Sirius, don't waste your energy."

Someone in Zhaojiazucheng said loudly.

"Are all the Zhao family rat generations? Come out to fight if there is a species."

Sirius ancestor roared.

"Haha, whatever you say, I just won't go out, what can you do to me."

Zhao Mu said with a big smile.


The Sirius ancestor was really angry with this Zhao family elder.

"Well, the game should be over."

At this moment, Gu Fei suddenly walked over from a distance.


I saw his big hand pressed down, and the chaotic big hand emerged, and the force fluctuations that were tyrannical to the extreme spread from the chaotic big hand.


Gu Fei's big Chaos hand slapped on the layer of divine light above Zhaojiazucheng.

Everyone watched this scene nervously.

Gu Fei immediately transported one of the nine secrets of the Immortal Dao's "Wu" word secret, the power of the "Wu" word secret exploded, and the great Chaos hand directly shot into the Zhao Family Ancestor City.


Gu Fei's great chaotic hand fell, and a large house in Zhaojiazu's city instantly turned into ruins, and some monks who could not evade were killed directly.


Zhao Mu was stunned when he saw this scene. The black-clothed young man broke through the moat so easily, it was incredible.

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