Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2119: Sirius Howler

As soon as Gu Fei made his move, he broke through the Great Wall of Zhao Family Ancestor City that Sirius ancestors had attacked for a long time, and everyone in Zhao Family Ancestor City was stunned.

No one thought that the great defense formation of the Zhao family's ancestor city would be broken. This is really unimaginable. You know, for thousands of years, no one can break the great defense formation of the Zhao family's ancestor city.

But today, everything has been rewritten, a big hole was easily broken through the moat formation, and Chaos smashed into the Zhao Family Ancestor City.

Gu Fei did not show any mercy, and Chaos Master fell, and the large houses in the Zhao Family Ancestor City were directly shaken to dust by Chaos Master.

Some monks who couldn't evade were directly shaken into a cloud of blood mist, like blood flowers blooming, very sad.

"Who are you and why are you attacking us."

Zhao Mu roared in the city, his voice spreading far away.

At this time, the great chaos dissipated, and Gu Fei took the Sirius ancestor and the snow ape, descended from the sky, and landed on the roof of a house that hadn't collapsed.

"Hmph, it seems you don't know what happened yet."

Gu Fei sneered and said to Zhao Mu on the opposite roof.

"The person you want to catch is my junior sister in that world. You said, if you dare to do something with my little junior sister, you didn't expect something like this to happen today."


Zhao Mu heard that this shock was really extraordinary, and he couldn't think that Zhao Zirou had such a strong and powerful senior.

"Elder, this guy dares to attack us, we want them to come back and forth."

At this time, a group of people rushed out and came to Zhao Mu's side. Among these people, each of them had a tyrannical aura.

"The strength of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region is not weak."

Gu Fei glanced at the group of people opposite, and then said, among the group of people opposite, there were three saints, and one of them was a saint king-level existence.

The Zhao Family in the Snow Region has so many powerful Saints, it is no wonder that they can dominate the Snow Region, the entire Northern Snow Region, perhaps only the Snow Region Heavenly Palace can compete with the Zhao Family.

Moreover, in the Zhao family, there must be an emperor, otherwise, it is impossible to dominate the snowy area, you know, in front of the emperor, the saint is just a joke.

Because the emperor is a powerful existence of the holy sovereign.

The group of strong men from the Zhao family in Xueyu was so murderous, if it weren't for Zhao Mu's resistance, they would have rushed towards Gu Fei and the others.

"A group of people who live and die."

Snow Ape said, it has now become the size of a fist, and it is furry, sitting on Gu Fei's shoulders, looking at the group of people in front of them masturbatingly.

"What, say we don't live or die."

The saint's hearing is very good, Snow Ape just murmured, but the saint on the opposite side was furious and wanted to attack Gu Fei.

"Zhao Hong, what do you want to do."

Zhao Mu quickly stopped the saint. He knew very well that Gu Fei was powerful and terrifying. He was not even Gu Fei's opponent. How could this Zhao Hong be Gu Fei's opponent.

"Elder, everyone has stepped on the door, and we can bear it."

The sage named Zhao Hong said loudly, he was venting his dissatisfaction. Had the Zhao family ever been so aggrieved, you know, the Zhao family is the actual overlord of the Northern Snow Region.

The Zhao family dominates without leaving the Snow Palace.

These people of the Zhao family in Xueyu are used to living like a grandfather. They usually stand high, and countless people come to serve them with a gentle beckon.

Gu Fei dared to enter the ancestral city of the Zhao family in the Snow Region. For these uncles of the Zhao family, it was absolutely thunderous.

"Grand Elder..."

A gray-haired sage looked at Zhao Mu, his fighting spirit was like a rainbow, and only waiting for Zhao Mu's order, he was about to blast the black kid on the opposite side into scum.

"Retire all to me."

Zhao Mu roared, now that the Patriarch is not there, nor is the number one powerhouse in the Zhao family, they don't have the capital to fight the black kid opposite.

Fighting with this black kid now is the rhythm of death.

"Elder, this..."

Everyone was very dissatisfied, the enemy had all come in, but the elder did not allow them to fight, which was too awkward, and some people were about to scold their mother.

"I am the great elder. If the Patriarch is away, you will listen to me."

Zhao Mu glanced at everyone, and then said very solemnly.


Everyone didn't dare to react excessively when they heard the words. You know, Zhao Mu is the elder, if he dared to disobey the order of the elder, then he is a traitor to the Zhao family.

No one dared to betray the Zhao family in the Snowland unless they were kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Hey, I said where are you doing for so long, you can fight as early as possible, and surrender if you don't fight."

Snow Ape suddenly stood up from Gu Fei's shoulders, and yelled at the group of people on the opposite side. Don't think it was the size of a fist now, but its voice was very loud.

"Cracked animal."

The group of people was furious when they heard this. You must know that they are all big figures in the Zhao family in the snowy area. They are high above and overlooking the sentient beings.

"The fox is a fake tiger, I can pinch you to death with just one finger."

The gray-haired saint stared at the ball of hair on Gu Fei's shoulder and gritted his teeth and said, if he hadn't cared about Gu Fei, he would have shot it.

"Sirius, you wolf-hearted fellow, you actually helped outsiders to oppress me, you are impatient."

Someone shouted at the Sirius ancestor.

"Hmph, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, you are accustomed to you, and you are destined to suffer."

The ancestor Sirius said coldly, without lifting his eyelids.

"What an unfamiliar animal."

It was a tall old man wearing a battle armor. The old man hadn't spoken all the time. Only then did he speak. He stared at the Sirius ancestor, with fire looming in his eyes.

"Zhao Gang, what are you talking about."

The ancestor of Sirius raised his head abruptly when he heard the words, two dazzling divine lights rushed out of his eyes, and glanced at the tall old man.

This Zhao Gang has a close relationship with the Sirius ancestors. One of the grandsons of the Sirius ancestors married a woman from the Zhao family, and this woman is the granddaughter of Zhao Gang.

With this relationship, the friendship between Sirius ancestor and Zhao Gang was much closer than the rest of the Zhao family.

"Am I wrong."

Zhao Gang stared at the Sirius Ancestor and said coldly.


When the Sirius ancestor heard the words, he was furious and roared up to the sky. The sound of rolling sound spread, and there was a roaring sound nearby. Houses were collapsing continuously, and the dust rolled into the sky.

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