Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2120: Copied the Zhao family

Sirius roared, shaking the earth, and the entire Zhaojiazu city was shaking. Many monks were instantly deaf, unable to hear any sound, and blood oozes from their ears.

Some people even fainted directly by the sound waves.


Roars and roars were heard everywhere in Zhaojiazucheng.


Houses were falling apart and dusty, and I don’t know how many Zhao family disciples were injured. This was a disaster.

The howl of the Holy Wolf howling **** wolf is absolutely terrifying, and the Sirius ancestors didn't really use the great technique of the Sirius clan, Sirius Howell.

Even so, there are definitely not many people from the Zhao family disciples in the Zhao family's ancestor city who can withstand this kind of whistling, and countless people fled around in a panic.

"Sirius, what do you want to do, do you really want to be my enemy?"

Opposite Sirius, Zhao Gang said sharply.

"I just want to be the enemy of the Zhao family, so what."

Sirius said angrily, he didn't want to be an enemy of the Zhao family, but he couldn't protect himself now, even his own life and death were in the hands of others.

I was already incomparably frustrated, and now I have to be blamed by my in-laws. This makes Sirius ancestors unavoidable. Lao Tzu is going to be an enemy of the Zhao family, so what can you do about me.

"I will kill you."

Zhao Gang's shape is like a raging fire, and his body is full of divine flames, nine flames and Dao patterns appear on his body, murderous like a rainbow, and he needs to do it.

However, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Gang.

"Elder, you..."

Zhao Gang was taken aback. The person who stopped in front of him was the Great Elder Zhao Mu.

"I said, don't act rashly, don't you hear it."

Zhao Mu's face became gloomy. He knew that the other party's true master hadn't spoken yet, and he didn't want the Zhao family to die in vain.

With the absence of the patriarch and the number one powerhouse, saving strength is what we need to do now. Zhao Mu is very sober. Once Gu Fei is annoyed, it will be a disaster.


Zhao Gang wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Zhao Mu.

"We can't afford that guy."

Zhao Mu spoke to Zhao Gang.

When Zhao Gang heard the words, he couldn't help but startled, even the elder was so scrupulous about the black-clothed youth, what is the background of that guy.

Zhao Gang wasn't a fool either, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to cultivate to the holy stage realm, he immediately thought of a possibility, Zhao Mu was delaying time.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family should be back soon.

"Well, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, don't hesitate to get out."

At this time, Gu Fei, who had always seemed to be watching a theater, made a sound. He was a little impatient. He came to Xingshi to ask the crime. If the Zhao family did not give him an acceptable explanation, he would not give up.

"Patriarch will be back soon, so be safe and restless."

Zhao Mu said politely, he had to do this, it went against his heart, but there was no alternative.

"Can I still believe what you said."

Gu Fei looked at Zhao Mu and suddenly smiled. This Zhao Mu is really a hero. At this time, he can still feel like nothing happened.

Not everyone does the Zhao family elder.


Zhao Mu rarely blushed and looked a little embarrassed.

"Since the Patriarch of the Zhao family is not there, I have no choice, Sirius, go and copy the Zhao family."

Gu Fei directly ordered the Sirius Ancestor and said.


The Sirius ancestor took his orders, and then soared to the sky, rushing towards the back of Zhaojiazu City.

"Sirius, dare you."

Zhao Gang roared.

The Sirius ancestor didn't say anything, but just glanced at Zhao Gang indifferently, and then disappeared into the void. He knew where the medicine field and treasure house of the Zhao family were.

You must know that he and the Zhao family are related by marriage. With this relationship, he naturally knows a lot about the Zhao family in the Snow Region.

Since Gu Fei ordered the copying of the Zhao family, the wolf ancestor had to obey the order that day, and why did his life rest in Gu Fei's hands?

The Sirius ancestors were unable to protect themselves and had to obey orders.


Zhao Gang was about to chase him, but he was caught by Zhao Mu.

"You are aware of current affairs and advance and retreat."

Gu Fei looked at Zhao Mu and couldn't help but nodded. This Snow Territory Zhao family's great elder is not simple. For example, I am afraid that only with this kind of disposition can he become the Zhao family's great elder.


A powerful wave of power came from a distance, and the Sirius ancestor was breaking the formation. Even though he had a deep relationship with the Zhao family, the Zhao family’s treasure house and medicine field were guarded by formations, and no one could easily enter. .

Even the wolf ancestor that day couldn't break through the medicinal field for a while and take away the Zhao family's precious medicine planted in the medicinal field.

Behind Zhao Mu, everyone was frightened and angry. Some people wanted to rush forward and attack Gu Fei, but they were all blocked by Zhao Mu.

Gu Fei stunned all the masters of the Zhao family in the Snow Region with one person. If people see this scene, it will definitely make a sensation in the entire Northern Snow Region.

You know, the Zhao family in the Snow Region, but the overlord of the Northern Snow Region, the real master of the Northern Snow Region.

Although there are two hegemons in the northern snowy area, one is the Snowy Heavenly Palace, and the other is the Snowy Zhao Family, but the Snowy Heavenly Palace ignores world affairs and is mysterious.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the Zhao Family in the Snow Region has become the de facto master of the northern snow region.

However, no one dares to underestimate the Snowy Heavenly Palace. Some people think that although this line is mysterious, its strength is the most powerful in the northern snowy area.


Sounds like a dull thunder continued to sound, and the powerful fluctuations in power shook the entire Zhao Family Ancestral City, which made the complexions of the Zhao family's powerful people not so beautiful.

"Huh, it's a joke to want to copy my Zhao family."

Behind Zhao Mu, someone sneered.

"is it."

Gu Fei saw a black-haired young man who was talking, but he knew that this young man was definitely an old antique, otherwise, he would not become a senior in the Zhao family, nor would he be qualified to stand behind Zhao Mu.

Zhao Mu glared at the black-haired young man without saying anything.

At this time, Gu Fei opened the inner world directly, and a figure walked out of his inner world. It was a person who looked exactly like him, and this person was also wearing a black shirt.

"this is……"

Zhao Mu and others were taken aback when they saw this scene.

The young man in black who came out of Gu Fei's inner world took a look at Zhao Mu and the others, then turned and left, disappearing into everyone's sight in an instant.


Zhao Mu secretly cried, he clearly saw the disdain and sarcasm in the eyes of the black-clothed youth when he looked at him.

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