Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2724: Mysterious Black Temple


The tremor swayed between the sky and the earth. Someone used a powerful method to forcibly open a space channel. The person who could tear the sky and the earth through the void barrier was Gu Fei.

At this time, the Zhao family's children in the entire Zhao family's ancestor city were shocked, and everyone was shocked to the extreme. Most of the Zhao family's children did not know that there was a cave in the sky above Zhao's family ancestor city.

The Zhao family’s cave is only known to the high-ranking members of the Zhao family, and ordinary Zhao family children don’t even know that there is a cave in the Zhao family.

"How did this evil star learn about the existence of Zhao's Dongtian?"

In a dark place in the Zhao Family Ancestor City, there were two figures standing. One of them said in a low voice. He stared at the figure in the sky fiercely, wishing to tear it into pieces.

"Could anyone betray us."

Another figure said, this person is very calm.

"Elder, this matter must be thoroughly investigated."

A young man with white eyebrows standing in the shadow said bitterly, he immediately thought that this was definitely a traitor out of the Zhao family, otherwise, how could this Gu Fei know the existence of Zhao Family Dongtian.

The other person was Zhao Mu, the great elder of the Zhao family. The white-browed youth standing behind Zhao Mu was the white-browed saint king of the Zhao family.

Saint King Baimei is the main battle faction, and has been unwilling to surrender to Gu Fei, but Gu Fei is so powerful that even Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, is not his opponent, and has to swallow his anger.

"It's up to you."

Zhao Mu said calmly.


There was a burst of hearty laughter from Gao Tianzhi, and Gu Fei stepped directly into the space channel, and then disappeared inside.


Seeing this scene, all the leaders of the Zhao family who knew the existence of the Zhao family's Dongtian were shocked and angry, and some of them turned pale.

When Zhao Yuntian saw Gu Fei walked into Zhao's Cave Sky, he shook his body and almost fell to the ground, spouting a mouthful of old blood.

The real heritage of the Zhao family is not the medicine field, nor the treasure house. The medicine field and the treasure house are just a cover.

In that snowy area, the Zhao family dominated the northern snowy area for endless years, and collected countless treasures, and the treasures in the treasure house of the Zhao family's ancestors were only a small part.

The real rare and precious materials and treasures are all stored in the treasure house of the Zhao family's cave. The treasure house in the cave is the real treasure of the Zhao family.

The real details of the Zhao family in Xueyu were discovered by Gu Fei, how could the people like Zhao Mu still sit down?

However, even Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, was not Gu Fei's opponent, and even if Zhao Mu and the others hated Gu Fei to the extreme, they were helpless.

In fact, Zhao Mu and others are waiting, they have to wait for the arrival of the first powerhouse of the Zhao family.

Zhao Mu and others believe that once the Zhao family’s first powerhouse returns, it will be Gu Fei’s death. You must know that the Zhao family’s first powerhouse was once invincible in the northern snowy area, and even the snowy heavenly palace people Fear of it.

The number one master of the Zhao family once had the opportunity to become the strongest person who frightened an era, but for some reason, he lost the qualification to become the strongest person.

No one knows what happened that year.

At this time, Gu Fei had already entered the Zhao family's cave. It was not so much a cave, but a world, yes, a world.

"This world is good."

The ancient flight walked between the mountains and saw beautiful peaks, dotted with spirit lakes, and on the mountain walls, occasional spirit springs spewed and formed streams.

There are auspicious clouds in the sky, and spirit beasts and fairy birds can be seen from time to time in the mountains and forests.

Although this world is far less than Gu Fei's sacred soil, it is also full of aura, and it is a cultivation treasure land that monks dream of.

What surprised Gu Fei the most was that in the core area of ​​this Fang Tiandi, there was a spirit of life that was constantly erupting pure life essence, nourishing the whole world.

Above the spring of life, there is a large black hall suspended. It is a huge temple, like an ancient sacred mountain, on the spring of life.

Most of the life essence radiating from the fountain of life was actually guided by the black temple, and it was actually the fountain of life to nourish the black temple.

A palpitating breath came out from the black hall.


Gu Fei sensed a strange aura, and then looked towards the core area of ​​this square of heaven and earth, only to see a black aura lingering in the far sky, and even the wind from the sky could not blow it away.


Seeing the black air above the far sky, Gu Fei's pupils couldn't help but shrank. How could there be death air in such a world.

Gu Fei thought for a while, then took a step, and instantly disappeared into the void.

In the next moment, Gu Fei appeared outside the core area of ​​Fang Tiandi, feeling the strangeness in the void ahead.

If you change to someone else, it may be difficult to see anything, but Gu Fei is different. He has cultivated the martial arts heavenly eye. This martial arts master can see through all the illusions in the world.

Under Gu Fei's martial arts heavenly eye, I saw that the void in front was densely covered with ancient runes.

Someone has sealed the core area of ​​Fang Tiandi, who is so big.

You should know that this kind of large formation that can seal a region can not be arranged by anyone. This means of branding runes into the void can only be done by the master of the formation.

Outside of this core area, there are several mountains suspended above the mountains, there are pavilions built.

There was a mountain that was shrouded in spiritual light, and there were bursts of medicinal fragrance. It was a mountain of medicine. There were rare magical medicines on the mountain, which made Gu Fei's heart move.

On the other mountain ridge, there was also the aura of precious light and fairy spirit.

"treasure house."

Gu Fei immediately guessed what was on the mountain.

With a move in his heart, he disappeared in place in an instant, and he came directly to the sky above the mountain of medicine. This mountain of medicine was guarded by a formation. Under the gaze of the martial arts sky, the mountain was densely packed with runes.

This kind of rune can't stop Gu Fei's footsteps.

A special breath emerged from all over his body, and then he walked directly up, and saw that the runes in the void had disappeared in the void where he passed.

Gu Feiyun picked up one of the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao's "Wu" word secret. The power of this "Wu" word secret is really terrifying. It is silent, and it has wiped out the runes.

Soon, he passed through the large formation that enveloped the entire Medicine Mountain and entered the Medicine Mountain.

"Haha, it's all mine."

Gu Fei didn't have any softness. With a wave of his hand, countless magical medicines flew out of the Medicine Mountain. A golden ginseng plant turned into a golden child, wanting to rise to the sky and flee.

"Hey, golden ginseng that can be transformed."

When Gu Fei saw this, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then shot directly, a big chaotic hand rushed out of his hand and grabbed the kid who had turned into a golden ginseng.

This golden ginseng is incredible, it can be transformed into a journey. This is a holy medicine. The fragrance of the medicine wafting in the void made Gu Fei's spirit refreshed.

Although the golden ginseng was able to transform, it was the essence of plants and trees, and it was difficult to cultivate successfully, so it was immediately caught by Gu Fei's great chaotic hand.


Gu Fei laughed happily. The golden ginseng can be found unquestionably, and its value may have surpassed the ordinary holy medicine. You know, this is a holy medicine that can greatly increase the cultivation of monks with golden physique.

Soon, no elixir flew around, and Gu Fei counted. There were three holy drugs among the pile of elixir in front of him, which made his heart shake.

Gu Fei directly collected all the holy medicines and magical medicines into his inner world, and then went to the mountains where the treasure house was located.

"This Gu Fei..."

Outside, in the ancestral city of the Zhao family, in the city lord's mansion, all the high-levels of the Zhao family are present. Zhao Yuntian, the head of the Zhao family, sits high on the throne, scanning everyone without anger.

"Patriarch, give an order."

Zhao Gang stood up abruptly from his seat and said to Zhao Yuntian.

"Yes, Patriarch, give an order."

Even Zhao Mu, who has always been cautious and careful, supported the shot at this time.

However, Gu Fei's strength is obvious to all. Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, has some scruples. You must know that if you turn your face with Gu Fei, then the Zhao family will be ruined.

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