Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2725: Peerless evil

Among the caves of the Zhao family, Gu Fei successfully broke through a mountain of medicine, took away countless immortal medicines and even three holy medicines.

There are three holy medicines, but it's not bad. After all, this is an unexpected gain. Gu Fei is very content. You must know that this Zhao family in the heavens is not the Zhao family in the human world. How many good things can there be.

The Zhao Family of the Celestial Realm is only a branch of the Zhao Family of the Human Realm, and its background is naturally far less than that of the Zhao Family of the Human Realm. You know, the Zhao Family of the Human Realm is the inheritance of the Human Emperor.

There was a human emperor in the ancient Zhao family. This is a well-known thing. Some people speculate that in the human world Zhao family, there is the guardian of the emperor of the Zhao family emperor, even if it is the holy sovereign or even the quasi-superior. May break through the ancestral land of the Zhao family in the human world.


Gu Fei came to the top of the Baoshan, and he shot directly, the Chaos Big Hand appeared above the sky, and shrouded the Baoshan below.

In an instant, countless divine lights rushed out of the treasure mountain, the mountain protection formation was opened, and countless runes emerged in the void, intertwined with ancient and mysterious formations.

The formation drawing aroused the essence of the heaven and the earth, condensing a powerful force, the divine light was thousands of ways, the aura rose, and a shocking murderous aura appeared between the heaven and the earth. This is a killing formation that can strangle the saints.

Baoshan is the place where the Zhao family collects natural materials and treasures. This Baoshan is no more than a treasure house to the outside world. The things stored on Baoshan are absolutely rare in the world. Even if one loses one, it will be extremely painful to the strong of the Zhao family.

"What to do, this guy has the idea of ​​fighting against Baoshan even if he breaks Yaoshan."

In the Zhao family ancestor city, in the main hall of the city lord’s mansion, a group of Zhao family powerhouses saw this scene from the ancient mirror, and they couldn't help but be shocked and angry. That treasure mountain is a mountain where the Zhao family collects natural materials and treasures.

Whether it was tolerable or unbearable, all the powerhouses of the Zhao family in the Ancestral City City Lord's Mansion were out of anger.

Baoshan is suspended above the sky. Such a mountain is protected by heavy formations. However, it is such a mountain that may be difficult to break in front of ordinary holy priests. However, in front of Gu Fei, it is not counted. what.

"Fight with him."

In the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a roar. That person was Zhao Gang, who had a fiery temperament. His cultivation base was extremely powerful, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the realm of the Holy Venerable.

He is a half-step sage, otherwise, he would not have become relatives with the wolf ancestor that day, and dare to scold the existence of such a sage-level Sirius ancestor.

"Patriarch, great elder, fight it."

The White-browed Saint King stood up and said to Zhao Yuntian, who was sitting on the throne in the middle of the hall, and Zhao Mu, who was standing under the throne, that if the Zhao family was really ransacked, then the Zhao family would still have a face in the northern snowy area.


Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, pondered for a long time before he nodded and said.

The background of the Zhao family in the Xueyu is not as simple as it seems on the surface. You must know that even if the Zhao family in the Xueyu is only a branch of the ancient Zhao family in the human world, it still has the last card.

Originally, when the guy Gu Fei hadn't discovered the Zhao Family's Cave Sky, the Zhao family's strong men could endure it again and again, but at this time, they couldn't endure it anymore.

Everything in the Zhao family will be looted by Gu Fei, how could the powerhouses of the Zhao family bear it any longer.


At this time, outside the core area of ​​Zhaojiadongtian, a large chaotic hand enveloped a mountain suspended above the sky, and the entire mountain shook.

The chaotic energy dropped from the great chaotic hand, like a great chaotic dragon, firmly entwining the mountain.

Not only did the layer-by-layer array collapse, countless runes dissipated in the void, and within a few breaths, more than a dozen layers of array methods were broken.


The void shook, and another layer of formations emerged. Inspired by the power of the Great Chaos Hand, the nine dazzling lines burst out with a divine light that was brighter than the sun.

The aura of the holy path swells between the heaven and the earth. This is a powerful formation, at least from the hands of the holy priests. The nine holy priests' Dao patterns are swirling around, sometimes turning into heavenly swords, cutting the sky and the void, and sometimes turning into a heavenly sword, sword Qi rushed into the sky, making the world pale.

"It's interesting."

When Gu Fei saw this scene, he was not surprised and rejoiced. The previous formations were too weak, and this saint-level formation was a bit worth seeing, which aroused his eagerness to win.


The chaos hand suppressed it, and the nine runes on the saint's great formation immediately turned into a terrifying sky sword, slashing towards the chaos hand.

Every blade of light is enough to break through the Zhao Family's cave sky and smash into the outside world.

However, Gu Fei's master of Chaos is not vegetarian, the power of Chaos is mighty, and the power of order is intertwined, sealing a world.

Even the Dao pattern that is as powerful as those nine Dao transformed into a heavenly sword, it is difficult to break the power of the master of Chaos.

Just when Gu Fei broke through the formation with all his strength, in the core area of ​​Zhaojia Dongtian, the black temple on the spring of life suddenly shook.

Over the black hall, there was a rain of blood, and every drop of blood was blooming with a mysterious blood, and in the blood, there was a pattern looming.

This is not ordinary blood, but holy blood. Only in the holy blood of saints can the power of the great road be contained.

The blood rain dripped on the black hall and actually penetrated in, and then, a powerful life force spread from the black hall, and the whole black hall seemed to be alive, as if it had come alive.

"what happened……"

At this time, Gu Fei sensed the powerful and terrifying aura from the black temple, and a **** smell came from the void.

Just when Gu Fei was shocked, in a secret room in the Zhao family's ancestor city, the three masters of the Zhao family sat cross-legged on the ground. On the ground in front of them, there were a series of patterns painted with blood.

At this time, the three powerful Zhao family cut their palms and were dripping blood on the blood array.

The holy blood dripped, and the blood formation on the ground was blurred, as if the void had collapsed, and the holy blood disappeared directly into the void.

Above the black hall, a blood-colored vortex appeared, with holy blood dripping and turning into a rain of blood. To be precise, this is a rain of holy blood. Every drop of blood can penetrate the body of the saint and kill the gods.

"Sacrifice with the holy blood to awaken the existence of taboos, Gu Fei, your death date is here."

Outside the secret room, Zhao Yuntian said with a sneer, the fierce light flickering in his eyes.

The black hall absorbed the holy blood, and a series of black runes emerged from the black hall, and the strongest death force fluctuations appeared in the black hall.

However, in that death power, there is a life.

The black death spirit gradually enveloped the entire black hall, a black shadow appeared from the void, and two terrible evil lights rushed out of the black shadow, scanning towards the ten directions.

"what's going on."

Gu Fei was shocked, but he did not expect that in this Zhao Family Cave Sky, there was such a fierce evil, and a terrifying existence was resurrecting from a deep sleep.

"How can there be such an existence in the cave of the Zhao family."

Gu Fei really couldn't understand it. You must know that once this existence awakens, it will be terrible, and the entire Zhao Family's cave may be in this evil hand.


The black hall shook, and dashes of death black aura rushed out of the black hall, and the death aura was still rising, as if a death supreme appeared between heaven and earth.

The entire Zhao Family Cave Sky was shaking, and the terrifying aura caused a series of dark space cracks in the surrounding void, and Zhao Family Cave Sky showed signs of collapse.

"how can that be……"

This is clearly a sign of the birth of a peerless evil spirit. The period of death is monstrous, but there is a trace of "life" in the extreme "death". This is too weird. It is born from time and cannot be done by ordinary people.

Only those ancient evil spirits with great perseverance and amazing talents can take that step. Perhaps there are peerless evil spirits who want to become the supreme alternative and want to take a unique path to the supremacy.

What did the Zhao family do? How could there be such an existence in the cave of the Zhao family.

This makes Gu Fei incredible.

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