Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2730: Snow restricted area

The city lord of the ancient city actually has another identity, that is, the clan lord of the barbarian.

The barbarians are actually a branch of the human race, but the bloodline of the ancient human races in the barbarian race is much stronger than that of the average human race. Therefore, the people of the barbarian race are stronger than the average human race.

The power of this barbarian clan leader is beyond doubt, the bad old man was shocked when he heard that Gu Fei actually wanted him to lead the way to the barbarian clan leader.

"Why, refuse?"

Gu Fei glanced at the old man and said.

"Don't tell me, old man, I really don't want to, old man, I haven't lived enough yet and don't want to die."

The old man shook his head and said.

"Why are you so afraid of the barbarian clan leader."

Gu Fei was a little surprised. This bad old man was actually very difficult. Under the glance of his martial arts heavenly eyes, he realized that this bad old man was actually a powerful saint.

He only sensed the aura of two saints in the ancient city, but the bad old man in front of him was not one of those two saints.

In other words, this bad old man has a certain secret method that can completely reduce the aura of the holy path in his body without being discovered by other saints.

If it hadn't been for Gu Fei's martial arts vision in his cultivation, he really couldn't see the reality of this bad old man.

"Cut, I'm not afraid of that guy, I just don't want to see him."

The old man is upset.

"is it."

Gu Fei didn't believe it.

"Huh, believe it or not."

The old man said disapprovingly, and then drank the wine in the bowl with the bottom of the bowl upside down, reached out his hand and touched his mouth, seemed to enjoy it.

In fact, the drinks provided by this inn are really ordinary, not to mention some spirit wine or immortal brew, just drinks made with some common elixir.

Of course, this kind of drink is of little use to monks, but for mortals, it can play a role in strengthening the body.

Therefore, many mortals in the ancient city have to come here from time to time to drink a few cups. The human races in the ancient city rarely get sick.

"Well, let's do that, you just need to tell me where the Lord of Mangu City is, then this pot of wine will be yours."

Gu Fei took out a jade pot from his body as he said, and then unplugged the pot, a smell of wine immediately diffused, but he immediately plugged the mouth of the pot.

"this is……"

Smelling the smell of wine, the old man was immediately moved. He stared straight at the jade pot in Gu Fei's hand. His hands trembled, as if he might pounce on it at any time and grab the jade pot in his hand.

"As long as you tell me where the Lord of Mangu City is, then this pot of wine will be yours."

Gu Fei looked at the bad old man, said with a smile, and placed the hip flask on the table in front of him.

The old man is definitely a drunkard, he should be a wine saint. For him, the rare fairy brew is definitely a great temptation, and his heart is struggling.

The jade pot in front of me is definitely a rare fairy brew in the world. Just smelling the smell of wine makes the bad old man’s heart like countless ants biting.

"Why, don't you still refuse to say, well, I don't want to be difficult."

Gu Fei said that he wanted to take the jade pot back.

"do not."

The old man quickly reached out and held Gu Fei.

This guy is too disgusting. Although he said that he didn't want to be difficult for a strong man, but this is simply clear that the difficult for a strong man is really unreasonable.


Gu Fei said.

"Hey, nothing."

The old man sighed, then spoke to Gu Fei.

Gu Fei smiled. The city lord of Man Gu was not in the city of Man Gu. It turned out that a forbidden area in the northern snowy area was opened. The city lord of Man Gu left the ancient city and went to the forbidden area, hoping to get the legendary Guardian good fortune.

"Great fortune against the sky, what is that."

Gu Fei was very curious, he spoke to the old man.

"Hey, this great fortune against the sky..."

The bad old man hesitated and stopped.

"Say it quickly."

Gu Fei said repeatedly.

"I do not know either."

The old man scratched the messy white hair on his head and said.


Hearing this, Gu Fei really wanted to kick this unreliable bad old man into the West Ming Sea in the heavens.

"Great fortune against the sky..."

Gu Fei began to ponder. He knew something about Man Gu City from the old man. The Lord of Man Gu City, but a Holy Venerable, could make the Holy Venerable not hesitate to venture to the forbidden land, what is against the heavens.

The things that can make the Lord take risks are definitely not simple. Maybe the Lord left something behind.

At this time, the bad old man had snatched the jug of wine in front of Gu Fei long ago, and then took out a small wine glass from his body, carefully unplugged the jug, and filled it carefully.

"My heart is moved, but I advise you to stop your wishful thinking. The great fortune is not so easy to get. If it were so easy to get, the old man would have gone."

The old man looked at Gu Fei and said.

"Hmph, you can't get it, that means you don't have that luck, it doesn't mean that others can't get it."

Gu Fei said.

"Haha, are you one of the lucky ones with great luck."

The old man glanced at Gu Fei with a little disdain, and said, qi luck these things are so illusory that they can't be caught, it's hard to say.

Gu Fei didn't say any more, he already knew what he wanted to know, he planned to go to the forbidden place to see, who would not be tempted by the great fortune against the sky.

No one is unimpressed, otherwise, the Lord of the ancient city would not venture there.

"You really want to go."

This bad old man was a little surprised. He couldn't see the reality of this black-clothed young man. Only if he was a saint and had a secret method to hide his breath, he could not see its depth.

"Don't say, haha..."

Gu Fei said with a smile, and then he stood up, left a piece of spirit stone still on the table, left the lobby directly, and returned to his residence.

"Lingshi, a good thing."

The old man hurriedly snatched the piece of spirit stone into his hand, and then put it away. This piece of spirit stone was half the size of a fist, enough to eat and drink here every day for at least a month.

"What the **** does this guy come from, he's really generous."

The old man groaned.

There are not many spirit stone mines in the northern snowy area, and they are all controlled by those big powers. It is not impossible for outsiders to obtain spirit stones, as long as they exchange spirit stones with those big powers with divine materials and magic medicines. .

Although the old man is a saint, he is a casual cultivator. He has already suffered countless hardships to cultivate to the realm of the holy rank, and naturally he has developed the habit of saving.

There was nothing for a night, and the next day, Gu Fei left the ancient city and headed to the forbidden land that the old man said.

The so-called forbidden areas are actually those forbidden areas in the heavens, just like the West Minghai, there are all kinds of dangers in the forbidden areas, and they will fall inside if you are not careful.

In the northern snowy area, there is also a restricted area. It is in the extreme north. It is a mountain range without ice and snow. The mountain range is a million miles in circumference. It is full of vitality and aura, and it is a warm spring. .

However, such a treasure land is a forbidden area for countless creatures in the northern snowy area, but few creatures who step into the forbidden area can get out alive.

This forbidden area is usually not visible in the world, it is covered by a peerless array, but every ten thousand years, the power of this large array covering the forbidden area will become very weak. At this time, this forbidden area will appear between the heavens and the earth. .

At this time, countless creatures come and enter this restricted area, wanting to get the legendary great fortune.

The weak period of the forbidden area is only about half a year, and the creatures entering the forbidden area must come out in this world, or else they will be trapped in it.

At this time, three months have passed since the restricted area appeared, and there are still three months left before the restricted area will disappear.

When the forbidden area disappeared, even the existence of the saintly class could not sense the existence of the restricted area.

Gu Fei went directly to the far north. Soon, he realized that someone was following him and was following him. He tried to get rid of that person several times, but he didn't succeed.

In the end, Gu Fei used the anti-emptiness secret technique to hide in the void.

Soon, a bad old man with a big gourd tied around his waist appeared behind a large stone in the distance, looking towards where Gu Fei was.

"What's the matter, people, how come they disappeared suddenly."

The old man felt very puzzled. He couldn't sense the breath of the black-clothed youth in an instant. This made him feel a little unbelievable. You know, he is still very confident in his tracking skills.

"It turned out to be you old fellow."

Just when the old man thought he had lost Gu Fei the most, a voice suddenly rang in his ear.


The shock of the old man was really serious, and it made him jump from the ground.

At this time, Gu Fei's figure clearly appeared in front of the old man.


The old man's eyes are about to fall out, how is this possible, how did this young man in black do it, he can melt into the world, and he can't even sense its existence.

"What are you, I ask you, why are you following me."

Gu Fei stared at the bad old man, and a powerful momentum spread from him.

"You are indeed a saint."

The old man sighed.

"You haven't answered my question yet."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"Haha, who said that I followed you? I can't go if you are only allowed to go to the restricted area."

The old man laughed.

"You old guy is very eloquent."

Gu Fei stared at the old man for a long time before speaking.


Gu Fei said this sentence inexplicably, which puzzled the old man.

"Okay, let's go on the road together."

Gu Fei said, and then turned to move on.

The bad old man laughed, then ran after him.

A few hours later, the two figures came to a snow-capped mountain. In front of the snow-capped mountain, there was a lush, lush, vibrant mountain that could not be seen at a glance.

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