Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2731: Dangerous everywhere

"Is this a restricted area?"

Standing on the top of the snow-capped mountain, Gu Fei was a little dumbfounded, as he said that hearing is fictitious and seeing is believing. When he saw the endless ice and snow, there was actually a vibrant area, and he could sense the one in front of him. Spiritual energy fluctuations from the region.

"Well, are you surprised?"

The old man said, his face is very solemn, you know, although the front is a treasure, it is also a fierce place. After some people enter, they don't even know how they died.

There are too many people who have died in a muddle. Therefore, in the mountains and forests in the area ahead, some white things can be vaguely seen, which are bones scattered in the grass.

"Is there really danger in it?"

Gu Fei didn't believe it, he couldn't sense any danger in front of him, but just as his voice fell, a scream came out from a forest in the area ahead.

"how about it?"

The old man looked at Gu Fei and said.


Gu Fei had to believe it.

"How to enter the area ahead?"

Gu Fei asked the old man.

"Go straight in!"

The head of the old man looked at Gu Fei like an idiot.

Gu Fei is speechless. Didn't it mean that this restricted area is covered by a peerless array? Now why do you say you can enter casually? This old guy is really unreliable!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he took a fist-sized stone next to him and threw it forward.


I saw that stone flew directly over a dozen li in the void, and was actually thrown into the area in front of it, hitting it into a bush.

"Really can go in?"

Gu Fei couldn't help being surprised and delighted when he saw this.

"Huh! You kid is very cautious!"

Said the bad old man.

"What's wrong with being careful?"

Gu Fei said, and then, he directly soared into the sky, rushing towards the area in front of him.

"Hey, I forgot to tell this guy, the restricted area is a forbidden place and you can't fly in the air."

There was a cunning look in the eyes of the old man.

At this moment, a cry of exclamation came, and Gu Fei suddenly fell from the sky, which surprised him. When entering that area, he felt a strong pressure.

This law of heaven and earth deprived him of the ability to fly in the air. This is a forbidden area, even if it is as powerful as the Lord, it is no exception.


With a loud noise, Gu Fei fell directly from the sky to the ground, smashing the ground out of a large human-shaped pit, the ground vibrated and the dust was flying.

"It's unreasonable, the old guy didn't tell me that I can't fly in the air in the restricted area. Is it because he wants to make a fool of me?"

Gu Fei suddenly thought of this possibility. The old guy was really cunning enough, and he deliberately didn't remind himself, otherwise he wouldn't be so embarrassed.


When Gu Fei crawled out of the big hole, the loud laughter of the old man came into Gu Fei's ears.

"you do this delibrately."

Gu Fei said angrily. Although he fell from the sky to the ground, he was not injured. The strength of the martial arts prevented him from being thrown to death. Otherwise, he would be really wronged.

"Well, who told you to run so fast? Before I could tell, you rushed out."

The old man shrugged and said helplessly.

Gu Fei patted the dust on his body, and then ignored the bad old man, he walked directly to the mountain where the screams came from, he wanted to know what happened.

Soon, he came to the mountain forest, and an extremely faint smell of blood drifted into his nose, which made him have to be cautious.

"Really someone has fallen here?"

The old man followed Gu Fei, and he said in shock that there was an unknown danger in this mountain forest. He flipped his right hand and a big bowl appeared in his hand.

Although this big bowl looks ordinary, it is like an ordinary big bowl, there is nothing special about it.

"this is……"

When the two came to the depths of this mountain forest, they saw a guy covered in blood lying on the ground motionless, without a trace of life.

This is a dead body, and it has just been robbed. No one knows what killed her. Gu Fei and the others only heard the scream.

Gu Fei carefully observed the surroundings, and found no trace of the wild beast.

At this time, the sloppy old man reached into the body of the corpse for a while and fumbled for a while, snatching the mustard bag and putting it into his inner world.

This person is really unlucky. He doesn't know what's pierced through his eyebrows, and even the soul cannot escape.


At this moment, a silver light suddenly rushed out of the corpse on the ground and shot towards Gu Fei's eyebrows. It was a silver light like a thin line.

Gu Fei suddenly shot his hand and stretched out his right hand, pinching the silver light with his index and middle fingers. He fixed his eyes and saw that the silver light in his clip was actually a small silver worm like a hair.

"What is this?"

Gu Fei was surprised. He finally knew why the corpse on the ground had a blood hole in the eyebrows. It turned out that it was pierced by this little worm.

"Silver nematode?"

When the old man saw the silver worm caught by Gu Fei, he was surprised and said that this worm is a small worm called the silver nematode, which feeds on the brains of living things.

The bug struggled desperately in Gu Fei's hand, but it was difficult to break free.

"How can there be such an extinct bug here?"

The old man's face was extremely solemn. Fortunately, when he was searching the corpse on the ground, the silver nematode didn't attack him, otherwise, he would be unlucky.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help feeling a cold sweat.


With Gu Fei's thoughts, a chaotic fire rushed out of his hand and burned the silver thread worm to ashes.

This silver nematode is not terrible, but this is when the monks are prepared, and when the monks are not prepared, these silver nematodes are a threat.

"Let's go! Let's get that great fortune against the sky!"

Gu Fei headed toward the depths of this area, and the legendary great fortune against the sky was in the center of this area.

"Hey! I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to come into this place with this guy!"

The old man shook his head helplessly, and then chased after Gu Fei.

This area is really dangerous and dangerous. There are broken laws left here, and Gu Fei accidentally touched a remaining law and entered a void, almost being wiped out by a powerful void force.

He directly broke through the void, rushed out, and then moved on.

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