Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2748: Sideways

Peerless Sword Sovereign fights ancient creatures, sword energy is vertical and horizontal, sword light tears through the void of heaven and earth, showing the strongest combat power.

Sword repair, most of his skills are in a sword, and this sword master is the same. He has spent his entire life cultivating a sword, and a sword in his hand can break through the world's magical powers.

However, this sword sovereign has met an opponent, and I have to say that this ancient creature is really strong, although only the cultivation base of the holy rank, but its body is powerful at the heavenly guard.


The ancient creatures shot directly with a palm, directly smashing the sword light of the sword master, smoothing a mountain, and the mountain peaks crumbled into the void and turned into dust.


Seeing this scene, all the creatures who watched the battle from a distance were shocked. Sometimes, the absolutely powerful force was enough to obliterate everything.

Although the cultivation realm of this ancient creature is only a holy rank, but the physical body is abnormally powerful, and the combat power displayed is absolutely not under the holy lord, and even worse than that.


A dazzling sword light fell from the sky, slashing directly on the back of the behemoth, sparks splashing everywhere, but only a faint sword mark was left on it, which was difficult to break through its thick scale armor.

"What a great defense!"

Everyone who noticed this scene was awe-inspiring, this giant beast was really extraordinary, and its scaled armor was actually hard to break even the sword weapon refined by the saint.

With such a perverted defense, it is simply a Xiaoqiang who can't be killed. How can people live?

Some people see the ancient creatures being so powerful, they can't help but retreat. Although the great fortune is good, life is equally important. If life is gone, everything is gone.

The ancient Frisbee was sitting on a mountain peak, watching this scene quietly, and he was thinking, if the person who is fighting the giant beast is himself, then how much he can win.

Ancient creatures whose bodies are unimaginable are really difficult to deal with unless they are suppressed with absolutely powerful force.


The White-clothed Sword Sovereign's Royal Sword flew into the sky, turned into a sword light, and moved quickly around the giant beast, constantly looking for opportunities, trying to break through the defenses of ancient creatures.

However, all this seems to be a waste of effort, because this monster has no weaknesses except the eyes.

Even the eyes of this monster are protected by something. It is a layer of blood. The eyes of this ancient creature are like two rounds of blood-colored sun, blooming with bright blood.


The ancient creatures roared, and the entire area shook under the roar of this giant beast, and there were continuous mountain peaks collapsing, shattered, and turned into dust.

"Jianguang transforms the rain, pervasive!"

The Sword Master roared, the bright sword light turned into silk threads, and countless silk threads covered the void of the sky and the earth, wrapping the giant beast like a cocoon.


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being moved. This sword sovereign's combat power was too strong. This person's name is unknown, but where did he jump out?

No one knows the origin of this sword master. Of course, there have been countless swordsman powers that have appeared throughout the ages, and some swordsman ancestors chose to remain anonymous.

Obviously, this sword master is likely to be an incognito ancestor of the sword.

"The ancestor of kendo is nothing more than that, you are much weaker than Grandpa!"

On the other mountain peak, Little Jinpeng said to the ancestor Jinpeng.

"How many times have I said that you must not underestimate the world. If you can't understand this, you may not be far on the road to the strong."

Old Ancestor Jinpeng said.

"But Grandpa..."

Little Jinpeng was very unconvinced, so I have to talk about it.

But the ancestor Jinpeng refused to let him go on.

"Well, if you want to continue following me, you have to do as I say."

The ancestor of Jinpeng is a little unhappy. This grandson of his own is really too arrogant. Too arrogant is not a good thing. Too arrogant is arrogant.


The giant beast kept roaring, seeming to be very angry, the countless sword light that turned into sword silk was constantly tightening, and it was really pervasive.

Soon, the roar of the ancient giant beast weakened, and finally disappeared completely.

"Sword Master is better after all!"

Gu Fei stood up from the top of the mountain, then turned and left. There was no suspense in this battle, and the ancient giant beast was gone.

At this time, going deep into a cave filled with black energy, a terrifying roar was heard, and then a terrifying creature rushed out of the cave and disappeared into the distant sky.


The war broke out again, and the creatures who broke into the depths of the restricted area fought against the other ancient creatures, and there were horrible fluctuations.

It was a humanoid creature covered in blue scales, but it was definitely not a human.

Fighting this humanoid creature was a Kunpeng, an extremely powerful Kunpeng, sometimes transformed into a Kunpeng, set off a monstrous giant lang, and sometimes transformed into a Peng, swimming in the nine heavens.

This powerful Kunpeng clan is extremely powerful, fighting endless battles with that humanoid creature.

Although the ancient creatures are powerful, they are not invincible, and the Kunpeng clan has the bloodline of the ancient sacred beast Kunpeng. To a certain extent, this Kunpeng is also an ancient creature.

At this time, there were constant horrible roars from the depths of the restricted area, and heads of ancient creatures walked out of the depths of the restricted area.

The Great War broke out, and the ancient creatures were extremely powerful. Most of the people who entered the depths of the forbidden song were tortured and killed by the ancient creatures and fell into it.

Of course, there are also extremely powerful existences, killing the ancient creatures in the way, and marching toward the core area of ​​the restricted area.

Gu Fei was one of these powerful men. The ancient creature he encountered was a heavenly dragon, and the heavenly dragon turned into a young man holding a halberd and fighting Gu Fei endlessly.

However, when encountering Gu Fei, this Heavenly Dragon was unlucky. Gu Fei's body was stronger than that of Heavenly Dragon. Gu Fei only used ten moves to kill this Heavenly Dragon.

After killing the Tianlong, Gu Fei had just traveled for more than a dozen miles before triggering a remnant formation, which was swallowed into the void of formation.

The void of the formation is a void created by the formation. This is a void between the reality and the void. Once it is trapped in it, it is difficult to come out.

Being trapped in this kind of void is like entering the cycle of reincarnation, and it is difficult to escape.

But Gu Fei was not a normal saint after all, he broke through the void of the formation with absolutely powerful force, and then broke out.

However, what was waiting for him outside the Array Void was an unexpected existence.

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