Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2749: War against the fake devil

When Gu Fei broke out of the void of formation, he saw an unexpected existence, a great demon hidden in the dark devil energy.

This great demon was actually the demon ancestor winning the sky.

"Unexpectedly it was you."

Gu Fei's surprise when he saw the devil ancestor win the sky at first sight, you know, he and this demon ancestor had already started a contest in the **** road.

"you know me."

The Demon Ancestor Yingtian standing opposite Gu Fei looked at the Human Race curiously and said.

"Why, you can't help me."

Gu Fei really didn't know himself when seeing Demon Ancestor Yingtian, which made him feel incredible. What happened? Could it be that something happened to Demon Ancestor.

"Should I know you."

Mozu Yingtian said.

"You are not him."

Gu Fei already knew at this time that this Demon Ancestor Yingtian should not be the same as the Demon Ancestor Yingtian in Hell Road back then.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but there is something I can be sure of, that is, you are my prey now, haha."

A cruel smile appeared on Mozu Yingtian's pale and handsome face.

"is it."

Gu Fei also smiled. Although the Yingtian on the opposite side was powerful, it was not at the same level as the one in Hell.

"This time the blood food is really good."

Yingtian licked his lips and said, showing white teeth.

"Blood food, is it..."

Gu Fei couldn't help but think of something.

"Yes, it seems that you are going to die soon, so I am not afraid to tell you why you think this place has been opened once every ten thousand years."

Yingtian said.

"you guys……"

Gu Fei's conjecture was confirmed. The restricted area in the northern snowy region seemed to be a game, an eternal killing game, with great destiny against the sky, attracting the most powerful existence in the entire celestial realm, and then hunting it down.

Behind this, there must be a huge conspiracy to hunt down the strongest in the heavens and treat the strongest in the heavens as blood food, which is incredible.

I have to say that this kind of handwriting is too bad.

"There are even stronger black hands behind you."

Gu Fei stared at Yingtian on the opposite side with a solemn expression. He knew that he had come into contact with a great secret of the ages, and if this secret spread out, it would cause a great shock to the whole heaven.

The so-called northern snowy restricted area is nothing more than a scam.

"Okay, you also know what you want to know, then come over and let me eat it."

Ying Tian Xiang Gu Fei beckoned and said.

"Cut, who do you think you are, I am not afraid of the real Demon Ancestor winning the sky, let alone a fake."

Gu Fei shook his head, a trace of contempt on his face.

"Really, you have seen my real body."

Yingtian said, his tone was extremely cold.

"So you are just a clone of Yingtian."

Gu Fei suddenly said.

"Hmph, sooner or later I will devour the real body, and then only I will be the ancestor of the devil."

Yingtian said fiercely.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will eat you first."

When Yingtian spoke, he stretched out his big hand and grabbed Gu Fei with his right hand. The black magic hand instantly enveloped a void, imprisoning Gu Fei in it.

"I want to eat me only at this level. It seems that I ate you."

Gu Fei smiled, then punched upwards, the strongest power erupted from his fist, the void vibrated and collapsed, and then collapsed.


With a loud noise, the void imprisoned by the demon hand exploded, and the demon hand was also blown away by Gu Fei with a punch.


That Yingtian was taken aback by Gu Fei's display of combat power. He never thought that this human race was so powerful, it was a bit unexpected.


Gu Fei showed eight steps of extreme speed, took one step, and instantly forced him in front of Yingtian, and then he punched again, but this punch did not reveal any power fluctuations.

However, in Yingtian's eyes, the punch from the opponent was the punch that made him feel fatal.


Winning the magic power in his body, he immediately heard the sound of wind and thunder in his body, and the power of the magic power rushed toward his right fist like crazy.

He greeted Gu Fei's fist with a punch.


The two fists smashed together instantly, and a loud noise erupted, as if two ancient sacred mountains were colliding, ripples visible to the naked eye spread from between the two.

The void burst into huge spatial cracks.

At this time, not only Gu Fei was fighting against Yingtian, but in other regions, those heavenly powerhouses who broke into the core area of ​​the restricted area also encountered the most powerful opponents.

This is a scam, but at this time, apart from Gu Fei, no one can realize this, and all think that the great fortune is in front of him.


The two figures quickly separated, and then rushed together, like two ancient savage beasts fighting fiercely, wherever they passed, the void collapsed, the mountains turned into dust, and everything was shattered.

"How could the human body be so powerful."

Winning the sky and fighting the more and more frightened, this is too incredible, he has been here for endless years, the restricted area has been opened countless times, but this is the first time he has encountered such a tyrannical human race.

The flesh of this human race is too defying, even the flesh of those ancient wild beasts can't compare to this human race.

Yingtian was very conceited about his own demons, but now he has encountered a human race whose body can contend with him, which makes him somewhat unacceptable.

"Nothing is impossible. After eating you, my martial arts will become stronger."

Gu Fei said as he shot.

"Really, it depends on whether you have this ability."

Ying Tian said with a grin.

"Magic swallows the world."

Ying Tian directly used the magical magic technique, and turned to the swallowing vortex to swallow Gu Fei. The void was shattering and was directly swallowed into the dark vortex.

"Fist the Demon Ancestor."

Gu Fei roared, directly showing invincible fist, punched out, shattered the dark vortex that swallowed toward him, and punched Yingtian on the bridge of the nose.


The sound of broken bones sounded, and the bridge of Yingtian’s nose was smashed by Gu Fei with a punch. He screamed and flew upside down. With a sound of "Boom." A mountain slammed into it.


Yingtian Yangtian roared, a monstrous demonic energy rushed out of his body, and the half of the mountain that fell from the sky was instantly shattered by the wave of power that swelled from Yingtian.

"Human race, **** you, dare to hit me in the face, so I am angry."

As if Yingtian was crazy, he roared and rushed towards Gu Fei, the magic power was shaking the world.

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