Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2758: Forbidden zone change

At a critical moment, the old turtle finally appeared, and he broke the Jidao holy formation, allowing Gu Fei and the others to escape.


Just when Gu Fei and others were led away by the divine light descending from the sky, the power of the Extreme Dao Sacred Array exploded, and the Extreme Demon Array immediately collapsed, and the endless magic power was born and wiped out by the power of the Extreme Dao Holy Array.

The emptiness of a world of heaven and earth was transformed into nothingness under the obliteration of the sage of the ultimate path.

The ancient demon was dead, and was beheaded by Gu Fei with a peerless fierce knife, which shocked the peerless powerhouse of the Azure Dragon clan, as well as the ancient demon Dragon Phoenix.

The black fierce knife that Gu Fei killed the ancient demon seemed to be the legendary fierce fierce knife, but that fierce fierce knife had a great background.

After creating the Jidao Saint Array, the peerless strongman of the Azure Dragon clan left directly.

But the ancient demon Dragon and Phoenix took a deep look at Laogui and left. Only Gu Fei was talking to Laogui, and Gu Fei also knew why Laogui hadn't appeared.

It turned out that Laogui really knew the reality of this forbidden area in the northern snowy area. This forbidden area was full of magical medicine and holy medicine. It was these things that attracted the attention of countless monks every time the forbidden area was opened.

No one knew that this restricted area was a big conspiracy.

Laogui is the son of the Emperor. He naturally knows that many people have never heard of the secrets of the world, and this restricted area is one of them.

He has been hidden in the dark, not paying attention to the fighting in the core area of ​​the restricted area.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, the central area of ​​the restricted area collapsed, the law of heaven and earth was obliterated by the life of Jidao Shengzheng, and the power of terror fluctuated.

The storm of destruction swept away, the entire restricted area was shaking, and huge spatial cracks broke out in the void.

All the creatures who entered the restricted area didn't know what happened, and they were all very nervous.

Some creatures left this restricted area the first time.

Gu Fei and Laogui rushed out directly from the depths of the restricted area. He saw countless creatures fleeing. If you don't escape, you can't escape. The Extreme Sacred Array is showing its power, which shows great signs of destroying this restricted area.

He saw the figure of the Patriarch of the Zhao family, and the fellow Zhao Yuntian led a group of people directly to the outside of the restricted area, to stay away from this place.


In another direction, another area, there was a wolf howl, and a huge ghost of a flying **** wolf appeared between the heaven and the earth.

An extremely powerful figure rushed out from that area, and that person was the Sirius ancestor.

Even an existence like the Sirius ancestor had to flee, let alone other monks.

Gu Fei and Laogui left the forbidden area directly, and the entire forbidden area continued to collapse from the inside to the outside, and everything was shattered and wiped out by the mighty force.

"So what happened."

Someone was shocked to the extreme.

"The Great Fortune Against Heaven has been taken away."

Some people are still thinking about the great fortune in the restricted area. At this time, the earth subsided, houses collapsed, and the huge restricted area almost collapsed completely.

The inside of the restricted area has become a ruin, and although the outside of the restricted area has been affected a lot, there is no sign of collapse.

In other words, this restricted area has been destroyed, leaving only some things that even ordinary monks can't look at.

Since then, this northern snowy restricted area has been removed from the heavens.

No one would have thought of such an ending, let alone the forces in the northern snow region, that is, the entire celestial cultivation world was shaken, and no one knew what had happened.

Gu Fei hadn't forgotten his purpose in coming to the northern snowy region. His purpose was not to break into the restricted area and compete with countless geniuses for great luck.

He wanted to find Zhao Zirou, but, very strange, Zhao Zirou's trail was a mystery, and even the members of the Sirius clan could not be found, let alone a monk.

"Where is she anyway."

Gu Fei was talking to himself.

"You are here to find Zhao Zirou."

The old turtle said that he actually came to the northern snowy area to find Zhao Zirou. Zhao Zirou did not find it, but saved Gu Fei's life at a critical juncture.

"What are you going to do now."

The old turtle asked Gu Fei.

"I don't know, take one step as one step."

Gu Fei said, Zhao Zirou couldn't find it, so the rebuilding of the Taixuan Sect had to be postponed again, which made him very uncomfortable. You must know that the longer the delay, the more disadvantaged.

You know, troubled times are coming.

No one knows where Zhao Zirou went.

Gu Fei and Laogui temporarily returned to Sirius City. They planned to spend some time in the northern snowy area to see if they could find Zhao Zirou.

Although the northern snowy region is a bitter and cold place, there are still many big religions and big clans. The Jinpeng clan is located in a mountain.

It is a magical mountain, because it is like spring all the year round without being attacked by ice or snow.

On a golden mountain in this area, there was a palace built. It was a golden palace standing on the top of the mountain.

The ancestor of Jinpeng took his precious grandson back to where the ancestral court of the Jinpeng clan was.

The golden sacred mountain is very mysterious and contains endless golden spirits. It is definitely a sacred place for practicing golden exercises. Cultivating on the golden sacred mountain will definitely achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

This time, the ancestor of Jinpeng received the Golden Sun Sacred Fruit, and he directly ordered his grandson to take the Golden Sun Sacred Fruit to retreat and practice.

The ancestors of Jinpeng are preparing, preparing for the arrival of troubled times.

The Sirius clan also became uneasy. In Sirius City, the Sirius ancestors summoned the clansmen and ordered them not to leave the city easily. At this time, chaos had appeared in the northern snowy region.

Zhao Jiadong in Xueyu hides in Tibet and dare not show up openly, for fear that Gu Fei will find them afterwards.

The whereabouts of the first powerhouse of the Zhao family is a mystery, and I don't know when he will appear, which makes the people of the Zhao family extremely depressed.

When both Gu Fei and Laogui were looking for Zhao Zirou in the northern snowy area, there was a shocking sound from the extreme west of the heavens.

The creatures in the forbidden area of ​​the Extreme West gradually became restless. Some people walked up the road to the sky from the human world, causing the magic in the forbidden area to roar like a group of demons dancing.

There are people in the lower realms who want to open the way to heaven.

The undead in the restricted area seemed very disturbed, as if something ominous was about to happen.

The powerhouses guarding outside the restricted area are also palpitating.

The dead spirits in the restricted area are extremely powerful. Last time, even if the old turtle made a move, they could not be killed.

Now it seems that if you want to open the way to heaven and earth, you must first destroy the forbidden area.

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