Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2759: Forbidden zone war

There is a restricted area in the extreme west of the heaven, called Ximinghai.

This West Ming Sea, not long ago, became the most eye-catching destination area in the entire Celestial Realm, because someone opened an ancient road to the heavens in the human world, and the exit of the Ancient Dengtian Road in the heavens was the West Ming Sea.

In this way, if the creatures in the human world want to enter the heaven, they have to face the restricted area of ​​Xi Minghai.

Even the son of Emperor Taihuang, the lord of the realm demon lord that day, wanted to flatten that Xi Minghai, but he was unsuccessful. One can imagine the terrible Xi Minghai restricted area.

The strongest immortal creatures lurked in the Xi Minghai.

At the time when the northern snowy restricted area collapsed, strange fluctuations were also heard from the depths of the restricted area Xi Minghai in the extreme west, and the ancient road to the sky, which had been silent for a long time, sent a powerful and incomparable breath of the Holy Path. It seems that a holy step has stepped onto this ancient road, wanting to enter the heaven.

However, between the ancient road of Dengtian and the heavens, there is still a West Minghai. If you want to truly enter the heavens, you must face the Ximinghai.

However, the human world at this time has already spread throughout the world, and the exit of Dengtian Ancient Road is in a restricted area of ​​heaven and earth, which can explain why even the saints have to fall on the ancient road.

The Celestial Forbidden Zone is too terrifying. Among the people who entered the forbidden zone, nine out of ten have fallen inside.


From the depths of the West Minghai, there was a sound like thunder. The source of the sound was the place where the ancient road of Dengtian was located. The powerful aura of the holy way emerged from the ancient road of Dengtian. Dao strong will come across the border.

Most of the beings who set foot on the ancient road to the sky will fall on the road, of course, there are exceptions, the existence of the holy class is extremely powerful, and it can also take this road to the ancient road.

However, although those holy creatures can walk from the human world to the heaven, of course, this is not the real heaven.

The existence of Xi Minghai makes those powerful existences in the realm who want to enter the heavenly realm to be deterred, and the strong in the human realm don't want to take risks, because even the ancient sages have fallen on the ancient road to the sky, let alone other people.

When Gu Fei got the news and rushed to Xi Minghai, the whole Xi Minghai was no longer peaceful, and the high sky was covered with thick black clouds, and from time to time there were screams of devilish whistle sounding in the void.


An extremely powerful aura came out from the ancient Dengtian Road, heavy footsteps sounded, and a figure walked out from the ancient Dengtian Road.

This is a white-haired old man, with nine Dao patterns lingering all over his body, and the strongest holy Dao aura explodes from this white-haired old man.

Soon, on the platform in front of Dengtian Ancient Road, **** lights rushed out again, and a series of faint and false phantoms stood up from the ground, and ominous came out.

The old man seemed to know what was going to happen, so he directly took out a mirror from his body, and then walked toward those blood shadows.

Under the illumination of the mirror light, those blood shadows had disappeared one after another and turned into blood fog again, and the mirror in the old man's hand showed a powerful force.

Just after the old man broke the ominousness on the platform in front of Dengtian Ancient Road, he wanted to enter the heaven.

However, when the old man just rushed out of the platform, a terrifying roar was heard in Xi Minghai.

A terrifying figure stood up from Xi Minghai, and then slapped the old man with a slap, and the powerful force set off a strong wind.

This is a humanoid creature, but it is unusually tall. The height of this creature is ten feet tall, like a hill. When it walks around, the ground is trembling.


The old man exclaimed.

The giant didn't hit the old man with that slap, and was evaded by the old man. Then, the old man used the magical technique of heaven and earth, and the whole person became extremely tall.

When Gu Fei came to Ximinghai, he happened to see a creature in the forbidden zone fighting an old saint inside.

The battle was fierce, and the cultivation bases of the two powerhouses were similar to their strengths. It was not an easy task to truly tell the winners and losers.

In the end, the old saint directly grabbed the calf of the creature in the restricted area, and then began to move, and with a "boom.", he slammed into the sea below.

Just like a big mountain falling from the sky into the sea, the endless sea water directly submerged the creatures in this restricted area.

Although the creatures in the restricted area are very strong, they are not invincible. The old saint killed directly from the sky, and the divine light between his hands penetrated the void and directly hit the creatures in the restricted area.


The creatures in the forbidden area yelled at the sky. An attack of this level would not even cost the lives of the creatures in the forbidden area. To kill these existences, special methods were needed.

The terrifying sound waves swept away in all directions, and the entire Ximinghai sea was surging, forming a terrible big wave, sweeping out in all directions.


The sky and the earth shook, and even the clouds on the edge of the sky were dispersed.

A terrifying figure stood up from Xi Minghai, and then slapped the old man with a slap, and the powerful force set off a strong wind.

This is a humanoid creature, but it is unusually tall. The height of this creature is ten feet tall, like a hill. When it walks around, the ground is trembling.


The old man exclaimed.

The giant didn't hit the old man with that slap, and was evaded by the old man. Then, the old man used the magical technique of heaven and earth, and the whole person became extremely tall.

When Gu Fei came to Ximinghai, he happened to see a creature in the forbidden zone fighting an old saint inside.

The battle was fierce, and the cultivation bases of the two powerhouses were similar to their strengths. It was not an easy task to truly tell the winners and losers.

In the end, the old saint directly grabbed the calf of the creature in the restricted area, and then began to move, and with a "boom.", he slammed into the sea below.

Just like a big mountain falling from the sky into the sea, the endless sea water directly submerged the creatures in this restricted area.

Although the creatures in the restricted area are very strong, they are not invincible. The old saint killed directly from the sky, and the divine light between his hands penetrated the void and directly hit the creatures in the restricted area.


The creatures in the forbidden area yelled at the sky. An attack of this level would not even cost the lives of the creatures in the forbidden area. To kill these existences, special methods were needed.

The terrifying sound waves swept away in all directions, and the entire Ximinghai sea was surging, forming a terrible big wave, sweeping out in all directions.


The sky and the earth shook, and even the clouds on the edge of the sky were dispersed.

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