Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2763: Sirius

Just when the Sirius clan encountered a crisis of extermination, Gu Fei entered a mysterious and unknown area, a silent world.

The mysterious area is really mysterious. What you can see is all white, and there is no sound in the mysterious area, which is very depressing.

Gu Fei walked all the way, except for ice and snow, what he saw was ice and snow, and the temperature here was even lower, not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary monks could not withstand this kind of cold attack.

This is a region that has been frozen for endless years.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei entered this area for dozens of miles, he found a relic in a valley. It was an ancient relic, covered by ice and snow, with only a few stone pillars protruding from the snow and ice.

On the stone pillars, there are ancient runes inscribed in seals. In addition to the ancient runes, the stone pillars are also engraved with totems from the distant years.

Gu Fei carefully distinguished, and he was surprised to find that the ancient totem on the stone pillar was actually a dragon and a phoenix.

"It seems that in the distant past, this is not a no-man's land."

Gu Fei was standing above the valley. This ruin was buried under ice and snow. It was not easy to figure out that it was a ruin from that era.

Moreover, Gu Fei didn't have time to explore this ruin.

Gu Fei left the valley without hesitation. He didn't sense any aura in the valley. There seemed to be no treasure under the ruins.

Of course, even if there are treasures in such ruins, it is generally difficult to sense them.

Gu Fei went directly to the depths of this no-man's land. He was not in a hurry. He released his spiritual thoughts along the way. He was looking for someone, so the speed should not be too fast, so as not to miss some places.

However, Gu Fei was surprised to find that the divine consciousness that he released out was pressured by a certain force, and it could only cover an area of ​​about 10,000 miles.

This shocked him. You must know that his own divine consciousness is extremely powerful, and how many times stronger than the average divine consciousness of the Lord. Even his divine consciousness is suppressed so powerfully, isn't the divine consciousness of other people straightforward? Being suppressed in the body is difficult to release outside the body.

This is not good.

Gu Fei was a little worried, because Zhao Zirou's cultivation level was definitely not as good as his own, and even his spiritual thoughts were suppressed so much, let alone Zhao Zirou.

There was no way, Gu Fei continued on.

While Gu Fei continued to move forward in the mysterious region, a far-reaching event was happening in the northern snowy region.

The Zhao Family in the Snow Region made a strong move, and the news that they wanted to destroy the Sirius clan had long been spread. No one would have thought that the Zhao Family's reaction would be so strong.

Everyone knows that the strength of the Sirius clan is not weak, and they were once allies of the Zhao family in the Snow Region, but the once close allies have now become immortal enemies.

This is how things in the world are, especially in the cultivation world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, the law of survival in the cultivation world is even more cruel.

All the cultivating forces only value their own interests. Everyone will take care of his own house, and sometimes even fall into trouble.

Just like this time when the Zhao family attacked the Sirius clan, there was no movement from the Jinpeng clan. The practice world was so realistic. The Jinpeng clan had formed an alliance with the Sirius clan not long ago.

Now the allies are in danger, but none of the Jinpeng clan stand up.

At this time, Zhao Mu, the great elder of the Zhao family, showed an incomparable combat power and fought against the great elder Langxuan of the Sirius clan.

The golden light on Zhao Mu's body flickered, and he was wearing a golden armor, and a strong sacred aura rose from the golden armor.

A series of golden runes emerged on the golden battle armor, forming a layer of golden light covering Zhao Mu's whole body, making him look like a metal man cast from peerless fine gold.

This armor is extraordinary, it is a powerful sacred treasure that can compete with the Sirius rod.


The heavens and the earth shook, and a wolf shadow continuously emerged on the Sirius rod, exuding a terrifying and fierce aura, and constantly biting towards that Zhao Mu.

Zhao Mu directly waved his hands and continuously collided with the wolf shadow, making a sound that shook the sky.

"The Heavenly Dao Armor of the Zhao Family in the Snow Region."

Sirius Great Elder Lang Xuan was shocked, the other party also used this kind of treasure, it seems that this time the Sirius clan is really in big trouble.


At this moment, a dull sound came out from Sirius City, and a wave of violent and vicious power immediately emerged from Sirius City.

An ancient altar in Sirius City uttered a monstrous violent aura. At this moment, the ancient altar that had sealed endless years was opened again.

Countless members of the Sirius tribe stood around the ancient altar. On every member of the Sirius tribe, fleshy wolf shadows emerged, and powerful spirits were constantly being guided away by the altar.

On the ancient altar, the blood was stained with blood. It was holy blood. The saints of the Sirius family sprinkled their own blood to sacrifice their ancestors.

The endless power of Sirius gathered towards the ancient altar. The wind and clouds over the ancient altar changed color, the sun and the moon were dark, and the ancient Dao patterns emerged from the ancient altar, revealing a bright light.

The ancient altar seemed to have issued a call from the ancients, and a faint and unreal figure appeared on the ancient altar, it was a terrifying wolf shadow.

That wolf shadow revealed a terrifying aura that overwhelmed the three thousand realms, causing the white-browed Saint King, Zhao Mu and others who were fighting to stop.

"what happened."

Zhao Mu was shocked, the figure that appeared in Sirius City was too powerful and terrifying, as if it was possible to emerge from the void at any time and reveal his true body in the world.

"Could it be..."

Zhao Mu seemed to have thought of something, and his face immediately changed.

"How could it..."

Above the sky, a powerful figure was talking to himself.

"Haha, I want to destroy my Sirius clan, I want you to come back and forth."

There was a loud laughter from within Sirius City, and then, an unseen Sirius ancestor finally appeared, and he was walking up the ancient altar step by step.


The Sirius ancestor merged with the wolf shadow on the ancient altar, and a more powerful and terrifying aura erupted from the ancient altar.


Zhao Mu had a feeling of fright, and directly ordered the Zhao family powerhouses to retreat.

However, at this moment, a huge wolf claw stretched out from Sirius City and directly grabbed the White-browed Saint King in his hand.


Holy King Baimei was frightened suddenly, he roared and wanted to break free from the wolf's claws, but no matter how hard he struggles, no matter how hard he tried, it was impossible to escape.

"You hate it, kill you first."

The voice of Sirius ancestor came out from Sirius City.

"Do not."

Saint King Baimei roared in horror.


The wolf claws directly smashed the body of the white-browed Saint King, turning it into a cloud of blood.

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