Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2764: Madman killed

After the Sirius ancestor merged with the figure on the ancient altar, it turned out to be extremely powerful, directly showing the strongest combat power, and caught the Holy King Baimei.

Of course, the White-browed Saint King is only the cultivation base of the Saint King realm, even if the Sirius ancestor did not merge with the figure on the ancient altar, he could easily beheaded.


Seeing the white-browed Saint King was caught to death by the Sirius ancestor, Zhao Mu and the others were really shocked. The White-browed Saint King is the powerful Saint King in the Zhao family in the Snow Region.

A powerful saint king fell in this way. This is definitely a major loss for the Zhao family in the Snow Region. You must know that if one of the powerful saints died, one would be missing.

"If you dare to attack my Sirius clan, you must have the consciousness of death."

In Sirius City, on the ancient altar, Sirius ancestor's voice was extremely cold, and a heart-pounding murderous intent spread from him.


The world was shaking, and the ancient altar was also shaking. The ancient altar brought together the power of countless people of the Sirius clan, which was incredibly powerful.

At this time, the Sirius ancestors took control of this power, which was definitely not a good thing for the Zhao Family in the Snow Region.

"Hurry up, my ancestors."

Zhao Mu yelled nervously. At this time, Sirius Ancestor's combat power had surpassed his own limit, and it was infinitely close to the combat power of Quasi-Supreme.

"Unexpectedly, the Sirius family still has such a back hand."

On a snowy peak a hundred miles away from Sirius City, stood a tall old man. This old man was the ancestor of the Jinpeng clan.

This time, the ancestor of Jinpeng did not follow the young man of the Jinpeng clan.

The ancestor Jinpeng received the golden sun sacred fruit, naturally given to that young man, that young man should go to retreat, use the golden sun sacred fruit to step up.


At this time, the ancient altar continued to shake, and then actually rose from the ground. The Sirius ancestor was like a peerless wolf king. After merging with the figure on the ancient altar, the cultivation base of the Sirius ancestor finally became He broke through to the limit he could reach.


Zhao Mu, the elder of the Zhao family, swooped down directly from the sky, and slaughtered towards the ancient altar that rose from the ground, like a round of golden sun falling from the sky.

"act recklessly."

On the ancient altar, the corner of the Sirius ancestor's mouth rose up, revealing a trace of disdain, and then he punched out, and the strongest power burst out on his fist.


With a loud noise, the fist of the Sirius ancestor and Zhao Mu's fist violently collided, and a wave of destruction spread.


The sound of broken bones immediately sounded, and the elder Zhao family screamed and quickly retreated, and a little blood was sprinkled in the air.

With just a punch, the great elder of the Zhao family was shaken off by the Sirius ancestor. If he was not wearing a Heavenly Sword armor, he would have removed most of the power of Xiao Chen's punch, or it would be unpredictable. .

Even so, Zhao Mu was greatly affected.


At this moment, a roar came from afar, and a strong wave of power waved violently. Even the holy creatures felt heart palpitations.

"The ancestors are here..."

The powerful people of the Zhao family couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard the roar.

"Hmph, even if the supreme comes, you can't save you, just die for me."

The Sirius ancestor drove the ancient altar and rushed out of Sirius City, and the nine divine lights rushed out of the ancient altar and pierced towards the strong Zhao family in the sky.

"Do not……"

A strong Zhao family only had time to let out a scream, and was directly blasted into a cloud of blood mist by the light that penetrated through it, and instantly disappeared.

The great elder Zhao Mu was blasted off again. He was wearing a Heavenly Dao armor and escaped a disaster. He was not beheaded by Shenguang, and the others were not so lucky.

Even the pinnacle great sage Zhao Gang was swept away by the divine light that penetrated from the ancient altar, and fell instantly, and a generation of pinnacle great sages finally ended in a tragic ending.

This was a massacre. Six Saint-rank experts in the Zhao Family in the Snow Region were beheaded in an instant. Everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked.

The methods of the Sirius clan are really incredible, the wolf ancestor actually beheaded the existence of the six holy ranks at the same time.

That's the existence of the holy ranks, not ordinary creatures, just like this, which made the surviving Great Elder Zhao Mu and Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, almost vomit blood.

The six great saint-rank powerhouses just fell, and the price was too great, plus the white-browed saint king who was caught to death by the ancestor of the wolf before.

The Zhao Family in the Snow Region has fallen to the Seven Great Sage Powers.

This kind of result made all the strong people watching the battle from a distance feel heart palpitations. No one thought that Sirius ancestor would be so powerful.

Seven great saints, when thinking of the fall of the seven great saints, the heart of Zhao Yuntian, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, was bleeding. With the fall of the seven saints, the vitality of the Zhao family was greatly injured.

"Sirius, I am going to kill you."

An extremely tyrannical aura came from far away, and a figure resembling a ghost crawling out of hell, fiercely rushed towards the Sirius ancestor.

The death of the Seven Great Sacred Ranks made the visitors almost crazy.


A big hand slapped down from the sky, trying to kill the Sirius ancestor on the ancient altar.


The Sirius ancestor was not afraid of that person, he also directly extended his right hand, and then slapped upwards, a huge wolf claw appeared in the void.


The big hand that fell from the sky collided fiercely with the wolf claws rushing out of the altar.

A powerful wave of air swept away in all directions, and the surrounding area suddenly flew sand and rocks, and the sun and the moon were dark.


On the ancient altar, the Sirius ancestor was extremely shocked. The incoming person could hardly shake with his current self without losing the wind. The strength of the incoming person and the high cultivation base made him feel a great deal of pressure.

This person is the number one powerhouse of the Zhao family, the Zhao lunatic, the cultivation madman of the Zhao family.

A powerful wave of air swept away in all directions, and the surrounding area suddenly flew sand and rocks, and the sun and the moon were dark.


On the ancient altar, the Sirius ancestor was extremely shocked. The incoming person could hardly shake with his current self without losing the wind. The strength of the incoming person and the high cultivation base made him feel a great deal of pressure.

This person is the number one powerhouse of the Zhao family, the lunatic Zhao, the cultivator madman of the Zhao family, on the ancient altar, the Sirius ancestor was shocked, and the person who came can shake the current self without losing the wind. The strength of the incoming person and the high cultivation base made him feel great pressure.

This person is the number one powerhouse of the Zhao family, the Zhao lunatic, the cultivation madman of the Zhao family.

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