Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2776: Refining medicine

The old turtle wanted to flatten the restricted area of ​​Xi Minghai, because Xi Minghai was already badly injured in the previous battle in the restricted area, and now it is taking advantage of its illness to kill it.

He has been haunting the outskirts of Ximing Sea for days, and he has continuously branded array patterns between the mountains.

Someone discovered that as the old tortoises continued to set up their formations, the general situation of the whole world gradually began to change astonishingly, and it seemed that the power of the world had been attracted.

With the passage of time, Xi Ming gradually gathered a large number of monks from abroad, and among these monks, there were even powerful figures.

Someone saw the figure of the Dongtian Emperor Yuan Gu, and the Yuan Gu Tiandi finally appeared. He did not act on the old turtle, nor did he intend to regain the land of Dongtu.

No one knows what Dongtian Emperor Yuangu wants to do. This emperor has always been mysterious and powerful. This time he suffered such a big loss, and even lost his site. This can be endured. He is indeed a very person. .

Many people admire Yuangu Tiandi.

Some people also saw Fire Emperor haunt the mountains beyond Ximing.

Some people don't believe that the Fire Emperor will appear in Xi Minghai. You must know that Nanling is not peaceful now. Then Nanling God Emperor Cang Xiao is always thinking about how to fight the Fire Emperor back.

However, the methods of the emperors are not imaginable by ordinary monks, and no one knows whether these emperors will come in real form or just travel in incarnation.

For the ancient emperor, it is no secret to travel in an incarnation, because he has never traveled in his true body, and no one has seen his true body.

As for the fire emperor, this is an old antique that has fallen asleep for endless years. It is the existence of a powerful ancient emperor who woke up from his sleep in this life.

The degree of mystery of the Fire Emperor is definitely not under the Proterozoic Emperor.

The old turtle wants to attack the restricted area again. This is definitely a world-shattering event in the heavens. Even the emperors will not be able to sit still.

You know, if the old turtle can really wipe down the West Minghai, the impact will be absolutely unimaginable. Moreover, as long as the West Minghai is eliminated, then the road to heaven will be unimpeded, and the monks of the heavens and mortals can do it. Free to come and go.

At this time, in the east of sunrise, the old turtle pan was sitting on a mountain, and he was deducing a formation. In front of him, there was a formation. On the formation, there were countless runes intertwined.

Time was fading, and he had been sitting for a long time. An old man came to see Laogui several times, each time he didn't disturb him, he just looked around and left.

There are not many people who can approach the old tortoise in this way. The old man is a transcendent existence in the demon race of the heavens.

It is precisely because of the existence of this old man that the old tortoise is not afraid that someone will try to figure out himself in secret, and can let go of his hands and feet without any scruples.

"Hey, it would be great if Heitian was here now."

The old turtle sighed, he ended the deduction of the formation, put away the formation in his hand, then sighed, and stood up from the boulder.

Hei Tian is the master of the formation, and his formation cultivation has reached the peak. Even the old turtle, on the way of the formation, he admires him.

If Heitian helped, he would naturally be a lot easier, but the guy Heitian didn't know where he was now.

At this time, Hei Tian, ​​together with Na Ji Changkong, was trapped in the real flying immortal land on Ziwei Ancestor Star, and they all got great luck.

Once out of trouble, it will definitely cause a big shock on Ziwei Zuxing.

In the Ziweiji family, many people were unwilling to see Ji Changkong appear again. The appearance of Ji Changkong made Ji family shake up and down.

Back then, Ji Changkong was lost in the chaotic world, everyone thought he died in the chaotic world, but after ten thousand years, he actually came back alive.

The contemporary Patriarch of the Ji family is even more restless. The reason why Ji Changkong was trapped in the chaotic world and couldn't leave the chaotic world in time was because he was tricked by the clan.

Ji Changkong returned to Ziwei Zuxing this time to find someone to avenge him. The people who followed him into the Chaos World were all dead, and they gave themselves the chance to survive.

He wants to seek justice for these people, so that the evildoers of the year will be punished as they should be, and those evildoers are high in Ji's family.

However, things had changed unimaginably, and he actually entered the real flying fairyland.

The legendary flying fairyland has great luck, but this is true.

Hei Tian and Ji Changkong have been trapped in Feixian Land for a long time, but they are not in a hurry to go out. They want to use the great luck here to improve their cultivation as much as possible.

While Heitian and Ji Changkong were cultivating in Fei Xiandi, Gu Fei was cooking a pot of medicine in a valley in the mysterious and unknown area of ​​the northern snowy area.

Gu Feipan sat in front of the ancient cauldron. He ignited the fire of the avenue to boil the dragon head creatures in the cauldron. An extremely powerful wave of vitality and blood spread from the ancient cauldron.

The bloodline power in the dragon head creature's body was continuously refined by the fire of the avenue and melted into the cauldron liquid.

Gu Fei opened the Inner Heaven and Earth directly, picked a few holy medicines from the Inner Heaven and Earth, and threw them directly into the ancient cauldron, mixing them with the dragon head creatures to cook them.

Soon, a scent of medicinal and meaty scents intertwined from the ancient tripod, refreshing Gu Fei's spirit and moving his index finger.

This great medicine in the cauldron is definitely a rare medicine in the world. You must know that this dragon head creature is a fierce beast outside the territory, and it is absolutely unique in the heavens.

Moreover, those holy medicines are not something ordinary people can get.

In the ancient cauldron, aura and blood were intertwined, and runes continuously rushed out from the ancient cauldron, then dissipated into the void, turned into light rain, and then scattered on the ancient cauldron.

This is definitely a spectacle, Gu Fei has boiled the big medicine many times, and has never encountered such a thing.

Soon, in the ancient cauldron, the sound of the Great Dao came out, as if there was a supreme being reciting the supreme truth.

It's a pity that this ancient ding is not a Shanhe ding. Using this ancient ding to boil the big medicine has some shortcomings. Naturally, the big medicine boiled is not as strong as the big medicine made with the Shanhe ding.

Of course, the great medicine refined from this ancient cauldron is pretty good.

Gu Fei's great medicine in the tripod was boiled for a whole day and night. After using all the fire and fire, he finally successfully boiled the divine substance contained in the body of the dragon head creature.

The moment the medicine was boiled, a group of nine-color divine light burst out from the ancient cauldron, and the nine-color divine light finally turned into a nine-color lotus, and then disappeared in the ancient cauldron.


Gu Fei was surprised and delighted, this cauldron great medicine was terrible, and when it was refined, there were many visions, one can imagine how extraordinary this cauldron great medicine was.

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