Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2777: Prison domain

Gu Fei's great medicine in Yiding was very extraordinary. When the medicine was finished, a nine-color divine lotus appeared on the Guding. Such a vision can be said to be rare in ancient times.

Only when those peerless magical medicines were sacrificed and refined, were there such a vision. For example, in ancient times, someone sacrificed and refined the Heavenly Dao Pill that can make people directly sanctified. When the pill was completed, various visions appeared.

Heavenly Dao Pill is the sacred pill in the legend, which contains the Dao Dao pattern, which can take the world and the good fortune. Even if a mortal eats one, it can be instantly sanctified.

The magic potion that Gu Fei boiled was definitely not as good as the Dao Pill that day, but it was not much worse. Although this potion potion could not be sanctified immediately, it was still possible to achieve a semi-sage.

A tripod of magical medicine can make a semi-sage. If such a potion of magical medicines can be made from time to time, wouldn't it be possible to produce semi-sages in large quantities.

Of course, Gu Fei could only think about this kind of thing. You must know that it is not easy to sacrifice such a potion of magical medicine. You must know that the holy creatures are not those who grab a lot of them. Creatures.

There are very few creatures that can cultivate to the holy-sovereign level, and even in that ancient primordial world, there are definitely not many.


The primordial spirit of the dragon head creature who was imprisoned by the side was struggling violently, trying to break the seal, but all this was in vain. The nine chaotic patterns were imprinted in the void, forming a cage, killing the dragon head. The town is sealed.

"Well, all the imprisoned flesh and blood have been refined, melted into the life divine liquid, and the medicinal power of those holy medicines are also melted together, not bad."

Gu Fei opened the lid of the tripod, and saw that the original pot was full of life divine liquid. Only the small half tripod was left, which was less than one-third of the original. The potion in the tripod was a kind of divine light with nine colors In the flowing liquid, Dao lines are looming in the liquid, revealing a strong breath of the Holy Dao.

"What, you bastard, actually refined my body."

The primordial spirit of the dragon head creature spread violent divine consciousness fluctuations, it was horrified, how could its own body be refined, impossible.

But it had to believe it, because facts speak louder than words, and Gu Fei's body was completely refined.

Every drop of this potent medicine can live and die, and is extremely precious.

"Hey, misguided."

Gu Fei glanced at the soul of the dragon head creature, and suddenly sighed and said, if the soul of the dragon head creature is also thrown into the cauldron and refined together, the potency of this cauldron medicine will be stronger, maybe Maybe it can be infinitely close to the Heaven-defying God Pill, which is the kind of Heavenly Dao Pill.

The qi and blood of the dragon head creature rushed to the sky, and most of the qi and blood contained in the dragon head creature's body were drawn out by the soul.

"Next time I will make a potion of medicine."

Gu Fei said to himself that he actually wanted to make a great medicine like Tiandao Pill that could make people directly sanctified, but this kind of medicine was not so easy to make.

Of course, if you add the Immortal Medicine, you might be able to make this great medicine.

But now Gu Fei has no time to sacrifice such a great medicine. He has to look for Zhao Zirou. He has guessed now that Zhao Zirou must have gotten some clues when entering this no-man’s land. Something attracted her to take risks. Enter this mysterious place.

"What's the secret in this area?"

Gu Fei put away the ancient tripod. He didn't plan to take this tripod medicine now. He didn't have time to refine the tripod potion.

He looked at the soul of the dragon head, maybe this guy will know something.


A divine light immediately rushed out from Gu Fei's eyebrows, and that divine light directly penetrated the seal of the nine chaotic lines, and was immediately submerged in the soul of the dragon head.

He displayed the Secret Technique of Destroying God, forcibly reading the memory of the dragon head creature, and soon he knew the secret of this unknown area.

It turned out that this mysterious place was actually a prison, a place where prisoners were exiled. In that distant past, those evil creatures that were difficult to be killed were sealed in this mysterious place.

And in the depths of this mysterious region, there is a place where something against the sky suppresses the entire mysterious region.

Some people want to wipe out these prisoners with water milling skills. This method is very good. Many vicious and powerful prisoners have been wiped out.

However, some powerful prisoners who have been sealed off for endless years are still indelible. They did not die, not only did they not lose, but successfully broke through the seal and escaped.

"It looks like something went wrong with that thing."

Gu Fei took back the Daoguang that had been submerged in the dragon head soul's soul, and then sealed the dragon head soul's soul town into his own inner world.

"It seems that Junior Sister Zhao Zirou must have gone for that thing."

Gu Fei was talking to himself, and then looked at the sky. At this time, it was already dusk. After nightfall, this unmanned mysterious area would become even more dangerous.

Of course, with Gu Fei's cultivation as the realm and combat power, it is natural to ignore all the dangers in this area.


Gu Fei directly showed the eight-step extreme speed and disappeared instantly. At his current speed, even a saint could hardly see his figure.

He wants to get to where the thing is before nightfall.

At this time, the underworld was also marching towards the depths of the mysterious area, trying to get that thing, and then release all the prisoners who were not dead.

This is a prison area that has existed since ancient times. There are countless big murderers imprisoned, and even some powerful people from outside the territory are also imprisoned here.

The prison area, in the ancient years, still functioned normally, and many ancient big murderers were also imprisoned in this prison area.

However, since the ancient times, this prison area has gradually been abandoned, so that the contemporary monks do not know that there is such a place.

Moreover, places like Prison Domain have always been very mysterious. Except for some big figures in ancient times, few people know that there is such a place in the heavens.

At this time, the three big undead emperors received a letter from Gu Fei and searched for the center of this area.


Just as Gu Fei headed towards the center of the no man's land, a loud noise came from the depths of this mysterious area, and the entire area shook.

"what's going on."

Gu Fei stopped, he was surprised.


He couldn't help but moved his face when he thought of something, and then disappeared directly into the void.


The entire prison area shook.


A mountain peak exploded, and an angry figure rushed out from the shattered mountain peak, looking up to the sky and roaring, fierce and mighty.


A valley collapsed, endless chaotic air rushed out of the valley, and a dragon-shaped creature appeared in the chaotic air.

There was a sonorous voice from the body of the dragon-shaped creature, and the body of this creature was wrapped with chains of gods.


The dragon-shaped creature looked up to the sky and roared, and saw it struggling, trying to break free from the **** chain on its body. However, the **** chain entangled on the dragon-shaped creature's body gave out the light of the great road, and locked the dragon shape firmly. Creatures.

"The prison domain is about to collapse."

When Gu Fei came to the center of the prison area, divine lights rushed out of the area in front of them. Those divine lights were extremely powerful and directly tore the void of heaven and earth.

An aura that made the world tremble for all the people from the front area.

"Extreme breath."

Gu Fei was a little unbelievable. Someone in the prison area used the Extreme Dao Sacred Artifact to suppress these ancient prisoners, but now that Extreme Dao Sacred Artifact seemed to have a problem.

He read everything about the prison domain from the memory of the dragon head creature's soul.

In the center of the prison area, there was an extremely powerful thing that suppressed the entire prison area, and it was precisely because of the suppression of this thing that no prisoner could break the seal and escape from the trap for endless years.

Someone was collecting that extremely sacred artifact, causing turmoil in the entire prison area.


A roar came from all over the prison area, and many prisoners who had not yet died screamed in excitement, because the prison's sealing power was rapidly weakening.

Strong prisoners constantly broke through the seal and rushed out of the prison.

Suddenly, the originally silent prison area suddenly became lively, and there was an extremely powerful and wild aura in every area.

The ancient times are fierce and fierce, and even if the endless years have passed, they will remain unchanged, and the fierceness is indelible.


Just as the three undead emperors rushed towards the place where Gu Fei was, a black flood suddenly rushed out of a valley in front of them.

The black dragon was wrapped around a chain of gods, and the black dragon opened his mouth and spewed a black **** flame, burning towards the three undead emperors.

The black flame spread out in an instant, covering the entire void, covering the three major undead emperors and the powerful undead clan they led under the black divine flame.


The three undead emperors shot at the same time, the immortal power was immense, blocking all the black divine flame that swept through, the divine flame dissipated, but the black flood was pulled into the earth by the divine chain entwined with it. .

"Who the **** dared to take that town thing."

At this time, the dark sky also arrived, he was shocked, he naturally knew what was in the place in front of him, that was the place where the prison territory town was located.

The towns in the Prison Domain, even the Underworld, would be jealous and want to get them.

But at this time, someone was trying to take away the town objects in the prison area, which shocked the Underworld and felt very uneasy. Once the town objects were taken away by that person, then he would really have to be Gu Fei for a lifetime. Of slaves.

Because only the town in the prison domain could cut off the seal that Gu Fei branded on Underworld, allowing Underworld to regain freedom.

"Sister Zhao."

Gu Feiyun picked up the martial arts gods and saw that in the barren land ahead, there was a figure that seemed to be about to pull out something stuck on the ground.

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