Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 2781: Chaos

The supreme sacred object guarding the eyes of the prison area is a divine halberd. It is the famous supreme sacred weapon unicorn halberd in ancient times. This supreme divine weapon is a supreme sacred weapon that killed an emperor unicorn and killed it The flesh sacrifice was refined into a spear. .

Such a supreme artifact is unpredictable. After being pulled out by the mysterious man, it constantly vibrates, revealing an incomparably powerful aura, and the inner **** is showing signs of recovery.

This is not a good thing for anyone. You must know that once the soldier spirit of the Kirin Halberd recovers, it will become a self-conscious murder weapon.

There is no supreme-level existence in the current world. Once the soldier soul inside the Kylin Halberd recovers, it will be invincible. No one in the current world can suppress this fierce halberd.

However, the mysterious man seemed to know how to suppress the Euphorbia, and he kept hitting a rune, motivating the power of the Great Dao to suppress the Euphorbia.

At this time, there were still big evil spirits roaring, these ancient big evil spirits were imprisoned in the prison for endless years, all of their vitality was greatly injured, and they needed endless energy to restore their cultivation.

Once they escaped by these vicious ancient heroes, it would be a disaster. I don't know how many creatures will die.


The prison domain was collapsing, countless runes rushed out of the ground, and then disappeared into the void.

The shadows of the underworld and the Black Lin Tiger Emperor are moving fast, they are fighting an incredibly powerful creature, with terrifying fluctuations in all directions.

"Unreasonable, this guy has been suppressed for so long, how can he still have such a strong combat power?"

Nether Qiong is really unbelievable. Even if he is as strong as himself, he will be severely injured even if he has been suppressed in the prison for so long. Is this guy stronger than himself?

"Sir, how is this good?"

The Black Lin Tiger Emperor is biting the bullet and fighting against this creature. It has long wanted to slip away, but its owner is not retreating. Where can it dare to slip away?


The powerful creature grabbed onto the black tiger emperor's ass, and the black tiger emperor screamed, blood dripping on his ass.

It is said that the tiger's **** can't be touched, but now this Black Lin Tiger Emperor is so unlucky that it was actually scratched by this creature's ass.


The creature immediately kicked the Hei Lin Tiger Emperor away.

The unlucky Hei Lin Tiger Emperor let out a "swish", screaming that he didn't know where he was kicked.

After kicking the Hei Lin Tiger Emperor away, the creature violently blasted the Ming Qiong with dozens of punches, actually forcing the Ming Qiong away.

"How is this possible, you are unscathed..."

Underworld was shocked to the extreme. Where did this creature look like it was badly injured? This was incredible. You know, how could it be possible that the creatures who were sealed in the prison area had nothing?

This creature was extremely powerful, and was actually in its peak state. Such an existence, even in that ancient primordial world, was definitely an overlord-level existence.

But Nether Sky is not the same Nether Sky back then. Facing the ancient fierce at its peak, even he can barely protect himself.

"There is nothing impossible in this world."

There was a wave of divine consciousness from the body of the creature.

Then, endless evil spirits emerged from this creature, and this creature evolved into the appearance of a young man, a young man in white.

"this is……"

Upon seeing the sky, the pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"The deity is very strange, it is your misfortune to meet the deity, but it is the deity's great fortune, haha..."

The young man in white laughed.

"The ancients are fierce and strange?"

Ming Qiong was shocked again when he heard this, this ancient fierce was terribly fierce, even in the ancient years, this fierce fierce was also famous in ancient times. I don't know how many people want to get rid of it.

Unexpectedly, such a big murderer who can cross the ancient prehistoric world was also sealed in the prison area.

What shocked Ming Qiong was that this ancient great murderer actually maintained the cultivation base and combat power of the heyday. This is incredible, this is simply a miracle.

"Anyone from the outside world?"

Dao patterns loomed in the eyes of the white-clothed youth, and he seemed to see through the origin of the Nether Sky at a glance, and a violent breath spread from his body.

"Do you know us?"

Underworld was really moved. This big murderer could even see his origin. Could it be that this guy has ever dealt with other creatures in the extraterritorial world.

"The taste of the creatures in the extraterritorial world is still good, come over and let the deity eat it!"

The white-clothed youth who had been transformed into a vicious and violent ancient past said jokingly.

"Do you want to eat me? Haha..."

Underworld burst into laughter. He once swallowed endless creatures just to improve his cultivation and combat power. Now there are creatures who say that he wants to eat himself. How ironic!

"Humph, who doesn't know that the creatures in the ancient family are delicious?"

The young man in white said.

"Then see who of us ate whom."

Ming Qiong gritted his teeth and said, he is not a soft persimmon, he can be squeezed at will. When he is in the outer world, he is still a hero.

"Very good, let's fight a fight first."

The white-clothed youth rushed toward the Netherworld with a grinning smile. With a sound of "Huh!", two wings on his back stretched out, emitting a light blade like a heavenly sword, and slashed towards the Netherworld.


Ming Qiong roared, and directly slammed his fist forward, and the light blades that had been slashed were all shattered under his fist.

He was so powerful that he directly smashed in front of Qiongqi.


The two fists collided fiercely, and a loud noise erupted. Both Mingqiong and Qiongqi were shaken by the violent power from the other's fists and couldn't help but retreat.

The void between the two powerhouses was cracking, and then it shattered like porcelain, and the chaotic energy was shaken out by the bursting power.

Underworld became fierce, and he was going to fight this ancient fierce desperately. Although his vitality was severely injured, he still possessed the strongest body, and the power that the body burst out was equally powerful.

Even if Qiongqi was in his peak state, it was not easy to defeat Underworld for a while.

At this time, the Black Lin Tiger Emperor, who had been scratched on his **** and kicked by Qiong Qi, had secretly returned. This cunning Tiger Emperor hid in the distance and probed his head.

The Hei Lin Tiger Emperor did not step forward to help the Underworld, this kind of battle, if it joins in, it may be swallowed by the ancient viciousness at any time.

Just when Underworld was fighting against Qiongqi and fierce, the mysterious man who pulled out the unicorn halberd walked out of the prison area after beheading a fierce beast.

"Leave the unicorn halberd, then get out."

A figure suddenly appeared and stopped the mysterious man. This was a middle-aged man with black beard, with a rough appearance and a wild breath.

"It's you who are going to roll!"

The mysterious man said coldly. From his voice, he knew that this mysterious man was a woman and a very powerful woman.

The mysterious woman held a unicorn halberd and stared at the middle-aged man opposite, murderously all over.

"Since you don't roll, you don't have to roll."

The middle-aged black beard stretched out his hand directly and grabbed the mysterious woman on the opposite side. A **** hand rushed out of his hand immediately, covering the whole world in an instant.

"court death!"

The mysterious woman sneered, and directly waved the unicorn halberd in her hand, only to see a cold light passing through the void, and the **** hand disappeared into the void.


The unicorn halberd in the mysterious woman's hand turned into a cold light, and it smashed down at the middle-aged black beard.

The black-bearded middle-aged man didn't dare to touch the Qilin Halberd. He took a step directly to the side, evaded in an instant, and then spit out a bronze bell.


The black-bearded middle-aged man directly shook the bronze bell, and a melodious bell rang. Although the sound was not loud, it shocked the mysterious woman.

This is the murder weapon of the black-bearded middle-aged man, named Dangling Bell. The power of this bronze bell should not be underestimated. It has the power to destroy the soul.

However, the mysterious woman was holding the unicorn halberd in her hand, and saw that she directly pierced the bronze bell with the divine halberd in his hand.

The middle-aged Kurobe was shocked and quickly backed away.

At the same time, the mysterious woman shocked the Qilin Halberd in her hand.


With a muffled sound, the soul-dangling bell pierced by the Qilin Halberd exploded, fragments shot out in all directions, and runes were annihilated.

When the Soul Dancing Clock was shattered, the black-bearded middle-aged man's face changed drastically. He was shocked, and a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

The mysterious man had a unicorn halberd in his hand, and he was invincible.

After pushing back the middle-aged man with black beard, the mysterious woman rose into the sky and was about to leave.

However, at this moment, another figure appeared above the sky, intercepting the mysterious woman.

"Leave the unicorn halberd!"

It was a masked woman, and she was also coming towards the unicorn.

"Keep your head!"

The mysterious woman directly waved the unicorn halberd in her hand and slashed towards the masked woman on the opposite side. The masked woman quickly avoided.

The two strong men fought.

When the two women were fighting, Gu Fei was still watching with cold eyes. He was surprised. Why did another woman suddenly pop out?

"Which one of these two women is Junior Sister Zhao?"

Gu Fei tried to lift the martial arts eyes, but he soon realized that the two girls had a great power covering them.

Even the martial arts Tianyan could only make Gu Fei see some vague appearances, which was difficult to see clearly.

Soon, the mysterious woman holding the unicorn halberd won the duel. She defeated the masked woman and rushed out.

At this time, there are constantly strong presences appearing near the prison area.

I saw the mysterious woman holding a unicorn halberd and rushing out directly, as if she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

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